O'Donnell caught with her hand in the cookie jar

Gopd morning echo chamber, y'all through making the point that two wrongs make a right? Charlie Wrangle...wranggggggggggggllllllllllllllllll, oooooooooooh.
Shall I name names? Or will that DELAY your collective hysteria? BTW, where the hell is "Duke" Cunningham?
How does one spell hypocrisy. oh yes, of course, RWFringer.
Does it matter to the RW that Wrangle hold a Bronze Star and Purple Heart? Or not, he's black so I suppose it was an affirmative action award, not one earned while in harms way. Now, that does not excuse or mitigate the allegations, but the guy has more chops then any ten of the Chicken Shit hawks RWers support.

Couldn't help yourself, could you?

Didn't try. You see, T, whenever the echo chamber gets astir it is always framed in partisanship. I suppose being on the fringe the right wing gives a self righteous perspective - my hope is that one or two of you guys/gals will see the hypocrisy and be sufficiently embarassed to change.

Why? You are never embarrassed by your far left bullshit.
Gopd morning echo chamber, y'all through making the point that two wrongs make a right? Charlie Wrangle...wranggggggggggggllllllllllllllllll, oooooooooooh.
Shall I name names? Or will that DELAY your collective hysteria? BTW, where the hell is "Duke" Cunningham?
How does one spell hypocrisy. oh yes, of course, RWFringer.
Does it matter to the RW that Wrangle hold a Bronze Star and Purple Heart? Or not, he's black so I suppose it was an affirmative action award, not one earned while in harms way. Now, that does not excuse or mitigate the allegations, but the guy has more chops then any ten of the Chicken Shit hawks RWers support.

Couldn't help yourself, could you?

Didn't try. You see, T, whenever the echo chamber gets astir it is always framed in partisanship. I suppose being on the fringe the right wing gives a self righteous perspective - my hope is that one or two of you guys/gals will see the hypocrisy and be sufficiently embarassed to change.

Cheap excuse. I don't buy what you're selling. Got it ace? You got caught.
I see. Then you have no problem with the re-election of Wrangle?

Charlie Rangel will win in a landslide because he's a corrupt Democrat in a district where non-living Dems out vote Registered Republicans


Not unuassal for non-living Democrats to have more energy than living Republicans. After all, look at the lineup of red states and blue states as per who recieves more than they send in from the Federal Government. Now if you lazy ass Republican trailer trash would just get off your dead butt, put down the six pack, and the roaches, and get a job, maybe we hard working Democrats in the blue states would not have to support you so much.

Odd talk from an Obama supporter and one who espouses endless unemployment, welfare, wealth redistribution and oppresive taxation.

Somehow I bet your fair share hovers around $0.
Couldn't help yourself, could you?

Didn't try. You see, T, whenever the echo chamber gets astir it is always framed in partisanship. I suppose being on the fringe the right wing gives a self righteous perspective - my hope is that one or two of you guys/gals will see the hypocrisy and be sufficiently embarassed to change.

Why? You are never embarrassed by your far left bullshit.

See, it's all about perspective, and bullshit (yours). Tell me, which "far left bullshit" do I post? And, if you can, explain what you mean by far left?
I don't think you have a clue, you simply use "far left" as a pejorative.
What did RGS mean by the term "far left"? Maybe he hasn't seen the question, maybe he can't answer it and cut and run. But the term is bandied about so often by the echo chamber isn't it time for one of them to define it?

While I wait, I'll define what I mean when I call out a "RW Fringer".

First, conservatives are not all RW Fringers. Fiscal conservatives support a balanced budget, low taxes and little government regulation of business and commerce. Social conservative too may support all that fiscal conservatives do, though many accept grants and awards from the federal largesse to engage in activities and charities which meet their 'moral' standards; the further right on this scale the greater the chances this type of conservative becomes authoritarian, wanting the government to pass laws preventing behavior which they find objectionable (abortion, gay/lesbian marriage).
Most conservatives of the non-fringer flavor hold strong opinions and are suspicious of change. The status quo, while not always comfortable, is a known and efforts to make change are resisted. Most believe change must come about slowly and methodically; changes made too quickly are radical and dangerous, and so such change is feared.

Now, RW Fringers hold many of the views of the vanilla conservative with several obvious distinctions. They generally hold axioms as immutable and as not open to debate. Not only is change dangerous and to be feared the old ways were better and must be respected, honored and restored. Any ideas or opinions which conflict or challenge the thinking of a RW Fringer are dangerous and any defense of what is (to them) The Truth is defended with only one caveat: don't debate, destroy.
So, if one wants to identify a Fringer, simple see how many times a poster uses profanity, pejoratives and idiotgrams rather than debate and issue; and to ID a RW Fringer, see how many times they use sexually charged profanity in their name calliing (of course, this might simply be an indication of immaturity or a sexual identity crisis) - Damn, I couldn't resist (I could have, but why?).

RW Fringers
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Charlie Rangel will win in a landslide because he's a corrupt Democrat in a district where non-living Dems out vote Registered Republicans


Not unuassal for non-living Democrats to have more energy than living Republicans. After all, look at the lineup of red states and blue states as per who recieves more than they send in from the Federal Government. Now if you lazy ass Republican trailer trash would just get off your dead butt, put down the six pack, and the roaches, and get a job, maybe we hard working Democrats in the blue states would not have to support you so much.


Dems have been working hard at driving the entire country into receivership and nannystate heaven.

We'll start to take the hyper-partisans seriously once the Republicans stop running trillion dollar deficits, fighting Quixotic unfunded wars and believing in fairy tales like the Laffer Curve.
Gopd morning echo chamber, y'all through making the point that two wrongs make a right? Charlie Wrangle...wranggggggggggggllllllllllllllllll, oooooooooooh.
Shall I name names? Or will that DELAY your collective hysteria? BTW, where the hell is "Duke" Cunningham?
How does one spell hypocrisy. oh yes, of course, RWFringer.
Does it matter to the RW that Wrangle hold a Bronze Star and Purple Heart? Or not, he's black so I suppose it was an affirmative action award, not one earned while in harms way. Now, that does not excuse or mitigate the allegations, but the guy has more chops then any ten of the Chicken Shit hawks RWers support.

You're right. It takes real guts to run up $1 Trillion annual deficits and have the government take over whole industries.

Like Bush's last trillion dollar budget deficit and the government taking over the financial industry by, oops! Republicans!
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