Ohio about to break unions; Bill passes house!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Looks like Ohio may beat Wisconsin to the punch, as the Ohio Dems are man enough to show up and live up to their possible defeat rather than running like children.

Last night on the news, they said the Ohio bill was even worse for unions than the Wisconsin bill.

The Ohio bill passed the house, and is in the Republican controlled Senate, then to the Republican governor.

Games up boys. Unions are gonna slowly be dismantled. The massive influx of cash from unions to Democrat candidates will be severely cut off from these union break ups. Combined with the SCOTUS decision to allow corporations their freedom of speech to give to candidates, this spells doom for a lot of Democrats in future elections.
No, no, NO.

They're going to recall ALL the republicans in the Wisconsin Senate and that will fix it all.

Don't pay any attention to Rhode Island, either.
It's the new reality. We just can't afford unions at the public sector level anymore.
The Columbia University Tree-Loving Democrats from Cuba Club is gonna be surveyed. Expect results tonight on MSNBC as a "poll in New York City"
Looks like Ohio may beat Wisconsin to the punch, as the Ohio Dems are man enough to show up and live up to their possible defeat rather than running like children.

Last night on the news, they said the Ohio bill was even worse for unions than the Wisconsin bill.

The Ohio bill passed the house, and is in the Republican controlled Senate, then to the Republican governor.

Games up boys. Unions are gonna slowly be dismantled. The massive influx of cash from unions to Democrat candidates will be severely cut off from these union break ups. Combined with the SCOTUS decision to allow corporations their freedom of speech to give to candidates, this spells doom for a lot of Democrats in future elections.

It's the new reality. We just can't afford unions at the public sector level anymore.
I think Unionizing every public employee will solve all the states budget woes because uh, er, well I don't know why, it just will.
I think we should all promote the unions and support them in every way... all the way up until the time we go bankrupt. It's the Democratic way.
I predict that Ohio passing this bill will not end the bill and in the long run will provide Ohio with a surplus like some other non-unionized states like Virginia
How is this a Union busting bill?

Even WI is not a Union busting bill, why are you saying this? If the Union fails in WI it's because it's members left, the bill does not dissolve the Union in any way.
Slow-Play. I suspect those supporting this move by the Republican Party will backfire, for all of them in some way rely on local government employees at sometime. If the Walkerites prevail, in Wisconsin, Ohio and elsewhere expect that line at the dept of mortor vehicles to move slower, expect calls to city hall to be 'accidently' dropped. Need that permit issue for the bathroom remodel, need the inspector to sign off on some work so the project can be moved along?
"Oh, I'm so very sorry, the form had an incorrect zip code and we can't accept errors or crossouts, please complete this new form and then get in line six".
[A short time later]
"Oh, I'm sorry. Line six is for appeals, new applications are processed in line nine. Have a nice day"
Last night on the news, they said the Ohio bill was even worse for unions than the Wisconsin bill.

The Ohio bill passed the house, and is in the Republican controlled Senate, then to the Republican governor


Oh I say, jolly well done
Looks like Ohio may beat Wisconsin to the punch, as the Ohio Dems are man enough to show up and live up to their possible defeat rather than running like children.

Last night on the news, they said the Ohio bill was even worse for unions than the Wisconsin bill.

The Ohio bill passed the house, and is in the Republican controlled Senate, then to the Republican governor.

Games up boys. Unions are gonna slowly be dismantled. The massive influx of cash from unions to Democrat candidates will be severely cut off from these union break ups. Combined with the SCOTUS decision to allow corporations their freedom of speech to give to candidates, this spells doom for a lot of Democrats in future elections.

Its not all unions its only public sector unions.

But still bravo for them doing what they think is right for their state.
Slow-Play. I suspect those supporting this move by the Republican Party will backfire, for all of them in some way rely on local government employees at sometime. If the Walkerites prevail, in Wisconsin, Ohio and elsewhere expect that line at the dept of mortor vehicles to move slower, expect calls to city hall to be 'accidently' dropped. Need that permit issue for the bathroom remodel, need the inspector to sign off on some work so the project can be moved along?
"Oh, I'm so very sorry, the form had an incorrect zip code and we can't accept errors or crossouts, please complete this new form and then get in line six".
[A short time later]
"Oh, I'm sorry. Line six is for appeals, new applications are processed in line nine. Have a nice day"

Let me get this strait...

Unions are corrupt and make MILLIONS, possibly BILLIONS off tax payers while also giving hundreds of MILLIONS to Democrats (and I'm sure some Republican) campaigns.... You support this idea and don't see how supporting Unions like this have backfired on well, the supporters?

If you learned that to get bills like this dropped that the Union spent it's 400 million in campaign contributions on the Republicans for the 2012 presidential race, would you still support Unions? Because if you see these bills getting dropped chances are that means the elected Republicans just gained an ally and Democrats have to share the money they give. Win for Reps, Win for Unions, minor loss for Dems and total loss for taxpayers.
Looks like Ohio may beat Wisconsin to the punch, as the Ohio Dems are man enough to show up and live up to their possible defeat rather than running like children.

Last night on the news, they said the Ohio bill was even worse for unions than the Wisconsin bill.

The Ohio bill passed the house, and is in the Republican controlled Senate, then to the Republican governor.

Games up boys. Unions are gonna slowly be dismantled. The massive influx of cash from unions to Democrat candidates will be severely cut off from these union break ups. Combined with the SCOTUS decision to allow corporations their freedom of speech to give to candidates, this spells doom for a lot of Democrats in future elections.
Well, at least you finally admit that it is all about breaking the unions and maximizing the GOP campaign cash advantage over the Dems and has nothing to do with balancing the budget!
Thank you for that moment of unconscious candor.
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of course it's about dismantling the democratic party.

funny, though, how it's the brainwashed losers who really need union protection who rail against them.

freaks and wingnuts.
of course it's about dismantling the democratic party.

funny, though, how it's the brainwashed losers who really need union protection who rail against them.

freaks and wingnuts.

Who needs union protections anymore? The unions got laws passed that protect all workers from workplace abuse, we dont need the union now that we have labor laws.

We did need unions before though as things were bad.

Private sector unions = A-OK
Public Sector Unions= Not OK
of course it's about dismantling the democratic party.

funny, though, how it's the brainwashed losers who really need union protection who rail against them.

freaks and wingnuts.

No you dishonest nitwit, it is about stopping the Democrats from funneling taxpayer $$ into Democrat coffers through union vote buying schemes.

And to that end I say.. HELL YEAH.

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