Obama's Marxist Tendencies, and the Response of the Founding Fathers


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
A lot of people on these forums debase our Founding Fathers as being out of touch with our modern world. However, this blog post by Douglas V. Gibbs at Political Pistachio shows just how wise they truly were with comments that hold true today.

Rather than write about Barack Obama, his similarities to Karl Marx, the father of Communism, and what the Founding Fathers thought of such thinking, I figured I would just let Barry, Marx, and a number of the founders speak for themselves:

Liberalism is Marxism, therefore, Liberalism is Communism. Do not be fooled, the Democrat Party is in the process of trying to turn this country into a Soviet-style nation, based on the same concepts that led Russia into the Bolshevik Revolution.

Read more @ Political Pistachio: Obama's Marxist Tendencies, and the Response of the Founding Fathers
Gawd but you rw's are just so damn gullible.

You'll just blindly believe whatever fits your wacko agenda.
Gawd but you rw's are just so damn gullible.

You'll just blindly believe whatever fits your wacko agenda.
A nation replete with social programs that fosters dependency is what? My agenda is to save my country from the socialist, marxist, communist, satanist - forgive the redundancy.
As usual, the Nutter's can't tell the difference between these two guys:


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A lot of people on these forums debase our Founding Fathers as being out of touch with our modern world. However, this blog post by Douglas V. Gibbs at Political Pistachio shows just how wise they truly were with comments that hold true today.

Rather than write about Barack Obama, his similarities to Karl Marx, the father of Communism, and what the Founding Fathers thought of such thinking, I figured I would just let Barry, Marx, and a number of the founders speak for themselves:

Liberalism is Marxism, therefore, Liberalism is Communism. Do not be fooled, the Democrat Party is in the process of trying to turn this country into a Soviet-style nation, based on the same concepts that led Russia into the Bolshevik Revolution.

Read more @ Political Pistachio: Obama's Marxist Tendencies, and the Response of the Founding Fathers

it would be really helpful if you knew what a marxist is

but no doubt if 'politicalpistachio.blogspot says so....
As usual, the Nutter's can't tell the difference between these two guys:
Do you liberals ever attempt to debate - are your one liners a fall back position?

If someone tried to engage you in a serious conversation concerning Bigfoot's hairstyle would you take them seriously? Bad example, you probably believe in Bigfoot also. The point is if someone starts with a ridiculous concept you do not seriously consider it, you go right to ridicule.
A lot of people on these forums debase our Founding Fathers as being out of touch with our modern world. However, this blog post by Douglas V. Gibbs at Political Pistachio shows just how wise they truly were with comments that hold true today.

Rather than write about Barack Obama, his similarities to Karl Marx, the father of Communism, and what the Founding Fathers thought of such thinking, I figured I would just let Barry, Marx, and a number of the founders speak for themselves:

Liberalism is Marxism, therefore, Liberalism is Communism. Do not be fooled, the Democrat Party is in the process of trying to turn this country into a Soviet-style nation, based on the same concepts that led Russia into the Bolshevik Revolution.

Read more @ Political Pistachio: Obama's Marxist Tendencies, and the Response of the Founding Fathers

it would be really helpful if you knew what a marxist is

but no doubt if 'politicalpistachio.blogspot says so....
Obama - your messiah is a marxist. Don't play dumb.
Gawd but you rw's are just so damn gullible.

You'll just blindly believe whatever fits your wacko agenda.
A nation replete with social programs that fosters dependency is what? My agenda is to save my country from the socialist, marxist, communist, satanist - forgive the redundancy.


Look up the meanings of the labels you toss around. Maybe you'll learn just how wrong you are.

Probably not.
Conservatism is the domination of society by an aristocracy.

Conservatism is incompatible with democracy, prosperity for those who are not rich, and civilization in general. It is a destructive system of inequality and prejudice that is founded on deception and has no place in the modern world.

Philip Agre
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"For the framers of the Constituton were the most liberal thinkers of all the ages and the charter they produced out of the liberal revolution of their time has never been and is not now surpassed in liberal thought." General Douglas MacArthur
A lot of people on these forums debase our Founding Fathers as being out of touch with our modern world. However, this blog post by Douglas V. Gibbs at Political Pistachio shows just how wise they truly were with comments that hold true today.

Rather than write about Barack Obama, his similarities to Karl Marx, the father of Communism, and what the Founding Fathers thought of such thinking, I figured I would just let Barry, Marx, and a number of the founders speak for themselves:

Liberalism is Marxism, therefore, Liberalism is Communism. Do not be fooled, the Democrat Party is in the process of trying to turn this country into a Soviet-style nation, based on the same concepts that led Russia into the Bolshevik Revolution.

Read more @ Political Pistachio: Obama's Marxist Tendencies, and the Response of the Founding Fathers

it would be really helpful if you knew what a marxist is

but no doubt if 'politicalpistachio.blogspot says so....

Every time the most ignorant on the board start with this silly name calling, I just shake my head. They're are told what to say but they never know what the words mean and they certainly never have a shred of proof.
Gawd but you rw's are just so damn gullible.

You'll just blindly believe whatever fits your wacko agenda.
A nation replete with social programs that fosters dependency is what? My agenda is to save my country from the socialist, marxist, communist, satanist - forgive the redundancy.

The US is still the least socialistic country of all industrial/developed nations in the entire world and that's even after four years of Obama!!!!!!!!! :D
Take your scare tactics somewhere will they'll fall for such gibberish.
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A lot of people on these forums debase our Founding Fathers as being out of touch with our modern world. However, this blog post by Douglas V. Gibbs at Political Pistachio shows just how wise they truly were with comments that hold true today.

Read more @ Political Pistachio: Obama's Marxist Tendencies, and the Response of the Founding Fathers

it would be really helpful if you knew what a marxist is

but no doubt if 'politicalpistachio.blogspot says so....

Every time the most ignorant on the board start with this silly name calling, I just shake my head. They're are told what to say but they never know what the words mean and they certainly never have a shred of proof.

that's because if they knew what the words actually mean, they wouldn't use them.

sad, isn't it?
Gawd but you rw's are just so damn gullible.

You'll just blindly believe whatever fits your wacko agenda.
A nation replete with social programs that fosters dependency is what? My agenda is to save my country from the socialist, marxist, communist, satanist - forgive the redundancy.

The US is still the least socialistic country of all industrial/developed nations in the entire world and that's even after four years of Obama!!!!!!!!! :D
Take your scare tactics somewhere will they'll fall for such gibberish.

they don't get it only works on people as extreme as they are.

but that's ok. it's why they lost.
Gawd but you rw's are just so damn gullible.

You'll just blindly believe whatever fits your wacko agenda.
A nation replete with social programs that fosters dependency is what? My agenda is to save my country from the socialist, marxist, communist, satanist - forgive the redundancy.

The US is still the least socialistic country of all industrial/developed nations in the entire world and that's even after four years of Obama!!!!!!!!! :D
Take your scare tactics somewhere will they'll fall for such gibberish.

Its funny if you think about it.

They're all running around, screeching about the socialist sky falling and Obama has yet to do even one thing that could be considered "socialistic".

Stupidly, they say ACA is socialist when its anything BUT. If they knew the meaning of the word, they would see that Reagan's EMTALA is a socialist system.

But they're told what to think, not HOW to think. In fact, the Rs said they want an end to teaching "critical thinking". I don't think they have to worry about rw's doing any critical thinking!

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