Obamateurism of the Year ?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The folks over at HotAir have a poll to pick the best "Obamateurism of the Year Final"

If you'd care to vote, get on over to

Poll: 2010 Obamateurism of the Year Final Hot Air

Here are the choices:

“I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.”

Scolding the Supreme Court over ruling that he got completely wrong during SOTU

Obama quotes Declaration, leaves out “endowed by their Creator”

Obama leaves Clinton at press conference podium on tax deal to attend Christmas party

Any you think should be in the competition?
Making a major company like BP actually clean up their mess and pay for the damages..

What an amateur!

Republicans were apologizing for that one.

No one told Obama that it should be tax payers that pay for corporate fuck ups.

What a hoot.
I was quite entertained by that bullshit he came out with (I think it was in September, in Cleveland) when he said that job growth between 2000 and 2008 was slower than it had been in any economic expansion since World War II.
I nominate this little goodie:

"You're coming of age in a 24/7 media environment that bombards us with all kinds of content and exposes us to all kinds of arguments, some of which don't always rank all that high on the truth meter," Obama said at Hampton University, Virginia.

"With iPods and iPads and Xboxes and PlayStations, -- none of which I know how to work -- information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than the means of emancipation," Obama said.

He bemoaned the fact that "some of the craziest claims can quickly claim traction," in the clamor of certain blogs and talk radio outlets.

"All of this is not only putting new pressures on you, it is putting new pressures on our country and on our democracy."

AFP: Obama bemoans 'diversions' of IPod, Xbox era

Obama in a nutshell: only believe what the I want you to believe and ignore all other sources.
Ya' think forgetting that he was elected to be the President of ALL of the people
should be considered 'amateurish'?

“However, politics have proved obstructive to all facets of counterterrorism policy. And politics may have been at play in the Muhammad case as well as in other cases involving Black Muslim converts. Several weeks ago, STRATFOR heard from sources that the FBI and other law enforcement organizations had been ordered to “back off” of counterterrorism investigations into the activities of Black Muslim converts. At this point, it is unclear to us if that guidance was given by the White House or the Department of Justice, or if it was promulgated by the agencies themselves, anticipating the wishes of President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder.”
Stratfor.com June 3, 2009
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I nominate this little goodie:

"You're coming of age in a 24/7 media environment that bombards us with all kinds of content and exposes us to all kinds of arguments, some of which don't always rank all that high on the truth meter," Obama said at Hampton University, Virginia.

"With iPods and iPads and Xboxes and PlayStations, -- none of which I know how to work -- information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than the means of emancipation," Obama said.

He bemoaned the fact that "some of the craziest claims can quickly claim traction," in the clamor of certain blogs and talk radio outlets.

"All of this is not only putting new pressures on you, it is putting new pressures on our country and on our democracy."

AFP: Obama bemoans 'diversions' of IPod, Xbox era

Obama in a nutshell: only believe what the I want you to believe and ignore all other sources.

He had a point with that. How many times have we seen whining lefties bitch about O'Donnell being a witch or Beck hating the victims of 9/11.... neither is accurate but that doesn't stop droolers pretending that they are. Look at the way they twist science - while claiming to respect it - to suit their own agenda.

Still, Obama should accept that most Americans are capable of deciding for themselves what they believe.... except for the drooling hordes.
Falsehoods from one source have a way of being outed by others. The media, when left unmolested by the government, are mostly a self-correcting set of systems.
Obama cracks me up. He says we all have to start working in a non-partisian way to get things done. Well, up until a week or so ago, his chant was "We won the election. We're driving this car!" Also he wouldn't even consider Republican suggestions on how to do things. Now all of a sudden, it's time to bet non-partisian. Fuck Obama. I'm sure glad he is a one-term President.
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The folks over at HotAir have a poll to pick the best "Obamateurism of the Year Final"

If you'd care to vote, get on over to

Poll: 2010 Obamateurism of the Year Final Hot Air

Here are the choices:

“I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.”

Scolding the Supreme Court over ruling that he got completely wrong during SOTU

Obama quotes Declaration, leaves out “endowed by their Creator”

Obama leaves Clinton at press conference podium on tax deal to attend Christmas party

Any you think should be in the competition?

I take exception to your misquoting of Obama, I have heard the man speak and either your source is wrong or you misquoted.

Take this quote

“I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.”

It reads as follows;

"But, uh, butem, u,u,u, I mean................,,,, I, I, uh do think at,,,, uh, a, certain point yuu've made, uh, enough money."
Making a major company like BP actually clean up their mess and pay for the damages..

What an amateur!

Republicans were apologizing for that one.

No one told Obama that it should be tax payers that pay for corporate fuck ups.

What a hoot.

Republicans did not aplogize for BP. they apologized for democrats once again skirting the rules in place for handling such things, But then aagin these current democrats believe in thier hearts they are above the law. How else could someone argue for something so wrong.
Ya' think forgetting that he was elected to be the President of ALL of the people
should be considered 'amateurish'?

Rev. Joseph Lowery, the minister chosen by President Obama upon the occasion of his inauguration, was privileged to give the following invocation:

"We ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get in back, when brown can stick around..."
"When yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man; and when white will embrace what is right. That all those who do justice and love mercy say Amen."

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