Obama's Speech to Congress in a Nutshell...


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Gold Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2010
Obama's Speech to Congress in a Nutshell...

First Obama pretends that it WASN'T Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac that got us in this mess. Then he wants us to pretend that Democrat controls imposed on the banking industry weren't responsible for the cash crunch. We should all conveniently forget that things were going great until the democrats took over congress.

For the last four years, Democrats have had COMPLETE CONTROL over this country's purse strings. But forget all that... it was BUSH, right? He MAGICALLY screwed up the economy. Forget the fact that the stock market was fine until it became obvious that an avowed Socialist was about to take the white house!

We should all pretend that it was somehow evil oil and the healthcare system that put us in this mess. Shift the blame away from the things we ALL KNOW happened. Don't worry... there's a reason Obama is shifting blame. The democrats now plan to take over the oil and energy industries. Then they will take over the healthcare system. And trust me on this... they will FUCK THEM UP just as bad as they fucked up the HOUSING MARKET. Socialism tends to do that to EVERYTHING IT TOUCHES.

Then the Dems will reinstate the old welfare system, even though the overhaul the Republicans did to it in the 90's brought about great prosperity for all and got millions of people back to work. The Democrats will create a new welfare system rife with tens of millions of dependent people. Dependent masses make for a reliable voting base.

Let's also pretend that it was evil CEO's that are to blame. It was all because of those nameless "fat-cats" and Wall Street wheeler-dealers. The Democrats will vilify them and then slam them and their evil companies with huge taxes and of course... strict controls. This of course will put MANY more people out of work, but hey... we'll have that welfare system!

Yes we'll "reform" big oil, we'll "reform" healthcare, we'll "reform" big business, we'll "reform" the auto industry, we'll "reform" Wall Street, we'll "reform" welfare... and finally... he wants to "reform" the educational system. Whenever Obama says, "reform", he means heavy-handed socialist controls. Don't worry about all the blame shifting, mass memory loss, and mental gymnastics he's got you performing. Your kids will be trained to think that way.

Don't worry about the TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS this is all costing us. They'll PRINT more and more dollars until they're worthless. They'll piss away the value of the dollar until folks are running south to earn valuable PESOS!
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Obama's Speech to Congress in a Nutshell...
First Obama pretends that it WASN'T Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac that got us in this mess. Then he wants us to pretend that Democrat controls imposed on the banking industry weren't responsible for the cash crunch. We should all conveniently forget that things were going great until the democrats took over congress.

Well he's right. Fannie and Freddy failure happened after initial collapse within banking industry. Oh and please point out single democratic legislation that in your(or other batshit crazy) opinion led to collapse. Barney Franks video on youtube doesn't count, present facts.

For the last four years, Democrats have had COMPLETE CONTROL over this country's purse strings. But forget all that... it was BUSH, right? He MAGICALLY screwed up the economy. Forget the fact that the stock market was fine until it became obvious that an avowed Socialist was about to take the white house!

Um, no. Democrats had majorities in the house and senate for the last 3 years, however complete controll? Excuse, me it's the executive branch that writes budgets. And last, markets crashed before the election took place. So, yeah.

We should all pretend that it was somehow evil oil and the healthcare system that put us in this mess. Shift the blame away from the things we ALL KNOW happened. Don't worry... there's a reason Obama is shifting blame. The democrats now plan to take over the oil and energy industries. Then they will take over the healthcare system. And trust me on this... they will FUCK THEM UP just as bad as they fucked up the HOUSING MARKET. Socialism tends to do that to EVERYTHING IT TOUCHES.
Oil prices sure contributed to the recession however who blames healthcare? Also, housing market was one of the least regulated businesses and look to what it have lead.

Then the Dems will reinstate the old welfare system, even though the overhaul the Republicans did to it in the 90's brought about great prosperity for all and got millions of people back to work. The Democrats will create a new welfare system rife with tens of millions of dependent people. Dependent masses make for a reliable voting base.


Let's also pretend that it was evil CEO's that are to blame. It was all because of those nameless "fat-cats" and Wall Street wheeler-dealers. The Democrats will vilify them and then slam them and their evil companies with huge taxes and of course... strict controls. This of course will put MANY more people out of work, but hey... we'll have that welfare system!
Gee, you're like political Nostradamus please tell more.

Yes we'll "reform" big oil, we'll "reform" healthcare, we'll "reform" big business, we'll "reform" the auto industry, we'll "reform" Wall Street, we'll "reform" welfare... and finally... he wants to "reform" the educational system. Whenever Obama says, "reform", he means heavy-handed socialist controls. Don't worry about all the blame shifting, mass memory loss, and mental gymnastics he's got you performing. Your kids will be trained to think that way.

Don't worry about the TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS this is all costing us. They'll PRINT more and more dollars until they're worthless. They'll piss away the value of the dollar until folks are running south to earn valuable PESOS!

And then they wonder why Republicans are perceived as batshit insane.
I will address your first two challenges only because the rest of your points are ridiculous.

The democrats have always wanted to increase home ownership in the lower income urban areas of this country. This goal was most important to them in the 80's and 90's because home owners were cashing in on their homes and this could be a good way to generate wealth within these areas.

This concept of nudging banks to give loans they normally would not started in the Carter administration and Clinton expanded the policy of pushing banks to loan to people they shouldn't have.

On the surface it sounds great, a very worthy goal and when house and property prices were rising it was working fine to lend to folks that could not otherwise qualify for a car loan let alone a home loan. These loans were backed by Fannie and Freddie (us taxpayer).
But then as predicted by many the bottom fell out and here we are now.

Your second point that the executive branch “writes” the budget is wrong. The president proposes a budget and the congress can adopt it or not and if you can show me a time when Pelosi enacted a Bush budget proposal I will eat a bug.

Nice try lightweight. What the hell is your point about batshit????
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Obama's Speech to Congress in a Nutshell...

First Obama pretends that it WASN'T Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac that got us in this mess. Then he wants us to pretend that Democrat controls imposed on the banking industry weren't responsible for the cash crunch. We should all conveniently forget that things were going great until the democrats took over congress.

For the last four years, Democrats have had COMPLETE CONTROL over this country's purse strings. But forget all that... it was BUSH, right? He MAGICALLY screwed up the economy. Forget the fact that the stock market was fine until it became obvious that an avowed Socialist was about to take the white house!

We should all pretend that it was somehow evil oil and the healthcare system that put us in this mess. Shift the blame away from the things we ALL KNOW happened. Don't worry... there's a reason Obama is shifting blame. The democrats now plan to take over the oil and energy industries. Then they will take over the healthcare system. And trust me on this... they will FUCK THEM UP just as bad as they fucked up the HOUSING MARKET. Socialism tends to do that to EVERYTHING IT TOUCHES.

Then the Dems will reinstate the old welfare system, even though the overhaul the Republicans did to it in the 90's brought about great prosperity for all and got millions of people back to work. The Democrats will create a new welfare system rife with tens of millions of dependent people. Dependent masses make for a reliable voting base.

Let's also pretend that it was evil CEO's that are to blame. It was all because of those nameless "fat-cats" and Wall Street wheeler-dealers. The Democrats will vilify them and then slam them and their evil companies with huge taxes and of course... strict controls. This of course will put MANY more people out of work, but hey... we'll have that welfare system!

Yes we'll "reform" big oil, we'll "reform" healthcare, we'll "reform" big business, we'll "reform" the auto industry, we'll "reform" Wall Street, we'll "reform" welfare... and finally... he wants to "reform" the educational system. Whenever Obama says, "reform", he means heavy-handed socialist controls. Don't worry about all the blame shifting, mass memory loss, and mental gymnastics he's got you performing. Your kids will be trained to think that way.

Don't worry about the TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS this is all costing us. They'll PRINT more and more dollars until they're worthless. They'll piss away the value of the dollar until folks are running south to earn valuable PESOS!

You couldn't have said it better---& SO TRUE. Now Obama is blaming the weather for the rising unemployment rate in January.

It won't be long until Mexico is building fences to keep Americans out--:clap2:
Obama's Speech to Congress in a Nutshell...
First Obama pretends that it WASN'T Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac that got us in this mess. Then he wants us to pretend that Democrat controls imposed on the banking industry weren't responsible for the cash crunch. We should all conveniently forget that things were going great until the democrats took over congress.

Well he's right. Fannie and Freddy failure happened after initial collapse within banking industry. Oh and please point out single democratic legislation that in your(or other batshit crazy) opinion led to collapse. Barney Franks video on youtube doesn't count, present facts.

Um, no. Democrats had majorities in the house and senate for the last 3 years, however complete controll? Excuse, me it's the executive branch that writes budgets. And last, markets crashed before the election took place. So, yeah.

Oil prices sure contributed to the recession however who blames healthcare? Also, housing market was one of the least regulated businesses and look to what it have lead.


Gee, you're like political Nostradamus please tell more.

Yes we'll "reform" big oil, we'll "reform" healthcare, we'll "reform" big business, we'll "reform" the auto industry, we'll "reform" Wall Street, we'll "reform" welfare... and finally... he wants to "reform" the educational system. Whenever Obama says, "reform", he means heavy-handed socialist controls. Don't worry about all the blame shifting, mass memory loss, and mental gymnastics he's got you performing. Your kids will be trained to think that way.

Don't worry about the TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS this is all costing us. They'll PRINT more and more dollars until they're worthless. They'll piss away the value of the dollar until folks are running south to earn valuable PESOS!

And then they wonder why Republicans are perceived as batshit insane.

You really need to get your facts straight---:lol::lol: I thought about everyone knew "by now" where ground zero of this current economic collapse came from. But every once in a while-- someone like you pops up & makes comments they know nothing about.

So here we go again:

Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending - NYTimes.com

Read this article 5 times if you have to, & pay special attention to the warning in the 4th or 5th paragraph.

AIG, Fannie/Freddie were all deregulated in the 1990's.

In a nutshell-

The federal government thought it would be a great idea to co-sign our names to 50% of the mortgages in this country. Along with this, Clinton's treasury secretary, Robert Rubin & Alan Greenspan fully sponsored & supported sub-prime mortages. Clinton banking officials (as the above article states) threatened banks to loan money to people who had less than desirable credit ratings, no verifiable income, no collateral, & no down payment. Wall Street bought these mortgage backed securities up as soon as possible, & then started trading them in the black hole called the derivatives market, also fully sponsored, & defended by Clinton's treasury secretary, Robert Rubin & Alan Greenspan. Basically--the federal government built a house of cards that collapsed--leaving the American tax payer holding the bag.

Fannie/Freddie started back in the 1970's during the Carter administration to aid lower income people into lower income housing. In the 1990's mortgage backed securities went from lower income housing to 400 & 500 thousand dollar custom homes & even vacation beach properties. (This is how the government works.) They "always" screw it up.
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Obama's Speech to Congress in a Nutshell...

First Obama pretends that it WASN'T Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac that got us in this mess. Then he wants us to pretend that Democrat controls imposed on the banking industry weren't responsible for the cash crunch. We should all conveniently forget that things were going great until the democrats took over congress.

For the last four years, Democrats have had COMPLETE CONTROL over this country's purse strings. But forget all that... it was BUSH, right? He MAGICALLY screwed up the economy. Forget the fact that the stock market was fine until it became obvious that an avowed Socialist was about to take the white house!

We should all pretend that it was somehow evil oil and the healthcare system that put us in this mess. Shift the blame away from the things we ALL KNOW happened. Don't worry... there's a reason Obama is shifting blame. The democrats now plan to take over the oil and energy industries. Then they will take over the healthcare system. And trust me on this... they will FUCK THEM UP just as bad as they fucked up the HOUSING MARKET. Socialism tends to do that to EVERYTHING IT TOUCHES.

Then the Dems will reinstate the old welfare system, even though the overhaul the Republicans did to it in the 90's brought about great prosperity for all and got millions of people back to work. The Democrats will create a new welfare system rife with tens of millions of dependent people. Dependent masses make for a reliable voting base.

Let's also pretend that it was evil CEO's that are to blame. It was all because of those nameless "fat-cats" and Wall Street wheeler-dealers. The Democrats will vilify them and then slam them and their evil companies with huge taxes and of course... strict controls. This of course will put MANY more people out of work, but hey... we'll have that welfare system!

Yes we'll "reform" big oil, we'll "reform" healthcare, we'll "reform" big business, we'll "reform" the auto industry, we'll "reform" Wall Street, we'll "reform" welfare... and finally... he wants to "reform" the educational system. Whenever Obama says, "reform", he means heavy-handed socialist controls. Don't worry about all the blame shifting, mass memory loss, and mental gymnastics he's got you performing. Your kids will be trained to think that way.

Don't worry about the TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS this is all costing us. They'll PRINT more and more dollars until they're worthless. They'll piss away the value of the dollar until folks are running south to earn valuable PESOS!

You couldn't have said it better---& SO TRUE. Now Obama is blaming the weather for the rising unemployment rate in January.

It won't be long until Mexico is building fences to keep Americans out--:clap2:

I'm laughing, but it's not really funny. Cabo bound baby!

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