Obama's "Dog ate my homework" economic excuses


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
The only thing he knows about economics is how to destroy an economy. Here's, the list of reasons Obama gives why his economy sucks:

Bank ATM's

Airport Kiosks

Japan Tsunami

Arab Spring uprising

Greek Debt Crisis


Tea Party

The debt ceiling got raised

He was President of the Harvard Law Review? Seriously?
Do you watch the Five? One of the panelists called obiedoodle " a pathetic little man." Obie's approval rating is now at 39%
He was a community organizer. That in itself should qualify anyone to lead a country
Whoever was STUPID enough to vote for the dunce in the first place should have their head examined.

Whoever is STILL SUPPORTING the moron is an absolute, verifiable IDIOT.
Well, dont worry. IN MN yesterday he unveiled his new economic program:
1) Raise taxes on millionaires and billionaires.
2) Close loopholes for corporations
3) Focus on creating jobs.
4) Cut $4T out of the budget.

That'll turn things around for sure.

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