Obama's right

Moderate Islam?

coyote said:
Ah...you silly boy, of course it did! History is full of it.

LOL! Yes it is... but you're referring to the subjective, deceitful nonsense; fraudulence illicitly advanced as a means to influence the Ignorant. LOL! More recent examples of such can be found where "HISTORY!" paints National Socialism, as the equivalent to Americans, which is to say: Conservatives... AKA: Right Wingers. This in contrast to what is OKA: The Truth, which is written by people who approach the telling of our past, objectively.

Which would naturally deal out history as recorded by Islam and the sycophant Humanists (Read: Anti-Christian) of the Ideological Left.

coyote said:

Ahh! How sweet. I read you desperately trying to persuade the reader that you rate my thinking as that akin to a river of wisdom, such as was chosen by the American Founders: Madison, Jay and Hamilton as a pseudonym for their writings, which have since come to be known as "The Federalist Papers".

Why I'm blushin'!

Just please don't mislead the reader... my intellectual means does indeed have its limitations. It's just that such appears to be infinite when it's set next to the abyss of drivel you pound out.

LOL! I mean, how pathetic do ya have to BE, to subject a member in good standing to the nonsense you idiots have set upon me... wherein every click leads to either nothing or the rules page and prevent them from providing those with whom they agree, a courteous "Thank You" or a heart felt Agree? (The Reader should know that "The Staff" has declared me a 'Discouraged Member" wherein I am barely capable of posting. Tonight alone, I've managed to get in less than a half dozen posts in over 4 hours... . But, in fairness... I was told that my intellectual means is unfair to the Liberal Members... and as a result it not fair to them to allow me to have full access to the site. OH! LOL! And 'The rules don't apply to [me] anymore'.

Which is a pain in the butt, to be sure... but what a POWERFUL compliment, RIGHT?

coyote said:
you need to learn more about Islam - don't rely on talking points.

Good Idea... It's wonderful for you to suggest such. Let's review some more about Islam.

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No. The failure occurred with the first misbeggoten incursion into Iraq that set the whole ME spinning out of control.

The entire ME was already out of control before we set one foot inside there. Saddam was gassing people and launching invasions into Kuwait, the Gaddafi regime was bombing Marine barracks, the list goes on and on.

The ME was stable. Not great for human rights but stable. Sanctions and a no fly zone had put halt on Saddam's genocidal ambitions, the First Gulf War took care of his Kuwaiti invasion. There was no rational reason for us to have invaded Iraq and the toppling of Saddam is what opened the door to the whole mess we see now, including an Iran without an Iraqi counter balance.

Was it truly worth it? Look at the ME now and look at it prior to invading Iraq. Answer honestly - is it better? More stable?
But that is why other nations need to come in.

But just not us, right?

No. We can be part of it. But it needs to be Muslims leading it.

I'm sorry, but when ISIS takes the lives of American citizens, our role in this battle should equal or exceed that of Islam.

Do we go to war every time American citizens are killed in a foreign country?

Pearl Harbor comes to mind (68 civilians were killed in the attack). The Revolutionary War comes to mind (The Boston Massacre)... It sounds like you are getting increasingly upset. Egypt and Jordan didn't care about the implications, neither should we.

Why do you think I'm upset? :dunno:

You give two examples that are pretty unique. We did not go to war because of Pearl Harbor - Pearl Harbor gave us the excuse to enter a war that the President had been angling for a means to overcome a national reluctance to enter.

Look at US citizens killed and kidnapped around the world by various terrorist gangs - drug cartel violence in Mexico and various political terrorist groups in South America. Did we go to war?

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