officer kim potter jury asking what hapens when they dont reach a consensus

Just because it was an accident BackAssRacist, doesn't mean she is not held accountable.

I agree. She does need to be held accountable, its only the degree of acountablity that is in question. You cant take a life without being accountable, but then everything needs to be in perspective. Motive, state of mind, the situation itself etc. I know she was on the force for years and had received multiple trainings. I wonder though how many situations she had been in through the years where she had to pull a gun though. I think you dont really know if you have a person who will crack under pressure until they are in that real high stress moment. I think being in many of those situations is the only real training that prepares a person to remain calm.
It was passed for one reason. It gives the cops a lame excuse for pulling people over on fishing expeditions.

do us all a favor and stop hanging an entire Indian village off your mirror... Ok Knopp?

Dumbass that is why we have police to uphold the Law. How do you violently drive away? Do you make the back end of the car fish tail.

Get a new line idiot, that bullshit has played out.

That speech would really get them riled up at the next Klan Rally, make sure you let us know how it went.

When are Negroes going to start taking responsibility for being asshole thugs?

If I resisted arrested and endangered the police like that asshole did and I got shot by the police then it would be my fault.

Of course with Negroes it is never their fault, is it? I mean their ancestors were slaves don't you know so they get a pass on being shitheads, right? That is what BLM wants you to believe.

She never should have been charged in the first place, just like Zimmerman, Rittenhouse, Chauvin and the three guys in Georgia.
Dispatch Call Reveals Cop Pulled Philando Castile Over For ‘Wide Set Nose’

Let's argue it was expired plates. What reason did they have to even run them?

That seems sort of like standard procedure to me. If your a cop why would you be so lazy as to not run the plates?
Maybe there is a LEO or ex LEO on USMB who can answer this, but I'm thinking its just part of the job. Ive had my plates ran when i was pulled over in Oakland because of the way my car looked, the cop told me. I had nothing to hide so whatever. I really dont see any problem with that.
Just because it was an accident BackAssRacist, doesn't mean she is not held accountable.
SuperDumbRacistMuthaFuka: being “held accountable” does not mean she must be convicted of a crime she legally did not commit. And it is very much BECAUSE it was an accident that the legal definition is not properly met. (She may get convicted anyway. I know you’re rooting for that miscarriage of Justice.)
I agree. She does need to be held accountable, its only the degree of acountablity that is in question. You cant take a life without being accountable, but then everything needs to be in perspective. Motive, state of mind, the situation itself etc. I know she was on the force for years and had received multiple trainings. I wonder though how many situations she had been in through the years where she had to pull a gun though. I think you dont really know if you have a person who will crack under pressure until they are in that real high stress moment. I think being in many of those situations is the only real training that prepares a person to remain calm.
So she gets a pass because she cracked under pressure, I don't think so.
When are Negroes going to start taking responsibility for being asshole thugs?
Let the hate go, it makes you look like a total fool.
If I resisted arrested and endangered the police like that asshole did and I got shot by the police then it would be my fault.
That's just it, your dumb ass wouldn't have been shot. You would have driven off.
Of course with Negroes it is never their fault, is it? I mean their ancestors were slaves don't you know so they get a pass on being shitheads, right? That is what BLM wants you to believe.
You dumb ass, racist POS black folks have NEVER and I mean NEVER been given a pass in this country.
She never should have been charged in the first place, just like Zimmerman, Rittenhouse, Chauvin and the three guys in Georgia.
Why am I even trying to discuss this with a racist POS who thinks black folks should be killed on site.
SuperDumbRacistMuthaFuka: being “held accountable” does not mean she must be convicted of a crime she legally did not commit.
Who committed it BackAssRacist, the fairyfuckinggodmother committed it.
And it is very much BECAUSE it was an accident that the legal definition is not properly met. (She may get convicted anyway. I know you’re rooting for that miscarriage of Justice.)
Give me a break with that accident bullshit. You don't pull a gun fool and accidentally shot someone.
Who committed it BackAssRacist, the fairyfuckinggodmother committed it.

Give me a break with that accident bullshit. You don't pull a gun fool and accidentally shot someone.
Who committed “it” you ask. You fucking imbecile. Who shot the gun? That would be the defendant. And?

You have the facts wrong, again, ass breath. She did accidentally pull the gun mistaking it for the taser. And she accidentally shot the gun mistakenly thinking it was the taser. Oh. Also, the defense of “accidentally” isn’t bullshit. In fact it goes right to the heart of the most significant element, “recklessness.”
So she gets a pass because she cracked under pressure, I don't think so.
She is a result of agendas you approve of. And the results of Prog women have made men their bitches. Especially black guys. So you strike out at others and many are not educated and look at life as being hopeless for advancement while using excuses to go with it.
Who committed “it” you ask. You fucking imbecile. Who shot the gun? That would be the defendant. And?
No shit, shit for brains.
You have the facts wrong, again, ass breath. She did accidentally pull the gun mistaking it for the taser. And she accidentally shot the gun mistakenly thinking it was the taser. Oh. Also, the defense of “accidentally” isn’t bullshit. In fact it goes right to the heart of the most significant element, “recklessness.”
Did she grab her gun with the dominant hand? Was her gun on the dominant side? A taser is a lot lighter than a loaded gun is it not, BackAssClown. I guess they need to put a damn siren on the taser. Get out of here with that accident bullshit.

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