Obamagas to drop below $2 a gallon nationwide

And now...a flashback:

Under Obama, Price of Gas Has Jumped 83 Percent, Ground Beef 24 Percent, Bacon 22 Percent.

Gas When Bush Left Office, $1.78 -- Gas Today, $3.64 -- Highest Average Price in Calif., $4.20 Gas When Bush Left Office 1.78 -- Gas Today 3.64 -- Highest Average Price in Calif. 4.20

When Bush/Cheney left power, gas was $1.78 - the liberals cried fowl; claiming that it was so high, because of the two " oil men. " Now it is $3.64, and no blame on Obama; not a peep - liberals are full of shit!
Who says the president doesn't control the price of gas?

I love watching people smile when they fill up with Obamagas
same here :)

Obamagas is such a phony misnomer that just typifies the ignorance of Obama supporters when ever they use the term.

Read below and tell me how Obama who told us and I QUOTE:
1) "I prefer higher gas prices".
2) Who told us that he wanted Brazil to develop oil and that the USA will be their best customer?
3) Encourage foreign drilling OFF Florida by Cuba
4) Encourage Canada to sell almost 1 million barrels per day to China?

But most importantly with Obama saying those above stupid ass ignorant comments, what did he
do to "encourage" USA production???

Do you know how long it takes from the time a Federal oil lease is signed to the time it actually goes into production (if oil is found!)?

" We are unable to predict a time frame for possible production of any of the volumes we mention
in our fact sheet but it is likely to be many decades.

It takes several years between the discovery of an oil field and the initial production from that field.
Time is needed for activities such as permitting, leasing, collection of additional data (e.g., 3-D seismic), drilling exploration wells, discovering oil, drilling development wells, building surface infrastructure and pipeline, etc. in the calculation of how long it might take to achieve any of the probabilities mentioned
USGS FAQs - Bakken Formation - How long will it take to produce the volumes of oil and gas mentioned in the USGS report in the Bakken Formation?
HEY DUMMIES!!!! read the first two sentences AGAIN!!! "many decades" "several years between discovery and production"!!!
The total number of oil and gas drilling leases issued in 2013 reached a nearly three-decade lows, according to the Bureau of Land Management.

The bureau says it issued 1,468 drilling leases last year, totaling 1.17 million acres of federal land — the lowest figures since 1988,
which is the oldest year for which the BLM has data.

When it comes to actually approving drilling permits in 2013, the Obama administration approved the lowest number since 2002 — only 3,770 drilling permits.
This is down from 6,617 drilling permits that were approved in 2008, the last year of the Bush administration.
Obama admin. leases the lowest amount of federal land in 25 years

The reality is the lower gas prices came because GWB signed more drilling permits, encouraged the country's oil companies to do more exploration and therefore
increased production which in turn lowered the cost BY INCREASING THE SUPPLY of national production!
Today thanks to GWB
America Now Leads the World In This Surprising Category
According to Rystad’s analysis includes oil in proven, existing fields, oil that has been discovered and will probably be recoverable, as well as an estimate for recoverable oil in as-yet discovered oil fields. More than 50% of the United States oil reserves come in the form of “unconventional shale oil,” with Texas alone containing 60 million barrels of this type of fossil fuel. America Now Leads the World In This Surprising Category

A) Obama never wanted lower gas prices... remember HE PREFERRED HIGHER GAS Prices!
B) Obama signed the fewest Federal oil leases the only true direct way a President can affect oil supply
and then that won't happen for DECADES!!! So guess what? You ignorant people we'll see higher
gas prices thanks to Obama!

exactly. Con logic
Here we are mid-summer and I just paid $1.71 for my Obamagas

Should be down to around $1.50 by the time the election comes around

Gee. Guess it was Obamagas when it was almost $5.00 a gallon during his presidency.

Whatever floats your boat dumbass.

Carry on. LOL
Clodette chimes-in w/ her regular rw ODS rant

Obamagas has been cheap for years now Sugar Shorts.

Here we are mid-summer and I just paid $1.71 for my Obamagas

Should be down to around $1.50 by the time the election comes around

Gee. Guess it was Obamagas when it was almost $5.00 a gallon during his presidency.

Whatever floats your boat dumbass.

Carry on. LOL
Clodette chimes-in w/ her regular rw ODS rant

Obamagas has been cheap for years now Sugar Shorts.


No it hasn't there dickhead.

I can remember paying almost five dollars a gallon for gas and not that long ago.
Here we are mid-summer and I just paid $1.71 for my Obamagas

Should be down to around $1.50 by the time the election comes around

Gee. Guess it was Obamagas when it was almost $5.00 a gallon during his presidency.

Whatever floats your boat dumbass.

Carry on. LOL
Clodette chimes-in w/ her regular rw ODS rant

Obamagas has been cheap for years now Sugar Shorts.


No it hasn't there dickhead.

I can remember paying almost five dollars a gallon for gas and not that long ago.
perhaps because you have ODS?
Here we are mid-summer and I just paid $1.71 for my Obamagas

Should be down to around $1.50 by the time the election comes around

Gee. Guess it was Obamagas when it was almost $5.00 a gallon during his presidency.

Whatever floats your boat dumbass.

Carry on. LOL
Clodette chimes-in w/ her regular rw ODS rant

Obamagas has been cheap for years now Sugar Shorts.


$5 a gallon gas?

She must be thinking about Bushgas

<whispers....it was really Cheneygas>
Here we are mid-summer and I just paid $1.71 for my Obamagas

Should be down to around $1.50 by the time the election comes around
Answer this question in order that I can make a coherent reply.

Are you on a fixed income or receive Social Security payments, receive a Government pension or get Social Security Disability pay?

I am a paid messageboard poster which qualifies me for discounts on Obamagas
Good answer. Now I'll tell you what Obamagas is gonna do. Again. For the 3d year in a row.
Last year at this time Obama announced that there would be no Cost Of Living Increase (COLA) in 2016. Why? Because even though prices for everything under the sun had sky rocketed, the offset was matched due to the Master's generous gift of Obamagas. Therefore the CPI has dictated there will be no COLA increase for the millions of people on fixed incomes. And this punishment hurts millions of people who don't even own or drive a car. It's a simple accounting trick that everyone can see but can't do anything about. That sleazy, jug eared MFer in the White House has fucked the people again and it makes the sheeple so deliriously ecstatic they can't wait to vote for HRC who will retain the status quo. And Trump will take the blame.
Jones thinks it's
:laugh: and rightwinger wont answer so it's safe to say their EBT cars and Welfare checks are arriving in time to fill up on ObamaGas.
Here we are mid-summer and I just paid $1.71 for my Obamagas

Should be down to around $1.50 by the time the election comes around

Gee. Guess it was Obamagas when it was almost $5.00 a gallon during his presidency.

Whatever floats your boat dumbass.

Carry on. LOL
Clodette chimes-in w/ her regular rw ODS rant

Obamagas has been cheap for years now Sugar Shorts.


$5 a gallon gas?

She must be thinking about Bushgas

<whispers....it was really Cheneygas>
true. That rw stepford wife is confused
Here we are mid-summer and I just paid $1.71 for my Obamagas

Should be down to around $1.50 by the time the election comes around
Answer this question in order that I can make a coherent reply.

Are you on a fixed income or receive Social Security payments, receive a Government pension or get Social Security Disability pay?

I am a paid messageboard poster which qualifies me for discounts on Obamagas
Good answer. Now I'll tell you what Obamagas is gonna do. Again. For the 3d year in a row.
Last year at this time Obama announced that there would be no Cost Of Living Increase (COLA) in 2016. Why? Because even though prices for everything under the sun had sky rocketed, the offset was matched due to the Master's generous gift of Obamagas. Therefore the CPI has dictated there will be no COLA increase for the millions of people on fixed incomes. And this punishment hurts millions of people who don't even own or drive a car. It's a simple accounting trick that everyone can see but can't do anything about. That sleazy, jug eared MFer in the White House has fucked the people again and it makes the sheeple so deliriously ecstatic they can't wait to vote for HRC who will retain the status quo. And Trump will take the blame.
Jones thinks it's View attachment 83402:laugh: and rightwinger wont answer so it's safe to say their EBT cars and Welfare checks are arriving in time to fill up on ObamaGas.

Quit whining about Obama giving you COLA

What is with Republicans and free stuff?
Pay for your own damn COLA
Here we are mid-summer and I just paid $1.71 for my Obamagas

Should be down to around $1.50 by the time the election comes around
Answer this question in order that I can make a coherent reply.

Are you on a fixed income or receive Social Security payments, receive a Government pension or get Social Security Disability pay?

I am a paid messageboard poster which qualifies me for discounts on Obamagas
Good answer. Now I'll tell you what Obamagas is gonna do. Again. For the 3d year in a row.
Last year at this time Obama announced that there would be no Cost Of Living Increase (COLA) in 2016. Why? Because even though prices for everything under the sun had sky rocketed, the offset was matched due to the Master's generous gift of Obamagas. Therefore the CPI has dictated there will be no COLA increase for the millions of people on fixed incomes. And this punishment hurts millions of people who don't even own or drive a car. It's a simple accounting trick that everyone can see but can't do anything about. That sleazy, jug eared MFer in the White House has fucked the people again and it makes the sheeple so deliriously ecstatic they can't wait to vote for HRC who will retain the status quo. And Trump will take the blame.
Jones thinks it's View attachment 83402:laugh: and rightwinger wont answer so it's safe to say their EBT cars and Welfare checks are arriving in time to fill up on ObamaGas.

Quit whining about Obama giving you COLA

What is with Republicans and free stuff?
Pay for your own damn COLA

We had the same idea. Great minds think like you.
Answer this question in order that I can make a coherent reply.

Are you on a fixed income or receive Social Security payments, receive a Government pension or get Social Security Disability pay?

I am a paid messageboard poster which qualifies me for discounts on Obamagas
Good answer. Now I'll tell you what Obamagas is gonna do. Again. For the 3d year in a row.
Last year at this time Obama announced that there would be no Cost Of Living Increase (COLA) in 2016. Why? Because even though prices for everything under the sun had sky rocketed, the offset was matched due to the Master's generous gift of Obamagas. Therefore the CPI has dictated there will be no COLA increase for the millions of people on fixed incomes. And this punishment hurts millions of people who don't even own or drive a car. It's a simple accounting trick that everyone can see but can't do anything about. That sleazy, jug eared MFer in the White House has fucked the people again and it makes the sheeple so deliriously ecstatic they can't wait to vote for HRC who will retain the status quo. And Trump will take the blame.
Jones thinks it's View attachment 83402:laugh: and rightwinger wont answer so it's safe to say their EBT cars and Welfare checks are arriving in time to fill up on ObamaGas.

Quit whining about Obama giving you COLA

What is with Republicans and free stuff?
Pay for your own damn COLA

We had the same idea. Great minds think like you.
Lunatics often do....
Here we are mid-summer and I just paid $1.71 for my Obamagas

Should be down to around $1.50 by the time the election comes around
Answer this question in order that I can make a coherent reply.

Are you on a fixed income or receive Social Security payments, receive a Government pension or get Social Security Disability pay?

I am a paid messageboard poster which qualifies me for discounts on Obamagas
Good answer. Now I'll tell you what Obamagas is gonna do. Again. For the 3d year in a row.
Last year at this time Obama announced that there would be no Cost Of Living Increase (COLA) in 2016. Why? Because even though prices for everything under the sun had sky rocketed, the offset was matched due to the Master's generous gift of Obamagas. Therefore the CPI has dictated there will be no COLA increase for the millions of people on fixed incomes. And this punishment hurts millions of people who don't even own or drive a car. It's a simple accounting trick that everyone can see but can't do anything about. That sleazy, jug eared MFer in the White House has fucked the people again and it makes the sheeple so deliriously ecstatic they can't wait to vote for HRC who will retain the status quo. And Trump will take the blame.
Jones thinks it's View attachment 83402:laugh: and rightwinger wont answer so it's safe to say their EBT cars and Welfare checks are arriving in time to fill up on ObamaGas.

Quit whining about Obama giving you COLA

What is with Republicans and free stuff?
Pay for your own damn COLA
Folks, this is a typical WELFARE DEMOCRAT who has been taught to vote Chicago-style.
Answer this question in order that I can make a coherent reply.

Are you on a fixed income or receive Social Security payments, receive a Government pension or get Social Security Disability pay?

I am a paid messageboard poster which qualifies me for discounts on Obamagas
Good answer. Now I'll tell you what Obamagas is gonna do. Again. For the 3d year in a row.
Last year at this time Obama announced that there would be no Cost Of Living Increase (COLA) in 2016. Why? Because even though prices for everything under the sun had sky rocketed, the offset was matched due to the Master's generous gift of Obamagas. Therefore the CPI has dictated there will be no COLA increase for the millions of people on fixed incomes. And this punishment hurts millions of people who don't even own or drive a car. It's a simple accounting trick that everyone can see but can't do anything about. That sleazy, jug eared MFer in the White House has fucked the people again and it makes the sheeple so deliriously ecstatic they can't wait to vote for HRC who will retain the status quo. And Trump will take the blame.
Jones thinks it's View attachment 83402:laugh: and rightwinger wont answer so it's safe to say their EBT cars and Welfare checks are arriving in time to fill up on ObamaGas.

Quit whining about Obama giving you COLA

What is with Republicans and free stuff?
Pay for your own damn COLA

We had the same idea. Great minds think like you.

<whispers to candycorn....ever notice the same Conservatives who have blocked a minimum wage increase for eight years cry like little bitches when they are denied a cost of living increase?>
Answer this question in order that I can make a coherent reply.

Are you on a fixed income or receive Social Security payments, receive a Government pension or get Social Security Disability pay?

I am a paid messageboard poster which qualifies me for discounts on Obamagas
Good answer. Now I'll tell you what Obamagas is gonna do. Again. For the 3d year in a row.
Last year at this time Obama announced that there would be no Cost Of Living Increase (COLA) in 2016. Why? Because even though prices for everything under the sun had sky rocketed, the offset was matched due to the Master's generous gift of Obamagas. Therefore the CPI has dictated there will be no COLA increase for the millions of people on fixed incomes. And this punishment hurts millions of people who don't even own or drive a car. It's a simple accounting trick that everyone can see but can't do anything about. That sleazy, jug eared MFer in the White House has fucked the people again and it makes the sheeple so deliriously ecstatic they can't wait to vote for HRC who will retain the status quo. And Trump will take the blame.
Jones thinks it's View attachment 83402:laugh: and rightwinger wont answer so it's safe to say their EBT cars and Welfare checks are arriving in time to fill up on ObamaGas.

Quit whining about Obama giving you COLA

What is with Republicans and free stuff?
Pay for your own damn COLA

We had the same idea. Great minds think like you.

Another Obamagas disciple.

Answer this question in order that I can make a coherent reply.

Are you on a fixed income or receive Social Security payments, receive a Government pension or get Social Security Disability pay?

I am a paid messageboard poster which qualifies me for discounts on Obamagas
Good answer. Now I'll tell you what Obamagas is gonna do. Again. For the 3d year in a row.
Last year at this time Obama announced that there would be no Cost Of Living Increase (COLA) in 2016. Why? Because even though prices for everything under the sun had sky rocketed, the offset was matched due to the Master's generous gift of Obamagas. Therefore the CPI has dictated there will be no COLA increase for the millions of people on fixed incomes. And this punishment hurts millions of people who don't even own or drive a car. It's a simple accounting trick that everyone can see but can't do anything about. That sleazy, jug eared MFer in the White House has fucked the people again and it makes the sheeple so deliriously ecstatic they can't wait to vote for HRC who will retain the status quo. And Trump will take the blame.
Jones thinks it's View attachment 83402:laugh: and rightwinger wont answer so it's safe to say their EBT cars and Welfare checks are arriving in time to fill up on ObamaGas.

Quit whining about Obama giving you COLA

What is with Republicans and free stuff?
Pay for your own damn COLA
Folks, this is a typical WELFARE DEMOCRAT who has been taught to vote Chicago-style.

You are the little bitch whining because Obama does not buy you COLA
I am a paid messageboard poster which qualifies me for discounts on Obamagas
Good answer. Now I'll tell you what Obamagas is gonna do. Again. For the 3d year in a row.
Last year at this time Obama announced that there would be no Cost Of Living Increase (COLA) in 2016. Why? Because even though prices for everything under the sun had sky rocketed, the offset was matched due to the Master's generous gift of Obamagas. Therefore the CPI has dictated there will be no COLA increase for the millions of people on fixed incomes. And this punishment hurts millions of people who don't even own or drive a car. It's a simple accounting trick that everyone can see but can't do anything about. That sleazy, jug eared MFer in the White House has fucked the people again and it makes the sheeple so deliriously ecstatic they can't wait to vote for HRC who will retain the status quo. And Trump will take the blame.
Jones thinks it's View attachment 83402:laugh: and rightwinger wont answer so it's safe to say their EBT cars and Welfare checks are arriving in time to fill up on ObamaGas.

Quit whining about Obama giving you COLA

What is with Republicans and free stuff?
Pay for your own damn COLA

We had the same idea. Great minds think like you.

<whispers to candycorn....ever notice the same Conservatives who have blocked a minimum wage increase for eight years cry like little bitches when they are denied a cost of living increase?>
psssst!.... ever notice that Libtards can ignore the facts and make jokes about it?

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