Obamanuts: Are you happy about the Obamacare delay?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Obamacare defenders have been strangely silent on this latest development, so I wanted to devote a thread to their opinions about this latest delay. Do you still support it? Do you even know what it will do? Are you happy with all of the waivers and exceptions? Do you think delaying its implementation until after the next election is a legitimate tactic? Do you like having to rely on low information voters to win elections? Do you consider yourselves part of the "intelligentsia" which must manipulate the masses for their own good? Can you really call yourselves democrats? Hmm?
Everything about the Obamatax is going to be a delay... Delay to see a doctor, delay to receive treatment, delay before the system crashes our economy... And the list of delays goes on...and on...
"ObamaCare is gonna' be so great! It's gonna' save everyone so much money! In fact, it's SO great were gonna' delay it's implementation until after the Elections!"

King Obama has so decreed!

Umm, wat? :confused:
I hope we can fix any problems in this bill.

Wouldnt you like to know about it before the election?
I mean seriously,what if it's a total clusterfuck(obama thinks it is obviously).
Wouldnt you like the opportunity to cast a vote that may change that?

This is such a joke I dont know what to say anymore. I mean come on dems,this doesnt bother you at all? When you delay a bill because you know it sucks so bad you're likely to to lose your ass in an election it's a bad deal!!!!
krist, this is a right wing circle jerk if I ever seen one.

Am I happy about the delay, of course not. However, as a huge fan of any sort of change in the American health care front. Once the single payer option was booted out of the bill this was inevitable, as far as a delay goes. there will be more.

My wife and i just had our first child about a month ago. I have excellent insurance, or so I thought and let me tell you, the entire process was a nightmare. To make a long story short Medicare was almost a better option, now chew on that.
I hope we can fix any problems in this bill.

Any legislative problems won't be fixed because the "loyal opposition" won't let that happen. If they weren't a bunch of RW extremist shitbags maybe they would, but they are, so they won't.

That's ok, though. The employer mandate wasn't the biggest part of this and people will still get helped by the parts that will still go into effect. IOW, unless something else happens, "Obamacare" is still set to go on schedule.
Obamacare defenders have been strangely silent on this latest development, so I wanted to devote a thread to their opinions about this latest delay. Do you still support it? Do you even know what it will do? Are you happy with all of the waivers and exceptions? Do you think delaying its implementation until after the next election is a legitimate tactic? Do you like having to rely on low information voters to win elections? Do you consider yourselves part of the "intelligentsia" which must manipulate the masses for their own good? Can you really call yourselves democrats? Hmm?

This delay in implementing the employer mandate is not evidence of any fundamental flaw in ACA's design. It's evidence of the simple truth of complex systems, they take time and effort to implement. The delay will give affected employers a bit more time to do it right.

No problem.
My money is on this being the Opening Gambit by the Administration with an eye towards REPEALING the damned thing altogether...

I think it's FINALLY starting to sink into those thick Nationalized-Healthcare skulls in Washington that this abortion of a system will not even get off the ground, never mind actually fly...
krist, this is a right wing circle jerk if I ever seen one.

Am I happy about the delay, of course not. However, as a huge fan of any sort of change in the American health care front. Once the single payer option was booted out of the bill this was inevitable, as far as a delay goes. there will be more.

My wife and i just had our first child about a month ago. I have excellent insurance, or so I thought and let me tell you, the entire process was a nightmare. To make a long story short Medicare was almost a better option, now chew on that.

I recently spoke to a close friend of mine, who told me she is expecting her second child. Unfortunately, her company was forced to change healthcare plans from HMOs to PPOs, which the company said was a direct result of the new government plan. As a result, she is will have to face more out of pocket costs - all thanks to Obamacare.
I recently spoke to a close friend of mine, who told me she is expecting her second child. Unfortunately, her company was forced to change healthcare plans from HMOs to PPOs, which the company said was a direct result of the new government plan. As a result, she is will have to face more out of pocket costs - all thanks to Obamacare.

I know a man and woman who have conditions which preclude coverage at any price. Beginning next January they will be able to finally get health insurance at a reasonable price -- all thanks to Obamacare.
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I bet the ObamaCare delay for employers also covers Congress and government employees...who were all hyperventilating about being forced onto the exchanges.
#17- No, O-Care will control rising insurance costs that caused that...and starts next year.

This delay is about only 5% of large companies (over 50 employees). They'll find out there's actually little to fear next year...

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