officer kim potter jury asking what hapens when they dont reach a consensus

She was a cop. He was pulled over because of the air freshener. More precisely because he was black with an air freshener. One might argue "well it worked" but that doesn't take into consideration the 5000 people stopped simply minding their own business because the cop was out on a fishing expedition.
I haven't read anything about an air freshener.
Better training for officers would help prevent this happening again.
I seriously don't think she ever had the proper temperament to be a police officer in the first place.
You have to be tough-minded and cool-headed........and she isn't tough minded at evidenced by her testimony.
Clearly she was provoked.......but her reactions were more in a panic than anything else.

The problem is better training won't prevent it from happening absolutely. Even the best officers can stumble because we're human, and may be fine under 999 stresses, but the 1000th stress is the one to make them fumble.

They would need some serious military style training to really push them to weed out anyone who might fold.

Out of the 10s of 1000s of police interacting with multiple people every day across the entire country millions of times a year a few small incidents are acceptable. Focusing on a tiny handful of incidents isn't showing the overwhelming amount of times a year where nothing goes wrong.

This isn't a epidemic of officers doing this dozens and dozens of times a day every day across the whole country. Nothing runs smoothly 100% of the time.
She is guilty and the state is guilty for having a law in place that criminalizes an air freshener hanging from your rear view mirror. This is nothing but a law that gives a cop an excuse for pulling someone over for having a "wide spread nose". It's no coincidence that this trial is being held in the same courthouse that found Derek Chauvin guilty.

There is no way I could ever pull someone over for having an air freshener hanging from their rear view mirror and IMO there is something inherently wrong with anyone that would.
You want to blame the police for enforcing the law?

blame the politicians for making the law

btw: dont blame potter cause the black guy had an outstanding warrant for his arrest and tried to drive away from the police
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From the video I saw, there was never a need for deadly force.

I am not quite sure what the jury is dealing with her, it's a clear case of invol manslaughter...she never had the intent to kill, but she was clearly grossly negigent in causing his death
a known felon with gun charges not just resisting arrest but leaping back into a car for an unknown reason is more than justification for deadly force,,

I say put one in the back of his head and be done with him,,
From the video I saw, there was never a need for deadly force.

I am not quite sure what the jury is dealing with her, it's a clear case of invol manslaughter...she never had the intent to kill, but she was clearly grossly negigent in causing his death
Wow, I finally agree with you on something.
Apparently the kid got shot because when they pulled him over he decided he wanted to be a gangsta.
I would expect to be in big trouble if I tried to escape...or tried anything during a traffic stop.
Seems you think he did nothing wrong.
They were about to cuff him for a warrant and he decided to resist.
What this woman did was bad....but what he did to create the situation is all on him.

We have seen a pattern in Minnesota. Just because he had a warrant in Minnesota, the place that pulls people over for having a "wide set nose" doesn't mean it was warranted.

We saw what happened when Philandro Castile was pulled over so it's no wonder people run.
The problem is better training won't prevent it from happening absolutely. Even the best officers can stumble because we're human, and may be fine under 999 stresses, but the 1000th stress is the one to make them fumble.

They would need some serious military style training to really push them to weed out anyone who might fold.

Out of the 10s of 1000s of police interacting with multiple people every day across the entire country millions of times a year a few small incidents are acceptable. Focusing on a tiny handful of incidents isn't showing the overwhelming amount of times a year where nothing goes wrong.

This isn't a epidemic of officers doing this dozens and dozens of times a day every day across the whole country. Nothing runs smoothly 100% of the time.
Better training solves alot.
We used to train cops when I was in the Army.
Every situation is different and training & experience minimizes worsening of the situation.
The suspect turned a run of the mill misdemeanor arrest into a felony and an accidental shooting with his actions.
Just because he's black...doesn't mean he's totally blameless, but that seems to be what the implication is here.
Since you think he is a thug (black man), you think it is ok for the police to play Judge, Jury and Executioner.
being black has nothing to do with it,,
and she didnt act as judge,, she protected herself and the rest of us from a thug felon with gun charges from getting away or possibly pulling a gun and killing her,,
Better training solves alot.
We used to train cops when I was in the Army.
Every situation is different and training & experience minimizes worsening of the situation.
The suspect turned a run of the mill misdemeanor arrest into a felony and an accidental shooting with his actions.
Just because he's black...doesn't mean he's totally blameless, but that seems to be what the implication is here.
Another point....cops are having to be nice to these folks when they arrest them....and they don't fear or respect cops. So often times they the suspect hasn't been subdued properly. This kid wasn't treated like a suspect....he decided to get smart and act like a jerk....and he got shot by a poorly trained female cop.
being black has nothing to do with it,,
and she didnt act as judge,, she protected herself and the rest of us from a thug felon with gun charges from getting away or possibly pulling a gun and killing her,,

Do you believe in gun charges or is owning a gun a Constitutionally protected right?

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