Officials Who ‘resigned’ following scathing Benghazi Report never even left.

^^^Example -- This liberal shows how much he cared that Americans were left to be slaughtered.

Stop wrapping yourself in the flag and grow up for crying out loud! Im still looking for the truth on Iraq no less Libya.

no one cares about this situation.

:eusa_pray:Wooooo. Another brainwashed lefty. They think more and more like their nitwit leader everyday. They believe they know everything.

So no one cares about this situation. Did you go out and interview every individual in this country or is it because you don't care?

You lefties are so blindsighted. Next its brainwashed. Then braindead. Too bad.
Of course they didn't outright cite them. They PRETEND to be independent but it's all the usual CON circle jerk. Who do you think you're fooling? Certainly not the American people as the election attested. :lmao:

So the New York Post didn't cite 'The Blaze' for this story, asshole?

The Blaze cites The Post, The Post cites the Blaze. As I said, another CON circle jerk.

:DAnd you lefties feel the same way about Fox News. Even when they have it on film you still say its made up.

Do you ever ask yourself why the left media never covers news or until its weeks old? Your so blindsighted its a shame.
Why you ask is it soooo easy to predict the behavior of the Leftist??

They are Sociopaths- habitual liars... They will lie about anything and everything.

:eusa_angel:They have learned to do this by watching too many of the lefts speeches. The polititans either walk away when asked a question or they deflect the question asked. The only thing they are good at.
So the New York Post didn't cite 'The Blaze' for this story, asshole?

The Blaze cites The Post, The Post cites the Blaze. As I said, another CON circle jerk.

:DAnd you lefties feel the same way about Fox News. Even when they have it on film you still say its made up.

Do you ever ask yourself why the left media never covers news or until its weeks old? Your so blindsighted its a shame.
This is also in the WaPo (linked earlier). Who knew they are part of the "right wing echo chamber", too?
obama just changed their jobs because his biggest threat was for the 4 of them getting together and ratting out his agents. obama next step is to have them eliminated. They are now on the same list that the Navy Seals are on. Never seen some Seals droppign so fast
I'm still waiting for one of you RW zombies to tell me why I should care...

The Middle East is a dangerous place. You stick your hand in a hornet's nest, you should expect to get stung.

:eusa_pray:Dude...tell me you kidding. You are kidding right. If not you sound more like your walking around without a brain.

Why should you care? How about the lives that were lost in this situation? The lives that give you the freedom to even write on the internet. You lefties are so heartless.

You know...its sounds like you would be more happy living over in the Middle East. That is if they would take a piece of * * * * like you.
You guys seem more upset about guys who knew the danger and accepted it than children slaughtered by gun-weilding madmen...

I have a great solution to the Middle East.

Pull everyone out of it completely
, stop propping up the Zionists and tell them we aren't getting involved.

Most of the mosnters we create over there are ones we made. Saddam and Bin Laden were both supported by the CIA before they turned on us.


Your 'solution' is thermo-nuclear war, then.

Well, for them...

Again, only nation to ever use nukes on defenseless civilians- The United States.

I find it amusing we have the nerve to tell anyone they can't have nukes.

If Iran gets nukes, it just means teh rest of the world will stop fucking with them, which we shouldn't be doing, anyway.

:eusa_angel:Dude you think Iran really thinks that way. Good...why don't you go over there and spend the rest of your days with them. Im sure they would appreciate your help. One thing though be careful...they really don't care for nutheads wandering around.
The Blaze cites The Post, The Post cites the Blaze. As I said, another CON circle jerk.

:DAnd you lefties feel the same way about Fox News. Even when they have it on film you still say its made up.

Do you ever ask yourself why the left media never covers news or until its weeks old? Your so blindsighted its a shame.
This is also in the WaPo (linked earlier). Who knew they are part of the "right wing echo chamber", too?

:DWell maybe it was a miracle. You know some of those left nut media are starting to come around and to their sences. They realize that putting out lies to cover for the nitwits we have in the WH is not worth it anymore. The only problem is the left nut readers are never going to come to their sences. Its too hard for them. Good day.
And who is their source?

From the post article linked in The Blaze article.

Show me actual proof, not some bullshit source that they can't even name.

Plus there is the fact The Post is owned by Murdoch, who also owns Fox News. Fox News used The Blaze and the author as a source on the story about Clinton. So yeah, I am sorry if I am waiting for another source on this subject. That is the problem today, too many people don't bother to do their homework, just believe whatever is put in front of them. Which is horrible considering the fact that journalism has gone to crap.

I'm not sure, but you can stop pretending it is a fabrication from The Blaze, K?

It's from the right wing echo chamber, i.e. Fabrications 'R Us. You wouldn't know a legitimate source, if you saw one.

Obama administration officials said those who resigned were Eric Boswell, assistant secretary of state for diplomatic security; Charlene Lamb, deputy assistant secretary responsible for embassy security; and Raymond Maxwell, deputy assistant secretary of state who oversees the Maghreb nations of Libya, Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to discuss personnel matters publicly.

Some of the three may have the option of being reassigned to other duties, the officials said.

Benghazi report leaves lawmakers with more questions for State Department, Clinton - CBS News

I suppose the left doesn't find this to be a legitiment source either. Then again, we are most likely hearing from some of the very same liberals, who are so quick to believe the 9-11 Trade Tower attacks were "allowed" by the Bush administration.
I'm still waiting for one of you RW zombies to tell me why I should care...

The Middle East is a dangerous place. You stick your hand in a hornet's nest, you should expect to get stung.

You will never care about matters such as accountability.

Your gubmint checks come, either way.

Wouldn't know, I don't get a government check. You must because you are on here all day.

So how about answering my question.

Why should I care that some bureaucrats got reassigned or didn't respond to reports?

The Middle East is a dangerous place. As long as we support Big Oil and Zionism, we are going to lose soldiers and diplomats over there.

Stop sticking our hands in the hornet's nest, we won't get stung.

I'm sure if this administration didn't send out a Susan Rice and a White House Spokesman to purposely lie in an attempt to mislead the American people, there wouldn't be any just cause to keep bringing up Benghazi.

Yet it was only one consistent source, led by one insistently pursuing newspaper, that was behind the Watergate Scandal for President Richard Nixon. No dead Americans involved to bring about any real concern for most Americans. Should the paper have just simply "moved on already"?

The following is a detailed timeline of events leading to the Sept. 11 attack and what the Obama administration has said since then.

• February: The U.S. embassy requests — and is granted — a four-month extension, until August, of a Tripoli-based “site security team” composed of 16 special forces soldiers who provide security, medical and communications support to the embassy.

• March: State Department Regional Security Officer Eric Nordstrom sends a cable to Washington asking for additional diplomatic security agents for Benghazi, later says he received no response. He does so again in July, with the same result.

• April 6: Two fired Libyan security guards throw an IED over the consulate fence.

• May 22: An Islamist attack on the Red Cross office in Benghazi is followed by a Facebook post that warns “now we are preparing a message for the Americans.” Another Facebook posting a month later highlights Stevens’ daily runs in Tripoli in an apparent threat.

• June 6: Unknown assailants blow a hole in the consulate’s north gate described by a witness as “big enough for 40 men to go through.” Four days later, the British ambassador’s car is ambushed by militants with a rocket-propelled grenade.

• July: Anti-Islam video “Innocence of Muslims” posted on You Tube.

• Aug. 14: SST team leaves Libya. Team leader Lt. Col. Andy Wood has testified that Stevens wanted them to stay on.

• In the weeks before Sept. 11, Libyan security guards are reportedly warned by family members of an impending attack. On Sept. 8, the Libyan militia tasked with protecting the consulate warns U.S. diplomats that the security situation is “frightening.”

• Sept. 10: Al Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahiri calls on Libyans to avenge the death of his Libyan deputy, Abu Yahya al Libi, killed in a June drone strike in Pakistan.

• Sept. 11: Protesters converge on the U.S. embassy in Cairo, scale its walls and replace the U.S. flag with the Islamist banner. The protests eventually spread to 20 countries around the world. That night, Republican candidate Mitt Romney criticizes an embassy statement denouncing the video before the events unfolding in Libya are known to the world. Late that night, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says in a statement that “some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet.”

• Sept. 12: Media outlets report that Stevens and three other Americans have been killed in an attack by well-armed militants. Obama denounces an “outrageous and shocking attack” without mentioning the video or terrorism. Reuters reports for the first time that some administration officials believe the assault “bears the hallmarks of an organized attack.”

• Sept. 13: White House spokesman Jay Carney says “the protests we’re seeing around the region are in reaction to this movie.”

• Sept. 14: Carney says the administration had “no actionable intelligence” about a pending attack.

• Sept. 16: Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the UN, does the rounds on the Sunday talk shows and says the video is the “proximate cause” of the assault in Benghazi. “Our current best assessment, based on the information that we have at present, is that, in fact, what this began as, it was a spontaneous — not a premeditated — response to what had transpired in Cairo,” Rice tells ABC. That same day, interim Libyan president Mohamed Magarief insists on CBS that “it was planned, definitely.”

• Sept. 19: National Counterterrorism Center director Matthew Olsen testifies before the Senate Homeland Security Committee that the assault was a “terrorist attack” but goes on to call it an “opportunistic” attack in which armed militants took advantage of an ongoing protest.

• Sept. 20: CBS reports that witnesses in Benghazi say there was no protest prior to the armed assault against the consulate. Magarief tells NBC the same thing on Sept. 26. Also on Sept. 20, Obama at a town hall meeting says: “What we do know is that the natural protests that arose because of the outrage over the video were used as an excuse by extremists to see if they can also directly harm U.S. interests.” Carney declares it “self-evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack.” Clinton, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Deputy Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter brief members of Congress. Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) calls it “the most useless worthless briefing I have attended in a long time.”

• Sept. 21: Clinton says “what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack,” highest official until then to say so.

• Sept. 25: In his address to the U.N. General Assembly, Obama doesn’t mention terrorism but makes repeated references to the video. Asked about Clinton’s statement on ABC’s “The View” show, the president skirts the issue by saying: “We’re still doing an investigation,” blames “extremist militias.”

• Sept. 27: Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta says it’s “clear that there were terrorists who planned that attack."

• Oct. 9: Senior State Department officials for the first time acknowledge that there was never any protest in Benghazi during a background call with reporters. They say linking the attack to the video was “not our conclusion,” suggesting they’re blaming intelligence officials.

• Oct. 11: During the vice presidential debate, Biden says, “We weren’t told they wanted more security there.” He also denies responsibility for the administration’s shifting explanation.
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You guys seem more upset about guys who knew the danger and accepted it than children slaughtered by gun-weilding madmen...

I have a great solution to the Middle East.

Pull everyone out of it completely, stop propping up the Zionists and tell them we aren't getting involved.

Most of the mosnters we create over there are ones we made. Saddam and Bin Laden were both supported by the CIA before they turned on us.

Then the Obama administration should stop interfering in Israel's affairs, Step out of the way, and allow Israel to defend themselves by sending fighter jets to bomb Iran. The sanctions the Democrats boast of, hasn't made the slightest bit of difference in Iran's desire to pursue nuclear weapons. Israel has every right to defend their nation's existence.
I will wait for another source on this since The Blaze has already used horrible sources regarding this situation and Clinton.
Plus remaining on a state department payroll a week after resigning his not proof of anything. My father retires next week and will technically be on payroll for another few months due to benefits being paid out etc.

Find me another source, and I might believe you.

Liberal lie tactic 101^^^^ Blame and deny the source.. wait until overwhelming sources are posted, then say, "So what, George Bush____________."

Happens every single day, all day long from liberals. They NEVER hold their own to account. They don't care if Americans were left to die.. it doesn't matter. POWER, POWER, POWER.. That's all that matters to a liberal.

You obviously didn't read my post moron.
And go ahead and believe everything that The Blaze and New York Post tells you, I won't be the one looking like a sheep in the end.
Obama State Department Officials Who Were ‘Fired’ Over Benghazi Disaster, Still Have Jobs

by sfcmac at The Foxhole blog posts this

More transparency.

From the New York Post. State Department officials who supposedly lost jobs over Benghazi debacle will be back at work -

The four officials supposedly out of jobs because of their blunders in the run-up to the deadly Benghazi terror attack remain on the State Department payroll — and will all be back to work soon, The Post has learned.

Is anyone surprised by this? Typical administration shuffle and puff. :puke3:

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