Obama's to infest Netflix with their propaganda

Netflix. Crappy Movies,crappy TV. Plus they raised their rates..but not their quality.

Was planning on canceling them anyway. Now seems like a good time.
Americans love the Great Obama

Wise investment by Netflix
Correction: American dupes love Obama. Obama is nothing more than a charismatic liar. The only real truth he spoke before being elected was that he planned to fundamentally transform the United States. After he got elected he tried his damnedest to ruin the United States and turn it into a third world Muslim country.

He is a Muslim terrorist sympathizer and an enemy of the United States. He should be imprisoned at GTMO today and be waterboarded until he utters one word of truth.

Fuck Obama!
Trump went from TV to the POTUS. Obama went from POTUS to cable.

If you own Netflix stock, now would be the time to sell.
Americans love the Great Obama

Wise investment by Netflix
Correction: American dupes love Obama. Obama is nothing more than a charismatic liar. The only real truth he spoke before being elected was that he planned to fundamentally transform the United States. After he got elected he tried his damnedest to ruin the United States and turn it into a third world Muslim country.

He is a Muslim terrorist sympathizer and an enemy of the United States. He should be imprisoned at GTMO today and be waterboarded until he utters one word of truth.

Fuck Obama!
The Great Obama has just doubled the value of Netflix
More people will watch his show than any show in history
Americans love the Great Obama

Wise investment by Netflix
Correction: American dupes love Obama. Obama is nothing more than a charismatic liar. The only real truth he spoke before being elected was that he planned to fundamentally transform the United States. After he got elected he tried his damnedest to ruin the United States and turn it into a third world Muslim country.

He is a Muslim terrorist sympathizer and an enemy of the United States. He should be imprisoned at GTMO today and be waterboarded until he utters one word of truth.

Fuck Obama!
The Great Obama has just doubled the value of Netflix
More people will watch his show than any show in history
....and Hillary will win in 2020.
I don't think Trump will run again.
Trump is not a quitter. All he needs is to hold a rally with the people. The room is always packed and a good time is had by all. He'll be fine. America wanted a leader like him to drain the swamp and Make America Great Again.
Netflix has been full of liberal bullshit for a while now. They even took away the comments and ratings because there were so many bad ones. Liberal scum cannot stand to be honest or be told the truth if it disagrees with them.
Netflix knows their market
Brainwashed lefties apparently pining for the glory days of yore when we were embroiled in more foreign military conflicts, the economy was meager at best and our border was treated like an optional formality by so many illegals.

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