obama's Fav-o-Flav Religion Takes Girls As Slaves


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
You know, the religion that obama says we should respect at all times. The one that he says we should never-ever (Gasp!) insult?

The one that his very own regime refused to name as the cause of the Fort Hood murders, preferring instead to call it 'Workplace Violence".

No shit. That's what he's calling it. Were the government to call it 'terrorism', which it was, the wounded would be entitled to much more in the way of benefits, disability, etc.

But no. We can't insult Islam, can we?

Nigerian Insurgency Leader Says He Has Taken Abducted Girls as Slaves - WSJ.com

Nigerian Insurgency Leader Says He Has Taken Abducted Girls as Slaves
Boko Haram Leader Says He Will Sell Girls


Women attend a demonstration in Lagos on Monday, calling on Nigeria to rescue kidnapped school girls. Associated Press

The leader of Nigeria's Boko Haram insurgency said in a video message Monday he had taken as slaves more than 200 abducted teenage girls, as foreign governments joined the hunt for the missing students.

In his first public claim of responsibility since his group kidnapped the students from a rural high school in Nigeria's northeast, Abubakar Shekau said he would sell the girls "because they are our slaves."

The girls don't appear in the video, and their whereabouts aren't known.

The video represented a grim update on what has become a hunt with few leads for an entire class of girls who weeks ago had been taking their final exams at a boarding school. On the night of April 14, Boko Haram fighters drove trucks into the school, dressed as soldiers, and abducted them. The sect has long argued that government schools are corrupting Nigerians, turning them away from Islam. Boko Haram means "Western education is sin" in the Hausa language.

"Education is sin; it is forbidden," Mr. Shekau said. "Women must go and marry."

At least 223 of the teenage girls remain missing, according to the school's principal. Their prolonged captivity—and the failure of Nigerian troops to find them—has sparked days of protests.

Nigerian officials have failed to determine the girls' location, their condition, or even the exact number missing. A military statement claiming nearly all had been rescued turned out to be false, angering parents of the students. Numerous local newspapers have cited unnamed security sources claiming to negotiate the girls' liberation, but Mr. Shekau made no mention of such talks in his 57-minute message.

Foreign governments have offered to lend a hand to Nigeria.

On Monday, French officials said they were sharing intelligence with Nigeria in an effort to find the girls. On Saturday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry also offered help, saying, "We will do everything possible to support the Nigerian government to return these young women to their homes."

Even Africa's smaller nations, many of which have had decades of thorny relations with their larger neighbor, extended support: "All of us are fathers, and I could just imagine that my daughter could be one of them," said Ghana's president, John Dramani Mahama, who added he had written a letter on behalf of 14 other West African nations offering assistance.

For years, Nigeria has rebuffed help from the West, preferring to fight Boko Haram largely on its own. The U.S. in 2012 opened a drone base in Niger, directly north of Nigeria, but as of last October, hadn't flown a single drone over Nigeria, U.S. and Nigerian officials said. It isn't clear if there have been flights since then.

The case of the teenage girls appears to be altering Nigeria's traditional reluctance to appeal for outside help in combating Boko Haram. On Sunday, President Goodluck Jonathan said he had requested help from the U.S., France, China and the U.K., but didn't give details.

"We are doing everything we can and will continue to do so until the girls are freed," he said.

The emotional—and political—strain surrounding the abduction was evident Monday during a standoff between protesters and President Jonathan's wife, Patience Jonathan.

For a week, a group called Bring Back Our Girls has held daily demonstrations, pressuring the government to keep up the search. On Monday, the group said their leader had been detained by police on the first lady's orders. Police didn't return requests for comment.

Then, in a speech, Mrs. Jonathan accused the mothers of the kidnapped of rebuffing her help: "The first lady is calling you! Come, I want to help you find your missing childs!" she shouted at a televised meeting. She then buried her eyes in a handkerchief.

dims refuse to look
They are just the logical religious extreme of the Christian fundamentalists in this country who hate what is being taught in our public schools.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XFngRvOhH4]Obama Apology to MUSLIMS after they murdered Chris Stevens in Benghazi, Libya - YouTube[/ame]
On 9-11? The Obama Administration Apologizes to Radical Islamists and Attacks Our Constitutional Rights | The Gateway Pundit

The Obama State Department apologized to the Islamists today after they stormed the US Embassy in Cairo.
Good Grief? US Embassy in Egypt Condemns US Citizens After Islamists Storm Its Walls & Torch Flag | The Gateway Pundit

Here’s the press release:

U.S. Embassy Condemns Religious Incitement
September 11, 2012

The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.
You just can’t make this stuff up.
They are just the logical religious extreme of the Christian fundamentalists in this country who hate what is being taught in our public schools.

Well, few are kidnapping girls. But, muslims don't have the intolerance market cornered.

Read carefully. I said it was the logical extreme. It's where Christian fundamentalism would go if taken to the logical extreme.

Much as the core beliefs of the pro-lifers go to the logical extreme of blowing up clinics and murdering abortion doctors.
They are just the logical religious extreme of the Christian fundamentalists in this country who hate what is being taught in our public schools.

Well, few are kidnapping girls. But, muslims don't have the intolerance market cornered.

Read carefully. I said it was the logical extreme. It's where Christian fundamentalism would go if taken to the logical extreme.

Much as the core beliefs of the pro-lifers go to the logical extreme of blowing up clinics and murdering abortion doctors.

Well, I can agree with this much. As I understand it, the Nigerian girls were kidnapped in part because the kidnappers oppose education in a western, or non-theocratic, orientation.

I'd agree that "creation science" has a similar objective.

We actually crushed the Muslims during the Crusades.

The problem was..... Nobody wanted to stay there and protect the gains made.

If you've ever been there, you'd know why. The place is a pushole. Dirty, hot, fly-infested (you've NEVER seen flies like they have over there) nasty, ugly, disease infested.....

The Europeans got their message across. They needed to. Islam was trying very hard to take all of Europe and they very nearly succeeded.

People think this is some kind of new shit going on? Mostly dimocraps because, I'm not kidding when I say this...... They are profoundly stupid, unthinking, gullible, naive, worthless human beings...

But it isn't new. We've benn fighting Islam itself for almost 1,400 years. And they invaded Europe constantly for nearly a thousand years.

They're not victims, they're invaders. And dimocrap scum are too stupid to see it.

Or much else, for that matter. We're talking mouth-breathers, here. Like most dims.
Well, few are kidnapping girls. But, muslims don't have the intolerance market cornered.

Read carefully. I said it was the logical extreme. It's where Christian fundamentalism would go if taken to the logical extreme.

Much as the core beliefs of the pro-lifers go to the logical extreme of blowing up clinics and murdering abortion doctors.

Well, I can agree with this much. As I understand it, the Nigerian girls were kidnapped in part because the kidnappers oppose education in a western, or non-theocratic, orientation.

I'd agree that "creation science" has a similar objective.

"Creation Science" has a similar objective?

Says who? You?

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