Obama's New Low


Hardly - the bailout was BS.

Obama has taken the worst aspects of Bush Inc and doubled down on them.

Far more debt, far more jobless Americans, more death in Afghanistan...and on and on and on...

Hardly - the bailout was BS.

Obama has taken the worst aspects of Bush Inc and doubled down on them.

Far more debt, far more jobless Americans, more death in Afghanistan...and on and on and on...

What indicates that Obama has caused more jobless Americans? Can you support that with facts or a credible theory?

More death in Afghanistan (you mean american casualties: I ll assume that this is what you ment)? Are you one of the guys who said "the surge" worked in Iraq? If so, then you should know that more troops do not necessarily mean more american deaths.
So you now support the Bush surge tactics? Ah, liberal hypocrisy yet again!

Small business makes up the vast majority of job creation in this country.

Obama and these Democrats have done nothing for small business, and are in fact reducing opportunities for small business success.

Even your cartoon shows the empty suit that is Obama - he earned an award not on his own merits, but rather for not being Bush.

Obama has broken promise after promise.

Pass this stimulus or unemployment will go to 8%

How about over 10% - what has the stimulus actually done for the vast majority of small business in America?

I'm sorry, but i just have this small problem with a "saved" job. Just how is that being defined these days? If you are working I guess Obama saved your job. What a crock.

A "saved" job is one that would have otherwise been lost due to downsizing or a company going under.

Considering that in late 2008, a majority of economists thought that the country was almost certainly headed for a depression-level "recession", the stock market had fallen by 6000 points, and most of the major banks seemed on the verge of collapse... only a complete madman would consider the economy we have now to be "worse" than it would have been had no-one done anything about it.

Or a radical partisan.

Just to stray back on to the path of reality, the TARP was the program that stabalized the banks. Bush spent half of that and left the other half for the Big 0 to spend. While i humbly disagree with the actual use of TARP funds under either administration, the net result was that the banking system did not fail.

The Stimulus was entirely separate and was sold to the population by promising things that simply did not occur. Either those who did the selling were swindling us or were just plain ignorant.

Since there was absolutely nothing in the bill that could possibly have stimulated the economy, I conclude that we were swindled. I find that more comforting than to think that everyone who voted for that abortion is a moron.

You may prefer to believe that the Big 0 and company are morons if you find that more comforting. There are, however, only those two choices.

That entire post is completely your opinion. There was plenty in the stimulus to simulate the economy, and it has done quite a bit to help our situation.

Besides the bailouts, which just about every Republican now in office specifically fought tooth and nail, the economy has continued to improve dramatically since the end of last year.

Since the banks have not actually been lending, like they were supposed to, there must have been other stimuli that helped create this effect. Like the stimulus.

Of course you folks think that Roosevelt caused the Great Depression, so I imagine that trying to sway your opinions is like beating my head repeatedly against a brick wall.

But I try anyway.
Vast, the definition was changed by the adminstration earlier this week. It is now defined as saved if the government supplied any money to fund the job. That means even if the job never materializes, it is still a job.

That's not what they said, and you know it.

They just cannot track which jobs were specifically created by the moneys provided, as it would be impossible in most cases.

If you give a State 8 billion dollars, and that state uses that money in 1000 different ways, and jobs increase as a result, you can't possibly track the course of that specific money. After all, the state could claim that they used the money to pay off debt.

Plus, state and local governments have been misreporting locations of specific jobs, presumably to embarrass the White House. In Arizona, for instance, state reporting agencies sent reports with false congressional districts. I guess their still upset about the whole John McCain thing.
Apparently, some people have the attention span of a gnat, and don't remember the state of our economy just before Obama came into office.
Vast, the definition was changed by the adminstration earlier this week. It is now defined as saved if the government supplied any money to fund the job. That means even if the job never materializes, it is still a job.

That's not what they said, and you know it.

They just cannot track which jobs were specifically created by the moneys provided, as it would be impossible in most cases.

If you give a State 8 billion dollars, and that state uses that money in 1000 different ways, and jobs increase as a result, you can't possibly track the course of that specific money. After all, the state could claim that they used the money to pay off debt.

Plus, state and local governments have been misreporting locations of specific jobs, presumably to embarrass the White House. In Arizona, for instance, state reporting agencies sent reports with false congressional districts. I guess their still upset about the whole John McCain thing.

Don't take my word for Vast, here you go:

However, the administration's method of counting jobs has been controversial, and starting with fourth-quarter figures, it's adopting a new one — giving up trying to determine if a job has been created or saved, and reporting only that it's funded by the stimulus. The change was ordered quietly last month in a memo to federal agencies.

White House credits stimulus with up to 2M jobs - Yahoo! News

I find it to be the same.
Don't take my word for Vast, here you go:

However, the administration's method of counting jobs has been controversial, and starting with fourth-quarter figures, it's adopting a new one — giving up trying to determine if a job has been created or saved, and reporting only that it's funded by the stimulus. The change was ordered quietly last month in a memo to federal agencies.

White House credits stimulus with up to 2M jobs - Yahoo! News

I find it to be the same.

Yes, meaning that if they provided funding to an entity, and new jobs were created within that entity, they define them as "funded by the stimulus".

As opposed to defining specific jobs as "created".
Anyone attempting to deny Obama's popularity is going down-down-down is living in a world devoid of reality...

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

Doesn't look that bad to me...

Nice rose colored glasses. You picked one of the most pro Obama polls currently available. Here's one that is closest to the runnning average of polls taken:


47% Approval
45% Disapproval

with less than a 3% margin of error.

The trend line is down even on yours. Bad polls are the new spin arena?
Don't take my word for Vast, here you go:

However, the administration's method of counting jobs has been controversial, and starting with fourth-quarter figures, it's adopting a new one — giving up trying to determine if a job has been created or saved, and reporting only that it's funded by the stimulus. The change was ordered quietly last month in a memo to federal agencies.

White House credits stimulus with up to 2M jobs - Yahoo! News

I find it to be the same.

Yes, meaning that if they provided funding to an entity, and new jobs were created within that entity, they define them as "funded by the stimulus".

As opposed to defining specific jobs as "created".

Partially yes, it also means if money went to the company it is a "saved" job whether it saved it or not. Look it was already a vague definition and they made it even more so. The article is pretty clear about that.
Nice rose colored glasses. You picked one of the most pro Obama polls currently available. Here's one that is closest to the runnning average of polls taken:


47% Approval
45% Disapproval

with less than a 3% margin of error.

The trend line is down even on yours. Bad polls are the new spin arena?

Now, I agree that the poster you responded to picked an out-lier poll, but you responded with a poll entitled the "Heartland" poll, from the "National Journal"??

How about this average?

RealClearPolitics - RealClearPolitics Poll Averages

RCP Average: Approve: 47.7 Disapprove: 45.1 Spread: +2.6
Apparently, some people have the attention span of a gnat, and don't remember the state of our economy just before Obama came into office

It wasn't anywhare near as bad as it is now. FACT.
Nice rose colored glasses. You picked one of the most pro Obama polls currently available. Here's one that is closest to the runnning average of polls taken:


47% Approval
45% Disapproval

with less than a 3% margin of error.

The trend line is down even on yours. Bad polls are the new spin arena?

Now, I agree that the poster you responded to picked an out-lier poll, but you responded with a poll entitled the "Heartland" poll, from the "National Journal"??

How about this average?

RealClearPolitics - RealClearPolitics Poll Averages

RCP Average: Approve: 47.7 Disapprove: 45.1 Spread: +2.6

Okay, I just used the other one, because it had actual supporting numbers from its poll. I wondered who they were too. If they are consistently close and accurate, maybe I'll pay more attention to them.
Partially yes, it also means if money went to the company it is a "saved" job whether it saved it or not. Look it was already a vague definition and they made it even more so. The article is pretty clear about that.

It is vague, I will give you that.

But when you are confronted by a right-wing media that's trying to blame you for the economy going south in the first place, you have to provide some sort of quantifiable number to display what you are actually DOING.

Hell, Rush Limbaugh is claiming that Obama is responsible for the original failure of the Auto Industry.
Apparently, some people have the attention span of a gnat, and don't remember the state of our economy just before Obama came into office

It wasn't anywhare near as bad as it is now. FACT.

And here's the perfect example.

Of course it was worse than it is now. The Stock Market was crashing, banks were going under, the unemployment rate was GROWING at a rate of 1% every couple of months.

The reason why unemployment always follows other economic factors is that businesses base hiring and firing on previous levels of loss or gain.
Partially yes, it also means if money went to the company it is a "saved" job whether it saved it or not. Look it was already a vague definition and they made it even more so. The article is pretty clear about that.

It is vague, I will give you that.

But when you are confronted by a right-wing media that's trying to blame you for the economy going south in the first place, you have to provide some sort of quantifiable number to display what you are actually DOING.

Hell, Rush Limbaugh is claiming that Obama is responsible for the original failure of the Auto Industry.

This is going to hurt a little Vast, so I wanted to tell you that up front...

The article I took that from is the AP. Just a guess, but I think you are going to open yourself up to a lot of abuse with that concept of the AP as right-wing media. Giving people made up numbers seems to have just pissed most of us off. I would suggest a different approach.

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