Oh noze: Heading Into Talks With Iran, U.S. Sees Hopeful Signs


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
Heading Into Talks With Iran, U.S. Sees Hopeful Signs
As American negotiators prepare for nuclear talks next week in Baghdad, they say recent statements from Iran and pressure from sanctions have raised the chances of compromise.

OPEC Sees Sanctions Taking Toll on Iran Oil Production
U.S. Envoy to Israel Says Nation Is Ready on Iran

Excellent for gas prices, dupes...shutting up the RW fear mongerers.... In Israel, USA, AND Iran...
Jimmy Carter all over..........wonder how many Americans will be captured?? OPEC is so interested in Americans ya know. :D
The US may see hopeful signs, but that doesn't mean they are really there. Iran is playing our government like a bass on a line. The only pressure sanctions have is for Iran to accelerate its nuclear program.

How long ago was it that the very naive obama thought North Korea was exhibiting hopeful signs?

obama is our equivalent of Neville Chamberlain proclaiming peace in our time.
Look for a "Peace In Our Time" Neville Chamberlain repeat. You can't do business or talk sense with lunatics.
Chamberlain couldn't do it with Hitler. No sooner than had he left the room, were Hitler and Von Ribbentrop, both angry that Chamberlain had acquiesced to their demands and deprived them of their war, mutually agreeing that they wouldn't be so deprived the next time.
The Russians, asked to try to dissuade Iran diplomatically from pursuing nuclear weapons, described them as more than slightly loony. When the Russians tried to describe the consequences of nuclear war the Iranians eyes would glaze over and instead invite the Russians to convert to Islam before the Hidden Immam arrived and the Ummah spread across the face of the Earth.
Imagine someone like Janet "Its a bright warm sunny day in April, 2009. The War On terror is over" Napolitano, or 'The System Worked!", dealing with the Iranians.
Start digging your bunkers now.
N Korea stopped its nuke program under Clinton's diplomacy. As always, it was Pub chickenhawks who screwed that up.

There is no evidence Iran has decided to go ahead on a bomb, and Russia is watching them, and don't want them to have one either.

Get Romney W. Clone and this will go nuclear too.

Pubs have proven themselves totally incompetent, dishonest, and corrupt.
Assume that this regime in the US is not completely incompetent. They have to realize that the rounds of negotiations are only delaying tactics to give Iran more time to advance their nuclear capabilities. Assuming this regime is that incompetent, I hope there are forces in the Pentagon that aren't falling for the democrat naivete. If we don't have competent leadership someplace in the governent we are in some serously deep trouble/
The US may see hopeful signs, but that doesn't mean they are really there. Iran is playing our government like a bass on a line. The only pressure sanctions have is for Iran to accelerate its nuclear program.

How long ago was it that the very naive obama thought North Korea was exhibiting hopeful signs?

obama is our equivalent of Neville Chamberlain proclaiming peace in our time.

So you're smarter than this guy? :eusa_eh: :doubt:
Israeli Army Chief Says He Believes Iran Won’t Build Bomb
Look for a "Peace In Our Time" Neville Chamberlain repeat. You can't do business or talk sense with lunatics.
Chamberlain couldn't do it with Hitler. No sooner than had he left the room, were Hitler and Von Ribbentrop, both angry that Chamberlain had acquiesced to their demands and deprived them of their war, mutually agreeing that they wouldn't be so deprived the next time.
The Russians, asked to try to dissuade Iran diplomatically from pursuing nuclear weapons, described them as more than slightly loony. When the Russians tried to describe the consequences of nuclear war the Iranians eyes would glaze over and instead invite the Russians to convert to Islam before the Hidden Immam arrived and the Ummah spread across the face of the Earth.
Imagine someone like Janet "Its a bright warm sunny day in April, 2009. The War On terror is over" Napolitano, or 'The System Worked!", dealing with the Iranians.
Start digging your bunkers now.

It wasn't only Chamberlain's silly negotiations with Hitler. As my mother often told me, right up to the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japanese envoys were in the US negotiating a peace agreement. Admiral Yamamoto intended to delay the attack until 30 minutes after the peace negotiations were declared a failure. His decision was overruled by the Emperor who decided that the attack during on going peace negotiations was essential to the element of surprise.
Obamination really doesn't have the balls to attack Iran because of the fallout from the action. He can't take the heat for a short duration of conflict where the Strait of Hormuz gets blocked or slowed by Iran. Just like a typical liberal, he is kicking the can down the road hoping Iran doesn't do anything bad once they get nukes.

He is no leader. He is more worried about being elected than actually defending this country and its allies.
Look for a "Peace In Our Time" ..........he Iranians eyes would glaze over and instead invite the Russians to convert to Islam before the Hidden Immam arrived and the Ummah spread across the face of the Earth.
Imagine someone like Janet "Its a bright warm sunny day in April, 2009. The War On terror is over" Napolitano, or 'The System Worked!", dealing with the Iranians.
Start digging your bunkers now.

It wasn't only Chamberlain's silly negotiations with Hitler. As my mother often told me, right up to the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japanese envoys were in the US negotiating a peace agreement. Admiral Yamamoto intended to delay the attack until 30 minutes after the peace negotiations were declared a failure. His decision was overruled by the Emperor who decided that the attack during on going peace negotiations was essential to the element of surprise.

[You are indeed correct that a diplomatic charade was being conducted right up until and past the moment Pearl Harbor was attacked, but most historians conclude that the pivotal moment, the point of inflection, the point of no return for the occurrence of WWII took place that September, 1938 in Munich between Hitler and Chamberalin. The Japanese took a hard look at just how "Graciously accomodating the Western Democracies were" and decided to then get some for themselves, making their plans accordingly. Weakness itself, provokes attack. Try Gerhard Weinberg's "A World At Arms"]

Missed this this AM, so sorry.

"Obama on verge of his grand Iranian bargain

Posted by William A. Jacobson Sunday, May 20, 2012 at 9:45am

It looks like Obama is going to get the “grand bargain” which has been the point of U.S. policy towards Iran since the Obama administration stood silently as Iranians took to the streets in June 2009.

The grand bargain theory assures the Iranian theocracy’s continued control over not just Iran but an extended terrorist web extending from Syria and Lebanon to South America in exchange for supposed beefed-up monitoring of Iran’s nuclear program. It is the culmination of Obama’s “negotiation without precondition” campaign promise, which presupposes the false choice between war and peace, when non-military confrontation of the mullahs and support of the Iranian people is a third way which is off the table.

As reported by Haaretz:

The Obama administration and the Iranian regime of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei are entering a critical week of decisions over the issue of Iran’s nuclear program. The sides are moving toward a “warming of relations alongside enrichment”, whereby the relationship between Washington and Tehran will improve, while Iran continues enriching uranium without pursuing a weapons program, but does not give up on its existing program. The threat of American or Israeli military action still exists, yet no one is holding the gun to Iran’s head….

In addition, American officials said over the weekend were reported by the New York Times as saying that the six world powers are willing to offer Iran an incentive package in return for a freeze in enrichment. Among the incentives is an offer to relieve the limits set on Iran’s aviation and energy sectors, but without canceling the heavy sanctions on its oil industry, which are set to be implemented in July.

The Iranian mullahs win."

» Obama on verge of his grand Iranian bargain - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
Iran hasn't attacked any since before the Roman Empire, dittoheads. Remain calm, and chanfe the channel...

N Korea stopped its nuke program under Clinton's diplomacy. As always, it was Pub chickenhawks who screwed that up.

There is no evidence Iran has decided to go ahead on a bomb, and Russia is watching them, and don't want them to have one either.

Get Romney W. Clone and this will go nuclear too.

Pubs have proven themselves totally incompetent, dishonest, and corrupt.
Granny says if dey don't do sumpin' `bout Iran, one o' these days we gonna wake up an' Israel gonna be turned to glass...
Iran says it has upgraded a short-range missile
Aug 21,`12 -- Iran's official news agency says the country has upgraded a short-range surface-to-surface ballistic missile just weeks after it was test-fired.
Tuesday's report by IRNA says President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad unveiled the new version of Fateh-110, or Conqueror. IRNA says the new version has a quicker launch capability and longer life but gave no other details. It has been in service in Iran over the past decade.

Iran claimed earlier in August that it successfully test-fired the missile, which has an improved accuracy to strike land and naval targets within a 300 kilometer (185 mile) range.

Iran has been pushing to upgrade its missiles, which already can target Israel and other parts of the region. The pursuit is part of Iran's efforts since 1992 for a self-sufficient military program.


See also:

Is Israel planning EMP attack on Iran?
20 Aug.`12 - Tehran nearing 'zone of immunity' against conventional assault on nuclear sites
WASHINGTON – Analysts say because Israel now believes diplomacy has failed to halt Iran’s nuclear program and the Jewish state’s very survival is at stake, Israelis have not ruled out a Jericho III missile launch to detonate a single electromagnetic pulse warhead at high altitude over central Iran. The assessment is underscored by recent comments from Israeli officials that the Islamic republic is reaching its “zone of immunity” from conventional military attack on its nuclear sites.

In addition, analysts point out the use of long-range aircraft with refueling capability would be highly complex and pose many logistical problems. Israel also probably would not be allowed overflight permission from Turkey, Iraq or Saudi Arabia to reach its Iranian targets. Further, such an approach would minimize any element of surprise. Meanwhile, top religious and political officials in Iran have issued repeated warnings they plan to obliterate the Jewish state.

Israel has made an assessment that Iran is on the threshold of a breakthrough to make a nuclear weapon. However, some national security experts, including some in the United States, believe Iran is several years away from making such a device. And they say actual weaponization – the ability to miniaturize a nuclear bomb to fit on its nuclear-capable missiles – still is further off. Debate over just how close Iran may be to making a nuclear weapon has raised the issue of the quality of the intelligence to back Israeli claims. Sources point to the example of the intelligence used to assess Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction that prompted the U.S. to attack Iraq in March 2003.

With Iran continuing its enrichment program, however, Israel and some Western countries are concerned that the amount of low-level uranium it has enriched could be enriched further to some 90 percent purity – which is what is required to make nuclear weapons. U.S. officials don’t assess that Iran has reached that point.



Ayatollah: We will burn Tel Aviv 'into ashes'
'The shout of 'Death to Israel' was loud and clear among the people'
If Israel attacks Iran’s nuclear facilities, Tel Aviv – Israel’s second-most-populated city – will burn to ashes, senior Iranian cleric Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami warned yesterday. The threat was the latest in a series of verbal assaults that began last week when the supreme leader of the Islamic regime, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, in a speech to Iranian researchers and academics, said the world was on the verge of major political and social changes, with Islam playing a leading role.

Then on International Quds Day, every regime official from the supreme leader and president to military commanders openly called for the annihilation of Israel. Quds Day is an annual event that began after the Islamic Revolution of 1979 in Iran. The founder of the revolution, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, assigned the last Friday of the month of Ramadan as the day to support the Palestinians and damn the Israelis, stating that the movement would have two goals: the freedom of Palestine and destruction of Israel.

On this year’s Quds Day, Khamenei said, “Light of hope will shine on the Palestinians, and this Islamic land will certainly be returned to the Palestinian nation, and the superfluous and fake Zionist regime will disappear from the landscape of geography.” President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, calling Israel’s existence “an insult to all humanity,” said, “The Zionist regime and the Zionists are a cancerous tumor. … The nations of the region will soon finish off the usurper Zionists in the Palestinian land. … With the grace of God and help of the nations, in the new Middle East there will be no trace of the Americans and Zionists.”

The chief commander of the Revolutionary Guards, Mohammad Jafari, stated that Iran is at the helm of worldwide enmity against Israel. Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi called “Beitol Moghadas” (Jerusalem) an inseparable part of the world of Islam that will soon return to the Muslims. As the Washington Times reported last week, the Revolutionary Guards warned that the terrorist groups Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad have been armed with chemical, microbial and other weapons of mass destruction and that once the order is given, they will attack Tel Aviv. It also hinted at a nuclear attack on Israel.

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Granny says, "Shhh - Don't tell Obama...
Israel unlikely to warn U.S. in advance of attack on Iran
22 Aug.`12 - Israel is unlikely to provide much if any advance notice to the United States if it attacks Iran's nuclear facilities, Middle East experts say.
Advance warning is important because a surprise could hurt the United States' ability to respond and safeguard its many assets in the Persian Gulf. The assumption is that U.S. warning of an Israeli attack would come "significantly less than an hour" before it began, said Jon Alterman, director of the Middle East program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "How much of that would come from Israeli notification and how much would come from sensors we have in the region, I don't know." In the past, Israel has given the Americans "very general notice," said Yoram Peri, director of the Israel studies program at the University of Maryland. "They would never talk in advance."

For example, Israel unilaterally attacked nuclear facilities in Iraq in 1981 and Syria in 2007 and didn't give the United States advance warning. That puts the United States at a disadvantage. Getting a warning would allow the United States to reposition military and other assets to defend against a counterattack by Iran or its surrogates in the Gulf and around the world, says Michele Dunne, an analyst with the Atlantic Council. A unilateral attack without warning could also hurt relations between Israel and the United States. Israel and the United States agree Iran should not be allowed to build a nuclear weapon. But Israel appears to be running out of patience quicker than the United States.

The divergence of views was evident in Jerusalem earlier this month, when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Defense Secretary Leon Panetta that the "time to resolve this issue peacefully is running out." Panetta said non-military pressure on Iran should be exhausted first, such as sanctions designed to squeeze Iran's economy. "We will not allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapon," he said. Danny Danon, deputy speaker of the Israeli parliament, said an Israeli strike against multiple targets spread across Iran would likely last several days and would not be quick strikes, such as the attacks on Syria and Iraq. He said he hopes the United States joins in, but says Israel will go it alone if necessary. "We cannot afford to make the mistake and take the chance of allowing Iran to become nuclear. It could damage the United States, but for Israel it could be deadly," Danon said.

Martin Indyk, U.S. ambassador to Israel under President Clinton and now director of the foreign policy program of the Brookings Institution, doesn't think Israel will strike before the U.S. presidential election in November because it would be disruptive at a time when Israel would need U.S. help. Whether Israel needs U.S. diplomatic support, help dealing with Iranian counterattacks or to replenish U.S.-supplied weapons expended in the attack, "he surely knows he's going to need the United States," Indyk said. The United States might provide assistance initially, but in the long run it could hurt diplomatic relations if the United States gets dragged into another long war in the Middle East, Alterman said. "It creates the potential to change the way the American public starts to think about the alignment between the United States and Israel," Alterman said.

Granny says Obama oughta kick the Shiite outta `em...
Iran test-fires missiles designed to hit warships
Sep 25, 2012 - Prelude to upcoming naval war games in response to U.S.-led drills in Persian Gulf
Iranian military leaders gave details of a new long-range drone and test fired four anti-ship missiles Tuesday in a prelude to upcoming naval war games planned in an apparent response to U.S.-led warship drills in the Persian Gulf. The show of Iranian military readiness and its latest tool -- a domestically made drone capable of reaching Israel and most of the Middle East -- also came as President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad prepared to address the U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday amid a deepening impasse with the West over Tehran's disputed nuclear program.

Ahmadinejad on Monday held open hope for renewed dialogue with the United States, but told reporters in New York that Iran was "fully ready" to defend itself from attacks. In Tehran, a senior Revolutionary Guard commander, Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, also warned that U.S. bases in the Gulf could face retaliatory strikes if Israel attacks Iran's nuclear sites. The West and its allies fear Iran's uranium enrichment program could lead to atomic weapons, but the U.S. and others favor a mix of sanctions and diplomacy to try to force Tehran to curb its nuclear program. Iran claims it only seeks nuclear power for energy and medical applications.

On Tuesday, Hajizadeh described the new drone as a key strategic additional to Iran's military capabilities with the ability to carry out reconnaissance missions or be armed with "bombs and missiles." Hajizadeh, who heads the Guard's aerospace division, said the Shahed-129, or Witness-129, has a range of 2,000 kilometers (1,250 miles). That covers much of the Middle East including Israel and nearly doubles the range of previous drones produced by Iranian technicians, who have often relied on reverse engineering military hardware with the country under Western embargoes.

But it's unclear whether the new drone contains any elements of an unmanned CIA aircraft that went down in eastern Iran in December. Iran said it has recovered data from the RQ-170 Sentinel and claimed it was building its own replica. Iran frequently makes announcements about its strides in military technology, but it is virtually impossible to independently determine the actual capabilities or combat worthiness of the weapons Iran is producing. Near the strategic Strait of Hormuz at the mouth of the Gulf, Iran test fired four missiles it claimed could sink a "big target" such as a warship in 50 seconds, Gen. Ali Fadavi of the powerful Revolutionary Guard was quoted as saying by the semi-official Fars news agency.

Read more: Iran test-fires missiles designed to hit warships - DC Breaking Local News Weather Sports FOX 5 WTTG

See also:

US: Iran Missile Test Is 'Pure Fabrication'
25 Sept.`12 - U.S. officials tell NBC News that Iran's claim it conducted missile tests in the Strait of Hormuz Tuesday is "pure fabrication" and that there is no evidence to back up Iran's claims.
"The mid-range system ... is capable of intercepting targets at a range of 50 km (30 miles) and can fly at an altitude of 75,000 feet," state-run Press TV's website said. A Senior Revolutionary Guard commander said Tuesday that Iran test-fired four anti-ship missiles that hit a "big target" the size of a warship simultaneously, causing it to sink in "50-seconds" in the Strait of Hormuz.

According to U.S. officials, there was no missile firing in or around the strait or the Persian Gulf. In the past Iranians have released photos and video of missile firings claiming they were part of current exercises. It was later proven, however, that the images were actually from earlier missile tests but doctored to alter the background. In one photo that claimed to show six missiles being fired simultaneously, it was proven all missiles were actually the images of the same missile photo-shopped across the landscape.

Some news outlets reported Tuesday morning that the Iranian missile test is evidence of the threat posed to U.S. warships in the region, and in direct response to the international mine-sweeping exercises being conducted 250 miles from Iran in the North Arabian Sea. Some reports said the alleged missile tests were an obvious show of force from Iran on the eve of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's United Nations General Assembly address Wednesday.

If obama really is hopeful that Iran is seriously entering into some kind of negotiations he is MUCH stupider than he looks and he looks plenty stupid.

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