Ohio cop charged with lies. One presumes it was one lie too many.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
One of those valiant defenders of whatever they are supposed to be protecting based on propaganda, is now charged with felonies and misdemeanors from an incident in which he shot himself.

Accidents happen. Carelessness with a handgun is unfortunately too common. People shoot things every day without intending to. Usually it's something like the ground, or a couch, or occasionally themselves. It happens. People snicker, and get a good laugh at it. But otherwise it is no big deal. If you are a cop, you can expect a slap on the wrist for being careless with your firearm. But otherwise no big deal right?

Well, it is a big deal if you lie about it. The lie always makes things worse. Now, cops are used to telling routine lies, but those lies are designed to catch baddies, or something. When they have to come up with an original lie, these cops are not quite as well trained. It's way easier to shout "stop resisting" while pummeling a guy who is not resisting. It's way more believable to swear "I was afeared for my life" when shooting an unarmed individual and claiming there was no way to know they were unarmed. But claiming you were shot, when nobody but you was around, and the bullet came from your own weapon is a little harder.

One can almost imagine the scene. A cop who had a mouthy person pulled over and who takes the ticket and possibly calls him names. Our valiant and honorable defender is in the car imagining all the fun of using the taser, or the weapon on this mouthy bastard. How he could lie and swear that the mouthy bastard had it coming for resisting etc. Then he pulls his pistol out and imagines pulling the trigger and killings that mouthy bastard who wouldn't dare speak to him that way if there was any justice. The gun goes off. Of course the cops finger on the trigger probably helped.

Well, no way to cover it up he is going to need a Doctor to fix the hole in him. But he is not about to endure the laughter of his peers, and scorn of his superiors. Not when he can tell a little lie and swear someone shot him. I mean, everyone will believe it, he's a cop, and there is a war on cops, or something.

Former Ohio police officer indicted for allegedly lying about being shot on duty

Of course, Ohio cops poured out onto the streets in search for the heinous villain who shot a brother officer. All over the state cops were searching for the animals who would dare shoot a cop. That this same response doesn't happen for others is easily explicable. You see, shooting a cop is way worse than shooting a nun or anyone one else. They're cops man.

Well the story started to fall apart, but cops protect each other, and they hesitated. In the mean time our valiant idiot wearing a badge filed for workmans compensation benefits which he wasn't supposed to get. As the truth eventually came out, the bullet was from his own piece, there wasn't anyone else around, the rest of the cops were pretty upset. They wasted prime ticket writing time and missed the opportunity to sieze lots of money from Civil Forfeiture laws to search for cop shooters who did not exist.

But that is the thing. If your default response is to lie, you go with your default response when pressure is on. If you are used to telling the truth, that is what you will do when faced with a bad situation. If you are used to not admitting anything, you keep your mouth shut. Our cop decided to lie. Does anyone believe this was his first "official" lie?
One of those valiant defenders of whatever they are supposed to be protecting based on propaganda, is now charged with felonies and misdemeanors from an incident in which he shot himself.

Accidents happen. Carelessness with a handgun is unfortunately too common. People shoot things every day without intending to. Usually it's something like the ground, or a couch, or occasionally themselves. It happens. People snicker, and get a good laugh at it. But otherwise it is no big deal. If you are a cop, you can expect a slap on the wrist for being careless with your firearm. But otherwise no big deal right?

Well, it is a big deal if you lie about it. The lie always makes things worse. Now, cops are used to telling routine lies, but those lies are designed to catch baddies, or something. When they have to come up with an original lie, these cops are not quite as well trained. It's way easier to shout "stop resisting" while pummeling a guy who is not resisting. It's way more believable to swear "I was afeared for my life" when shooting an unarmed individual and claiming there was no way to know they were unarmed. But claiming you were shot, when nobody but you was around, and the bullet came from your own weapon is a little harder.

One can almost imagine the scene. A cop who had a mouthy person pulled over and who takes the ticket and possibly calls him names. Our valiant and honorable defender is in the car imagining all the fun of using the taser, or the weapon on this mouthy bastard. How he could lie and swear that the mouthy bastard had it coming for resisting etc. Then he pulls his pistol out and imagines pulling the trigger and killings that mouthy bastard who wouldn't dare speak to him that way if there was any justice. The gun goes off. Of course the cops finger on the trigger probably helped.

Well, no way to cover it up he is going to need a Doctor to fix the hole in him. But he is not about to endure the laughter of his peers, and scorn of his superiors. Not when he can tell a little lie and swear someone shot him. I mean, everyone will believe it, he's a cop, and there is a war on cops, or something.

Former Ohio police officer indicted for allegedly lying about being shot on duty

Of course, Ohio cops poured out onto the streets in search for the heinous villain who shot a brother officer. All over the state cops were searching for the animals who would dare shoot a cop. That this same response doesn't happen for others is easily explicable. You see, shooting a cop is way worse than shooting a nun or anyone one else. They're cops man.

Well the story started to fall apart, but cops protect each other, and they hesitated. In the mean time our valiant idiot wearing a badge filed for workmans compensation benefits which he wasn't supposed to get. As the truth eventually came out, the bullet was from his own piece, there wasn't anyone else around, the rest of the cops were pretty upset. They wasted prime ticket writing time and missed the opportunity to sieze lots of money from Civil Forfeiture laws to search for cop shooters who did not exist.

But that is the thing. If your default response is to lie, you go with your default response when pressure is on. If you are used to telling the truth, that is what you will do when faced with a bad situation. If you are used to not admitting anything, you keep your mouth shut. Our cop decided to lie. Does anyone believe this was his first "official" lie?
Just like anyother job you get bad ones and good ones. Sorting them out is hard. They have tried using shrinks and that does not work well just one the worst case one's. They have lost the ability to look for behaviors in back ground cases. That is done before someone is hired. They have not relied on the street Sgt's to watch how these guys work, and they need to quit promotions of street LEOs to just get them the hell off the street. Why do they do this is the Chiefs have lost control of the depts., auth is not given to the proper personal to weed out the idiots . I have seen one patrolman who lost his gun twice once by knife point, once by baseball bat. This guy screwed him self to the rank of Lt, before retiring.
One of those valiant defenders of whatever they are supposed to be protecting based on propaganda, is now charged with felonies and misdemeanors from an incident in which he shot himself.

Accidents happen. Carelessness with a handgun is unfortunately too common. People shoot things every day without intending to. Usually it's something like the ground, or a couch, or occasionally themselves. It happens. People snicker, and get a good laugh at it. But otherwise it is no big deal. If you are a cop, you can expect a slap on the wrist for being careless with your firearm. But otherwise no big deal right?

Well, it is a big deal if you lie about it. The lie always makes things worse. Now, cops are used to telling routine lies, but those lies are designed to catch baddies, or something. When they have to come up with an original lie, these cops are not quite as well trained. It's way easier to shout "stop resisting" while pummeling a guy who is not resisting. It's way more believable to swear "I was afeared for my life" when shooting an unarmed individual and claiming there was no way to know they were unarmed. But claiming you were shot, when nobody but you was around, and the bullet came from your own weapon is a little harder.

One can almost imagine the scene. A cop who had a mouthy person pulled over and who takes the ticket and possibly calls him names. Our valiant and honorable defender is in the car imagining all the fun of using the taser, or the weapon on this mouthy bastard. How he could lie and swear that the mouthy bastard had it coming for resisting etc. Then he pulls his pistol out and imagines pulling the trigger and killings that mouthy bastard who wouldn't dare speak to him that way if there was any justice. The gun goes off. Of course the cops finger on the trigger probably helped.

Well, no way to cover it up he is going to need a Doctor to fix the hole in him. But he is not about to endure the laughter of his peers, and scorn of his superiors. Not when he can tell a little lie and swear someone shot him. I mean, everyone will believe it, he's a cop, and there is a war on cops, or something.

Former Ohio police officer indicted for allegedly lying about being shot on duty

Of course, Ohio cops poured out onto the streets in search for the heinous villain who shot a brother officer. All over the state cops were searching for the animals who would dare shoot a cop. That this same response doesn't happen for others is easily explicable. You see, shooting a cop is way worse than shooting a nun or anyone one else. They're cops man.

Well the story started to fall apart, but cops protect each other, and they hesitated. In the mean time our valiant idiot wearing a badge filed for workmans compensation benefits which he wasn't supposed to get. As the truth eventually came out, the bullet was from his own piece, there wasn't anyone else around, the rest of the cops were pretty upset. They wasted prime ticket writing time and missed the opportunity to sieze lots of money from Civil Forfeiture laws to search for cop shooters who did not exist.

But that is the thing. If your default response is to lie, you go with your default response when pressure is on. If you are used to telling the truth, that is what you will do when faced with a bad situation. If you are used to not admitting anything, you keep your mouth shut. Our cop decided to lie. Does anyone believe this was his first "official" lie?
Just like anyother job you get bad ones and good ones. Sorting them out is hard. They have tried using shrinks and that does not work well just one the worst case one's. They have lost the ability to look for behaviors in back ground cases. That is done before someone is hired. They have not relied on the street Sgt's to watch how these guys work, and they need to quit promotions of street LEOs to just get them the hell off the street. Why do they do this is the Chiefs have lost control of the depts., auth is not given to the proper personal to weed out the idiots . I have seen one patrolman who lost his gun twice once by knife point, once by baseball bat. This guy screwed him self to the rank of Lt, before retiring.

Nonsense. Absolute rubbish. You act like cops in the 1970's and 80's were absolutely honest and trustworthy. Nonsense. Cops in the 1970's were beating confessions out of people, furious that they had to read the rights to the suspect under Miranda, and planting guns on people that they had shot.

The police lied then too. They lied and they got away with it. Pretend that the cops were somehow superhumanly honest back then, but the truth is they were not. The only difference is that there was no video to prove the cops were lying.
One of those valiant defenders of whatever they are supposed to be protecting based on propaganda, is now charged with felonies and misdemeanors from an incident in which he shot himself.

Accidents happen. Carelessness with a handgun is unfortunately too common. People shoot things every day without intending to. Usually it's something like the ground, or a couch, or occasionally themselves. It happens. People snicker, and get a good laugh at it. But otherwise it is no big deal. If you are a cop, you can expect a slap on the wrist for being careless with your firearm. But otherwise no big deal right?

Well, it is a big deal if you lie about it. The lie always makes things worse. Now, cops are used to telling routine lies, but those lies are designed to catch baddies, or something. When they have to come up with an original lie, these cops are not quite as well trained. It's way easier to shout "stop resisting" while pummeling a guy who is not resisting. It's way more believable to swear "I was afeared for my life" when shooting an unarmed individual and claiming there was no way to know they were unarmed. But claiming you were shot, when nobody but you was around, and the bullet came from your own weapon is a little harder.

One can almost imagine the scene. A cop who had a mouthy person pulled over and who takes the ticket and possibly calls him names. Our valiant and honorable defender is in the car imagining all the fun of using the taser, or the weapon on this mouthy bastard. How he could lie and swear that the mouthy bastard had it coming for resisting etc. Then he pulls his pistol out and imagines pulling the trigger and killings that mouthy bastard who wouldn't dare speak to him that way if there was any justice. The gun goes off. Of course the cops finger on the trigger probably helped.

Well, no way to cover it up he is going to need a Doctor to fix the hole in him. But he is not about to endure the laughter of his peers, and scorn of his superiors. Not when he can tell a little lie and swear someone shot him. I mean, everyone will believe it, he's a cop, and there is a war on cops, or something.

Former Ohio police officer indicted for allegedly lying about being shot on duty

Of course, Ohio cops poured out onto the streets in search for the heinous villain who shot a brother officer. All over the state cops were searching for the animals who would dare shoot a cop. That this same response doesn't happen for others is easily explicable. You see, shooting a cop is way worse than shooting a nun or anyone one else. They're cops man.

Well the story started to fall apart, but cops protect each other, and they hesitated. In the mean time our valiant idiot wearing a badge filed for workmans compensation benefits which he wasn't supposed to get. As the truth eventually came out, the bullet was from his own piece, there wasn't anyone else around, the rest of the cops were pretty upset. They wasted prime ticket writing time and missed the opportunity to sieze lots of money from Civil Forfeiture laws to search for cop shooters who did not exist.

But that is the thing. If your default response is to lie, you go with your default response when pressure is on. If you are used to telling the truth, that is what you will do when faced with a bad situation. If you are used to not admitting anything, you keep your mouth shut. Our cop decided to lie. Does anyone believe this was his first "official" lie?

Most people have a positive view of the police. These bad cops know this and use it to get away with murder, literally. They use it to lie, as noted in this scenario, knowing that they will be viewed as a 'brother cop being victimized and HOW DARE anyone victimize a cop'. The bad cops need to be weeded out. But the only way that will happen is if the good cops do it. And they usually don't. They in fact enable the bad cops by being silent, or looking the other way, or participating in a cover up.

When bad people gain power they use that power to their own advantage, even if they murder someone. And they also know the sycophants will come along to defend 'all cops' as good. When police are just flawed human beings like plumbers and lawyers.
One of those valiant defenders of whatever they are supposed to be protecting based on propaganda, is now charged with felonies and misdemeanors from an incident in which he shot himself.

Accidents happen. Carelessness with a handgun is unfortunately too common. People shoot things every day without intending to. Usually it's something like the ground, or a couch, or occasionally themselves. It happens. People snicker, and get a good laugh at it. But otherwise it is no big deal. If you are a cop, you can expect a slap on the wrist for being careless with your firearm. But otherwise no big deal right?

Well, it is a big deal if you lie about it. The lie always makes things worse. Now, cops are used to telling routine lies, but those lies are designed to catch baddies, or something. When they have to come up with an original lie, these cops are not quite as well trained. It's way easier to shout "stop resisting" while pummeling a guy who is not resisting. It's way more believable to swear "I was afeared for my life" when shooting an unarmed individual and claiming there was no way to know they were unarmed. But claiming you were shot, when nobody but you was around, and the bullet came from your own weapon is a little harder.

One can almost imagine the scene. A cop who had a mouthy person pulled over and who takes the ticket and possibly calls him names. Our valiant and honorable defender is in the car imagining all the fun of using the taser, or the weapon on this mouthy bastard. How he could lie and swear that the mouthy bastard had it coming for resisting etc. Then he pulls his pistol out and imagines pulling the trigger and killings that mouthy bastard who wouldn't dare speak to him that way if there was any justice. The gun goes off. Of course the cops finger on the trigger probably helped.

Well, no way to cover it up he is going to need a Doctor to fix the hole in him. But he is not about to endure the laughter of his peers, and scorn of his superiors. Not when he can tell a little lie and swear someone shot him. I mean, everyone will believe it, he's a cop, and there is a war on cops, or something.

Former Ohio police officer indicted for allegedly lying about being shot on duty

Of course, Ohio cops poured out onto the streets in search for the heinous villain who shot a brother officer. All over the state cops were searching for the animals who would dare shoot a cop. That this same response doesn't happen for others is easily explicable. You see, shooting a cop is way worse than shooting a nun or anyone one else. They're cops man.

Well the story started to fall apart, but cops protect each other, and they hesitated. In the mean time our valiant idiot wearing a badge filed for workmans compensation benefits which he wasn't supposed to get. As the truth eventually came out, the bullet was from his own piece, there wasn't anyone else around, the rest of the cops were pretty upset. They wasted prime ticket writing time and missed the opportunity to sieze lots of money from Civil Forfeiture laws to search for cop shooters who did not exist.

But that is the thing. If your default response is to lie, you go with your default response when pressure is on. If you are used to telling the truth, that is what you will do when faced with a bad situation. If you are used to not admitting anything, you keep your mouth shut. Our cop decided to lie. Does anyone believe this was his first "official" lie?

Most people have a positive view of the police. These bad cops know this and use it to get away with murder, literally. They use it to lie, as noted in this scenario, knowing that they will be viewed as a 'brother cop being victimized and HOW DARE anyone victimize a cop'. The bad cops need to be weeded out. But the only way that will happen is if the good cops do it. And they usually don't. They in fact enable the bad cops by being silent, or looking the other way, or participating in a cover up.

When bad people gain power they use that power to their own advantage, even if they murder someone. And they also know the sycophants will come along to defend 'all cops' as good. When police are just flawed human beings like plumbers and lawyers.

People make mistakes. People are not as good as they should be. That is absolutely true. Yet, in other endeavors their peers do not cover up for them.

Take one of my favorite examples. Aviation. Pilots are involved in investigations into accidents. Most investigators are pilots themselves. They know how to fly, and they know what pilots are supposed to do. They look at the accident and find the causes, all of the causes.

There are thousands of examples, and all of them are good, but I'll pick one.

American Airlines Flight 587 - Wikipedia

The investigation determined that the pilot screwed up. He literally kicked the rudder back and forth so often and so hard that it overstressed the tail and it snapped off. No plane can fly without a stabilizer, and it crashed. Once the investigators determined that it as pilot error, they could have quit. But they didn't. They kept digging and uncovered a larger truth.

The airline in training this pilot gave him an unrealistic scenario. The unrealistic scenario was supposed to teach the pilot to keep trying to fly the plane until it crashed into the ground, never give up. Instead, it taught the pilot the wrong lesson.

The training was a scenario where you were taking off behind a big plane and the disturbed air called wake turbulence caused your plane to spin ninety degrees or more before you could correct. It could not happen. Not with the type of plane the pilot was in. A little plane, Cessna or some such, but not a big passenger jet.

The pilot learned the wrong lesson. He honestly believed that no small effort would correct the wake turbulence and it required huge inputs before the plane would fly. He crashed doing the wrong thing, for the right reasons. Because the investigators did not stop at the first obvious answer, they saved countless lives. Those pilots who had gone through that training were retrained, to prevent them from learning the wrong lesson too.

It isn't enough to say this guy screwed up, we have to try and prevent that same screw up from happening again. What part of the training was wrong? What policy is flawed and needs to be changed? The difference is obvious.

In an airplane crash investigation, the investigators are striving to determined what happened, and why. They are charged not only with figuring out what happened, but to make recommendations to try and prevent it from happening again.

That preventative charge is missing from the police use of force investigations. The police investigate each other with the goal of proving that the cop was justified. If they can't, then they never look at it as a symptom of the larger cultural problem.

Let's imagine an airplane crash investigation if it was conducted like an investigation into a police shooting. The airline goes up to the microphone and says that the pilot did a fantastic job and there is no fault in what he did. The airplane manufacturer goes up and says that sometimes bad things happen, and the plane operated perfectly with no fault found.

The next plane crashes because we learned nothing. Then another, and eventually these damned dangerous planes are banned as hazards to us all.

Only by looking at the entire thing, training, policies, and actions, can we learn and apply those lessons to the future. The only way to make anything safer is to examine each facet honestly and learn from the mistakes and errors of the past.

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