Obama's foreign policy rating plummets


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
It should come as no surprise. The star of the "White House Reality now known as the Empty Chair show", Barack Kardashian Obama has been galavanting around to Vegas, yucking it up with Letterman, and partying down with JayZ and Beyonce at $40,000. a plate dinners.

And the biggest drop was in the indy group.

The NBC/Wall Street Journal poll released Tuesday found the president’s foreign policy approval among registered voters at 49 percent, down from 54 percent one month earlier.

The fall was steeper among independents, going from 53 percent in August to 41 percent,” NBC reported.

Across 18 NBC/WSJ polls that have tracked the issue since April 2009, the five-point drop is the second biggest recorded over a one-month period. (The biggest – seven points – came in June 2011, following a record-high approval bump the previous month which was likely linked to the killing of Osama bin Laden.)

And here's something from the article that will just make you want to bazooka barf.

What an egotistical pig of a human being.:lol:

While campaigning for the presidency Obama presented himself as someone whose exotic background – an African Muslim father, boyhood years spent in Indonesia – would play well in the international community.

“As somebody who myself lived overseas for a time, the world would see me as a different kind of president, somebody who could see the world through their eyes,” he told a Daily Telegraph reporter in early 2008.

If I convened a meeting with Muslim leaders around the world to discuss how they can align themselves against terrorism …,” he said, “I’d do so with the credibility of someone who has lived in a Muslim country. All these things can make a difference.”

How's that "experience" working out for America in the ME right now?

Obama had no foreign policy bumps except that he himself killed Osama bin Laden. Yea, he did that!!

Then he celebrated it, got high fived and celebrated again on the one year anniversary. Yea, that's a great foreign policy.
Meanwhile, candidate Romney still believes Russia is our biggest threat...

when u have no defense, deflect.

The defense is in the poll, now that you and the OP have accepted the poll as credible:

1. For the election - Obama leading by 5

2. For who is better prepared to lead the country for the next 4 years - Obama by 11

3. For who is better on women's issues - Obama by 28

4. For who is better looking out for middle class - Obama by 19

5. For who will be better commander-in-chief - Obama by 7

6. Dealing with Medicare - Obama by 10

7. Dealing with taxes - Obama by 5

There's the defense, now you can go ahead and deflect.

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