ObamaCare Enrollment At 6 Million Just Before Deadline

Between four and six million had their plans cancelled because of Obamacare so even if the six million is accurate and we still don't know how many have actually paid for their plan and how many have just picked a plan so at best they have gotten those who lost their plans covered again and picked some extra. If this is the case they would be well short on even the scaled back numbers of new enrollees they were looking to get.
I posted this in a separate thread

from the article
If this system works as well as the Obama administration insists, where are all of the uninsured? Why haven’t we seen massive numbers of enrollments from the beginning if that was such a crisis as to require the kind of intervention Democrats imposed, at an estimated cost of $1.5 trillion dollars over the next ten years?

That is the real joke, and it’s on us. Don’t expect us to laugh about it. Instead, we should double our efforts to jettison the jokers who are responsible for it.

I also get the impression that in some Lib-Prog -controlled States, like Illinois, that ObamaCare has lowered the bar to get people enrolled in the State's version of Medicaid...

If that's true, then, I'm sure we're talking about some sizable numbers for new non-payers who will be treated to free or far-below-cost healthcare, and will be lumped into the pro-side's Stats...

Whenever they get around to producing reliable stats pertaining to the numbers benefiting, versus the numbers harmed...

Some of the bullshit programs that the Conservatives produce are pretty damned bad...

But they can't hold a candle to some of the idiotic and catastrophic programs (ala forced social engineering) that Liberal-Progressives try to shove down the throats of the American People...
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I think it is an objective fact that millions of people are successfully enrolling in ObamaCare and that millions more will do so before the next election. It is better to accept reality than to deny it. It is my belief one of the key reasons the GOP lost the 2012 election is because they deny reality and fabricate illusions and then attack those illusions. Meanwhile, Obama dances the voters across the finish line.

Now, you can waffle around and ask how many have yet to make their first payment, but that is the whining of a weasel. It is a distinction without a difference. Those millions will make their payments, they will receive their insurance cards, and you will have accomplished nothing except to deny reality to yourselves a little longer when you do not have the luxury of wasting a single day in an election year.

It is time to accept the reality that ObamaCare is enrolling millions and milions of people, and that many of those people are now insured for the first time. Perhaps for the first time in their lives, and many more for the first time in years. These people are going to be experiencing the joy of visiting a doctor and having the insurance coverage to do so. This is a tangible result of ObamaCare in their lives, and no amount of weaseling rhetoric will undercut that reality.

This is going to be a significant demographic factor in the next election. And in the one after that.

Rather than live in denial, face the facts and deal with them.

Before it is too late. Again.

I think it is an objective fact that millions of people are successfully enrolling in ObamaCare and that millions more will do so before the next election.

Surely you understand that once open enrollment ends they no longer can sign up?

This is going to be a significant demographic factor in the next election. And in the one after that.

Yup which is why Repubs will get control of the Senate in November.
oh no, you too?

divide 6.million into 1.5 TRILLION it's cost us taxpayers

that make it a RAGING SUCCESS to Obama and left

no wonder our country is going broke and losing our freedom's along with it

It has cost nothing of the sort: step off.
The original goal of the Obama Administration was to enroll 7 million people before the March 31, 2014 deadline. After the glitchy rollout, that goal was adjusted to 6 million.

Obamacare Enrolls 6 Million People Just 4 Days Before Deadline

Enrollment has surged over the last few days as the March 31 deadline approached — over a million people have signed up for health insurance since March 17.

The numbers will only grow larger from here.

Why stop the lie at 6 million?

Just say 20 million and deem it a huge success......... :thup:

It's not a lie, podjo.
Wasn't the selling point that there was 46 million uninsured? Success is 36 not insured. And as I remember 10 million was the goal. Anyone can hit a goal they move.

You misremember the goals and the intended first enrollment.

You are ignoring the state exchanges.

You are ignoring the expanded Medicaid.
Like people have never been able to get health care before this, come on G

Many millions, tens of millions, were involuntarily uninsured, Stephanie. A fact the GOP chose to completely ignore while the Democrats telegraphed quite loudly what they would do about it if they ever got the chance.

As for those who have had insurance all along, they all saw their premiums rising year after year, outpacing inflation. For decades. More and more people were getting priced out of the market. Again, the GOP ignored this.

I never bought into the "46 million uninsured Americans" crap. That was a blatant lie. But it was undeniable we had a serious problem with our health care system in America and the GOP didn't give a shit.

The GOP sold us into bondage. They knew what the Democrats would do if given a chance, and they did nothing to stop it from happening.

Now we have ObamaCare. And people are signing up and getting insurance. Five years from now, a supermajority of Americans will not want to see it go away. Watch and see.

As for those who have had insurance all along, they all saw their premiums rising year after year, outpacing inflation. For decades. More and more people were getting priced out of the market.

Nationally 41% increase in one day from Dec 31st to Jan 1st.

Now we have ObamaCare. And people are signing up and getting insurance

Your opinion means nothing to anyone except you moron.
You are a bystander you don't know shit except what you read and what Obama tells you.
American's are against this law no matter shit you spout.
"There NEVER were 46 million "uninsured"!"

You have lied about the numbers repeatedly and have been caught repeatedly.

No believes a word you say about anything.
I should not be required to "choose" anything. I am granted life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness by the US Constitution.

his response is why this Federal government is NOW walking all over us

how sad and just damn un-American in my book

my guess is he already collecting government assistance so what does he care about the rest of us who isn't and pays for people that are

The fact that someone as insignificant as you has a forum with which you can even think about communicating with intelligent beings speaks to just how fair this nation can be.

Projection at it's finest.
You become a bigger **** every day kid.
The original goal of the Obama Administration was to enroll 7 million people before the March 31, 2014 deadline. After the glitchy rollout, that goal was adjusted to 6 million.

Obamacare Enrolls 6 Million People Just 4 Days Before Deadline

The numbers will only grow larger from here.

Why stop the lie at 6 million?

Just say 20 million and deem it a huge success......... :thup:

It's not a lie, podjo.

Reactionary response from a democrat trained seal.....
his response is why this Federal government is NOW walking all over us

how sad and just damn un-American in my book

my guess is he already collecting government assistance so what does he care about the rest of us who isn't and pays for people that are

The fact that someone as insignificant as you has a forum with which you can even think about communicating with intelligent beings speaks to just how fair this nation can be.

Projection at it's finest.
You become a bigger **** every day kid.

Is that right? A **** and a kid? Aren't you a classy lady.

You find Staph to be a bright bulb, huh? You find her to be interesting in some way?
"There NEVER were 46 million "uninsured"!"

You have lied about the numbers repeatedly and have been caught repeatedly.

No believes a word you say about anything.

The President you voted for says there was assbite.

"We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children," President Obama told doctors in a speech before the American Medical Association in Chicago in June. "We are not a nation that lets hardworking families go without coverage, or turns its back on those in need. We're a nation that cares for its citizens. We look out for one another. That's what makes us the United States of America. We need to get this done."

46 Million Uninsured: A Look Behind The Number : NPR
I should not be required to "choose" anything. I am granted life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness by the US Constitution.

his response is why this Federal government is NOW walking all over us

how sad and just damn un-American in my book

my guess is he already collecting government assistance so what does he care about the rest of us who isn't and pays for people that are

The fact that someone as insignificant as you has a forum with which you can even think about communicating with intelligent beings speaks to just how fair this nation can be.

That might make sense except it's statist faggots like you that dream of taking that right away from anyone that doesn't agree with your nonsensical agenda......
"There NEVER were 46 million "uninsured"!"

You have lied about the numbers repeatedly and have been caught repeatedly.

No believes a word you say about anything.

The President you voted for says there was assbite.

"We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children," President Obama told doctors in a speech before the American Medical Association in Chicago in June. "We are not a nation that lets hardworking families go without coverage, or turns its back on those in need. We're a nation that cares for its citizens. We look out for one another. That's what makes us the United States of America. We need to get this done."

46 Million Uninsured: A Look Behind The Number : NPR

Do you know how many Americans were uninsured in 2010? You should.

By the way, Jake knows there were at least 46 million. You might want to investigate the meaning of quotation marks.
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his response is why this Federal government is NOW walking all over us

how sad and just damn un-American in my book

my guess is he already collecting government assistance so what does he care about the rest of us who isn't and pays for people that are

The fact that someone as insignificant as you has a forum with which you can even think about communicating with intelligent beings speaks to just how fair this nation can be.

That might make sense except it's statist faggots like you that dream of taking that right away from anyone that doesn't agree with your nonsensical agenda......

A statist faggot? Good one.

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