Obama's Economic Miracle


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
I think Obama's economic performance will give Republicans a lot to worry about in November. His handling of the economy has been almost on par with his grasp of US Constitutional Law.

Consider, the Obama Economic Miracle:

4 straight years of almost 92% employment

Only downgraded once!

Reagan, the Decade of Greed President had whole budgets that were less than Obama deficits!

And he did it all without ever signing a single budget
I think Obama's economic performance will give Republicans a lot to worry about in November. His handling of the economy has been almost on par with his grasp of US Constitutional Law.

Consider, the Obama Economic Miracle:

4 straight years of almost 92% employment

Only downgraded once!

Reagan, the Decade of Greed President had whole budgets that were less than Obama deficits!

And he did it all without ever signing a single budget

1. Twice:
Credit rating agency Egan Jones downgraded the United States Thursday on concern over the sustainability of public debt. Egan Jones is one of the most important ratings firms in the world; they lowered our credit level from AA+ to AA. The firm reduced America from AAA to AA+ in July 2011, just before Standard & Poor's did the same.

Egan Jones warned. "Without some structural changes soon, restoring credit quality will become increasingly difficult . . . without some structural changes soon, restoring credit quality will become increasingly difficult."

Read more: Egan Jones Downgrades US Credit Rating - US Credit Rating Downgrade - Fox Nation

2. "By the end of the summer of Reagan's third year in office, the economy was soaring. The GDP growth rate was 5% and racing toward 7%, even 8% growth. In 1983 and '84 output was growing so fast the biggest worry was that the economy would "overheat." In the summer of 2011 we have an economy limping along at barely 1% growth and by some indications headed toward a "double-dip" recession. By the end of Reagan's first term, it was Morning in America. Today there is gloomy talk of America in its twilight."
Stephen Moore: Obamanonics vs. Reaganomics - WSJ.com
92% employment!

Well, I have no doubt that democrats will say this. Getting people to believe it is a different story.
92% employment!

Well, I have no doubt that democrats will say this. Getting people to believe it is a different story.

When people vote, they don't base it on statistics, economic forecasts or what pundits tell them to think. They look around into their own lives. That's what they base their votes on.

According to experts, election day had Jimmy Carter at 68% with Ronald Reagan at 31%. When Arnold Schwarzeneggar was elected governor, Cruz Bustamante led by double digits. The experts had Bush with 37% of the women's vote. He actually got 43% of the women's vote.

The words Are YOU better off than you were four years ago, is quite profound. When each person sits down, after they went to the grocery store, put gas in the car and evaluated what was left out of their unemployment check they will have to decide whether or not they can afford to turn on the lights.

As bad as it is now, obama has plans to make things even worse during the summer. He was persuaded not to enrage the public by closing all the public pools in the country over the summer. That will come this fall when the impact won't be as bad. But he is implenting his plan to close power plants, shutter coal mines, skyrocket energy costs and tell people this is wonderful because he's saving the environment. He might believe he's saving the environment, but when ordinary people decide who to vote for, the environment might not mean that much to him personally.
I don't feel that a President running on the following 3+ years later should be voted in again.
Has a Senate that will not propose a budget.
Blames the prior administration every chance he gets some 3 + years later.
Doesn't take responsibility or accepts accountability for our current situation.
Takes credit for jobs saved.
Uses the "Well it could have been worse without me card".
Has not united the country or Congress to work toward getting this country out of it's economic funk.

This man should not be sent back to the WH.
I think Obama's economic performance will give Republicans a lot to worry about in November. His handling of the economy has been almost on par with his grasp of US Constitutional Law.
Consider, the Obama Economic Miracle:
4 straight years of almost 92% employment
Only downgraded once!
Reagan, the Decade of Greed President had whole budgets that were less than Obama deficits!
And he did it all without ever signing a single budget

Given that Reagan inherited a budget deficit around 1% of GDP, an economy growing at around 2%, and Obama inherited a budget deficit over 10% of GDP and an economy shrinking at around 6% anyone who concludes that Reagan performed better then Obama is either being dishonest or is a brainwashed tool.
Only 10% of the current deficit is due to Obama polices, while the vast majority of Reagan's deficit was due to Reagan policies.
Also if government spending under Obama had increased at the same rate under Reagan then the unemployment rate would actually be lower now then it was at the same time under Reagan.
I think Obama's economic performance will give Republicans a lot to worry about in November. His handling of the economy has been almost on par with his grasp of US Constitutional Law.
Consider, the Obama Economic Miracle:
4 straight years of almost 92% employment
Only downgraded once!
Reagan, the Decade of Greed President had whole budgets that were less than Obama deficits!
And he did it all without ever signing a single budget

Given that Reagan inherited a budget deficit around 1% of GDP, an economy growing at around 2%, and Obama inherited a budget deficit over 10% of GDP and an economy shrinking at around 6% anyone who concludes that Reagan performed better then Obama is either being dishonest or is a brainwashed tool.
Only 10% of the current deficit is due to Obama polices, while the vast majority of Reagan's deficit was due to Reagan policies.
Also if government spending under Obama had increased at the same rate under Reagan then the unemployment rate would actually be lower now then it was at the same time under Reagan.



You're reading off an old script, Fluffer, it's Booooooosh!
I don't feel that a President running on the following 3+ years later should be voted in again.
It takes several years for a presidents polices to become enacted, meaning according to you we should blame Obama for things he didn't do. Nice to know you're a partisan hack.
Has a Senate that will not propose a budget.
Again you're blaming Obama for something other people do.
Blames the prior administration every chance he gets some 3 + years later.
Given that the housing bubble and financial crises occurred before Obama took office not blaming those thins on past administrations would be being dishonest.
Takes credit for jobs saved.
I see so according to you Obama doesn't deserve credit for jobs saved/created due to his policies
Uses the "Well it could have been worse without me card".
Given that the stimulus created 4 million jobs, the Auto bailout created 1.5million, the small business tax credits created 1.5 million jobs, new environmental regulations that reduce pollution have/will created 2million jobs, and energy efficient programs such as BBI and CFC have created .5million jobs anyone with a brain would conclude that the economy would of done worse
Has not united the country or Congress to work toward getting this country out of it's economic funk.
I see so Obama proposing health care reform that republicans advocated means he did not try to work with republicans.
You're whole post was pure stupidity, not surprising though
Reagan was the beginning of our problem. To triple the debt simply to give tax breaks to the wealthy was criminal. We might have recovered from Reagan but then comes along G. W. Bush and America has its hands full trying to prevent an economic nightmare. We seem to have stabliized now and with some right decisions might get back on the road to prosperity. But the manufacturing world has changed, perhaps forever. China, and soon India, with their cheap labor and perhaps even more modern machinery might soom eclipse America in that area, as we eclipsed England. America has to come up with some new approaches, and those days of America even agreeing on new ideas may be lost in the political arena. The new approach seems to get the money and stash it someplace safe.
I think Obama's economic performance will give Republicans a lot to worry about in November. His handling of the economy has been almost on par with his grasp of US Constitutional Law.

Consider, the Obama Economic Miracle:

4 straight years of almost 92% employment

Only downgraded once!

Reagan, the Decade of Greed President had whole budgets that were less than Obama deficits!

And he did it all without ever signing a single budget

I think Obama's economic performance will give Republicans a lot to worry about in November. His handling of the economy has been almost on par with his grasp of US Constitutional Law.
Consider, the Obama Economic Miracle:
4 straight years of almost 92% employment
Only downgraded once!
Reagan, the Decade of Greed President had whole budgets that were less than Obama deficits!
And he did it all without ever signing a single budget

Given that Reagan inherited a budget deficit around 1% of GDP, an economy growing at around 2%, and Obama inherited a budget deficit over 10% of GDP and an economy shrinking at around 6% anyone who concludes that Reagan performed better then Obama is either being dishonest or is a brainwashed tool.
Only 10% of the current deficit is due to Obama polices, while the vast majority of Reagan's deficit was due to Reagan policies.
Also if government spending under Obama had increased at the same rate under Reagan then the unemployment rate would actually be lower now then it was at the same time under Reagan.

"In any case, what Reagan inherited was arguably a more severe financial crisis than what was dropped in Mr. Obama's lap. You don't believe it? From 1967 to 1982 stocks lost two-thirds of their value relative to inflation, according to a new report from Laffer Associates. That mass liquidation of wealth was a first-rate financial calamity. And tell me that 20% mortgage interest rates, as we saw in the 1970s, aren't indicative of a monetary-policy meltdown."

There is something that is genuinely different this time. It isn't the nature of the crisis Mr. Obama inherited, but the nature of his policy prescriptions. Reagan applied tax cuts and other policies that, yes, took the deficit to unchartered peacetime highs.

But that borrowing financed a remarkable and prolonged economic expansion and a victory against the Evil Empire in the Cold War. What exactly have Mr. Obama's deficits gotten us?"

Stephen Moore: Obamanonics vs. Reaganomics - WSJ.com
And to think Obama walked into such a peach of a situation. His "performance" is just terrible in that light.

The depth and breadth of this disaster is going to be felt for a long time, regardless of the political affiliation of the White House occupant. And we're not out of the woods, not by a long shot. Those who are trying to paint this historic, horrific global mess as just another recession are ignorant, lying, or both.

I don't know what Obama's economic performance is, and I'm in the financial industry. What I do know is that no one looks good trying to drive a bus out of an acre of quicksand.

But let's not let that get in the way of political bullshit.

The only correct course of action would be for the nation to divide and let libs run their own geography any way they want. It's been done before.

When Germany was divided between East and West, the conservative west prospered and East Germany mired in communist imposed poverty.

What's the people's paradise of North Korea like compared to the capitalist wasteland of South Korea.
Reagan was the beginning of our problem. To triple the debt simply to give tax breaks to the wealthy was criminal. We might have recovered from Reagan but then comes along G. W. Bush and America has its hands full trying to prevent an economic nightmare. We seem to have stabliized now and with some right decisions might get back on the road to prosperity. But the manufacturing world has changed, perhaps forever. China, and soon India, with their cheap labor and perhaps even more modern machinery might soom eclipse America in that area, as we eclipsed England. America has to come up with some new approaches, and those days of America even agreeing on new ideas may be lost in the political arena. The new approach seems to get the money and stash it someplace safe.

"To triple the debt simply to give tax breaks to the wealthy was criminal."

There could be no better proof of the willful ignorance of the Left. Your statement above is the typical slander by your side, Pinocchio.

1. "Reagan’s ideas transformed American finance, global economics and world politics. They reverberated through Eastern Europe, the Soviet Union and China with the power of Joshua’s trumpets. They made South Korea a more economically important and promising country than France or Germany.

2. Since 1980, U.S. marginal tax rates fell some 40 percent on income and 75 percent on capital gains and dividends, and the American economy added close to 36 million jobs. During the same time period, Europe and Japan created scarcely any net new employment outside of government. American companies now constitute 57 percent of global market capitalization, and the U.S. commands close to one half of the world’s economic assets. America, responsible for one fifth of global GDP in 1980, produced one third of global GDP in 2003. That is Ronald Reagan’s legacy.

3. The key to this awesome and unprecedented triumph was Reagan’s dismantling of the confiscatory tax codes imposed on the capitalist world during World War II. Supporting Reagan’s tax rate reductions was a movement of economists and journalists called supply-siders.

4. A central component of supply-side economics is the Laffer Curve—named for its inventor, the economist Arthur Laffer—which shows that low tax rates produce more revenue than high ones. Ronald Reagan understood and embraced the Laffer Curve.

a. A rate high on the Laffer Curve, as Reagan knew, means that more work for more income is less profitable than maneuvering to avoid taxes on existing income. According to my research, the correct curve shows that tax rates should be kept very low—well below 20 percent—and that higher rates tend to reduce long run government income and massively reduce private sector wealth.

5. The growth of the private sector is measured not merely by output but also by assets. In the 25 years since Reagan assumed office, U.S. household assets have more than tripled, to a current record of $52 trillion. Driven by a surging stock market, America’s increase in private wealth dwarfs the increases in debt that cause such agony for one-handed economists in Washington, who dutifully gauge the swell of liabilities but seem blinded to the mountainous growth of assets.

6. Meanwhile, with the top tax rate dropping from 50 to 28 percent under Reagan, tax contributions by the top five percent of earners rose from nine to 18 percent of the total, while contributions from the bottom 20 percent dropped from six to two percent. The top 50 percent of taxpayers paid 94.5 percent of the federal income taxes. Lower tax rates resulted in much larger tax payments by the rich. Reagan’s economic policies proved to be so popular that they were extended, for the most part, under President Clinton and a Republican Congress."

There is a palpable fear by Liberal when the name of Ronald Reagan comes up...so they squirm and twist to deny the benefits of Reagan's plan....

...and reminding all that he defeated the 'Evil Empire' without firing a shot produces the same effect as Dorothy throwing a bucket of water on the Wicked Witch....

...so, reggie......gonna send your flying monkeys?
The only correct course of action would be for the nation to divide and let libs run their own geography any way they want. It's been done before.

When Germany was divided between East and West, the conservative west prospered and East Germany mired in communist imposed poverty.

What's the people's paradise of North Korea like compared to the capitalist wasteland of South Korea.

Civil war....Abraham Lincoln.....over half a million killed.....ring a bell?
The only correct course of action would be for the nation to divide and let libs run their own geography any way they want. It's been done before.

When Germany was divided between East and West, the conservative west prospered and East Germany mired in communist imposed poverty.

What's the people's paradise of North Korea like compared to the capitalist wasteland of South Korea.

Civil war....Abraham Lincoln.....over half a million killed.....ring a bell?

Why does there have to be a civil war? Why not just an amicable divorce? The nation is done. The idealogical division today is much worse than it was prior to the civil war. There is no point on which the nation can agree. Not one. Religion, family, social structure, military, education, economy. No matter what you can think of, there is no point of agreement.

If we do not agree to disagree and move on in separate directions, there is nothing left BUT a civil war.
I think Obama's economic performance will give Republicans a lot to worry about in November. His handling of the economy has been almost on par with his grasp of US Constitutional Law.
Consider, the Obama Economic Miracle:
4 straight years of almost 92% employment
Only downgraded once!
Reagan, the Decade of Greed President had whole budgets that were less than Obama deficits!
And he did it all without ever signing a single budget

Given that Reagan inherited a budget deficit around 1% of GDP, an economy growing at around 2%, and Obama inherited a budget deficit over 10% of GDP and an economy shrinking at around 6% anyone who concludes that Reagan performed better then Obama is either being dishonest or is a brainwashed tool.
Only 10% of the current deficit is due to Obama polices, while the vast majority of Reagan's deficit was due to Reagan policies.
Also if government spending under Obama had increased at the same rate under Reagan then the unemployment rate would actually be lower now then it was at the same time under Reagan.

I'll have what he's having.
The only correct course of action would be for the nation to divide and let libs run their own geography any way they want. It's been done before.

When Germany was divided between East and West, the conservative west prospered and East Germany mired in communist imposed poverty.

What's the people's paradise of North Korea like compared to the capitalist wasteland of South Korea.

Really? Is that why Liberal states have 25% higher GDP per capital, higher living standards, 1/3rd the poverty, more employment, 80% less corruption, less pollution, higher income, better quality/access to health care despite getting on average 25% less money from the federal government?

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