Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

I wouldn't find fault with him IF he actually accomplished anything, which he hasn't. No one has been able to point out what he did to win this.

It's on the various articles as to why they gave him the award. Personally, I find this whole bitching over this prize to be worthless. The faux outrage from the right is getting worse on this board.

By the way, did you not see my comment about they would of given this to anyone not named Bush? Unless they started more wars obviously.
I rlealize that argument is futile. He did not invent a weapon. He invented a blasting compound. It was meant for blasting. That isn't a weapon.

I realize you don't want to admit the simple truth of this. Nobel made a fortune off this, off the deaths of plenty. He was called "The Merchant of Death" when he was alive. I'm not sure how you think you can be taken seriously by the way with your avatar. Just figure I mention that.

No actually he made a fortune off of construction contracts and mining, which is what the stuff was sold for. I dont care what French newspapers called him.
so the merchant of death's spokes people gave an award to a man that is waging two wars and about to escalate one of them all in the name of peace.....

it all makes sense now.....thanks....

Stop being a partisan fuck, it's boring. Just a little while ago, you were probably bitching about how this great award was being given to Obama. The faux outrage over this is so ridiculous.

Also, waging wars and starting wars are two different things. I doubt Obama will end up escalating the Afghanistan war to the level that people think. Hopefully he will bring all our troops home.

Hopefully, I'll win the lotto, the Cubs will win the World Series next season, and my wife will share me with Kate Winslet.
so the merchant of death's spokes people gave an award to a man that is waging two wars and about to escalate one of them all in the name of peace.....

it all makes sense now.....thanks....

Stop being a partisan fuck, it's boring. Just a little while ago, you were probably bitching about how this great award was being given to Obama. The faux outrage over this is so ridiculous.

Also, waging wars and starting wars are two different things. I doubt Obama will end up escalating the Afghanistan war to the level that people think. Hopefully he will bring all our troops home.

ya you are right i should just get into line with you and do whatever you want....because speaking out is no longer the right thing to do....one much just agree with everything that is being said......

btw ...please tell me what my partisan posistions are....it would seem that you have drawn some conclusion from from my sarcastic statement that a peace prize was given by the merchant of death to a man that has not really done any thing (only talked about maybe doing something) to further peace and is waging two wars....
Hopefully, I'll win the lotto, the Cubs will win the World Series next season, and my wife will share me with Kate Winslet.

If the Cubs do win, think that would be a sign? :lol:

Besides, you can have Kate Winslet. I'll have Scarlett Johansson. :lol: :D
Because Bush didn't get one. And he was the great Crusader!

Oh, and because it's Barack Obama. He can't do anything right. They're blaming Obama for this.

1.) He didn't nominate himself.

2.) Nobody is going to turn down a Nobel Prize, not sure why people would expect Obama to. Though I would like to see him dedicate it to our men and women serving overseas, not the Teabaggers like Beck wants to see happen.

Obama could personally find the cure of cancer and personally kill Osama Bin Laden bare handed and people would still find a problem with him doing that.

More ignorance. It knows no bounds.
This year the Nobel Prize in Literature has been granted by the Swedish Academy to the French writer Jean-Paul Sartre for his work which, rich in ideas and filled with the spirit of freedom and the quest for truth, has exerted a far-reaching influence on our age.

It will be recalled that the laureate has made it known that he did not wish to accept the prize. The fact that he has declined this distinction does not in the least modify the validity of the award. Under the circumstances, however, the Academy can only state that the presentation of the prize cannot take place.
Bush could have killed OBL and people would ahve accused him of torture. Bush could have found a cure for cancer and people would have accused him of putting doctors out of work.
But Bush actually did something. Obama did nothing. When the nomination was made, he had done nothing. The explanation of the award was clearly made up AFTER the nomination was received.
Who are you kidding? Bush could have impregnated bin laden and you'd be clapping your hands.

LOL...Love it
they gave it to him because they hope he will change................

Most likely and that is why I have a problem with this award. Awards like this should be given for accomplishments. I think it is not unlikely that the President will deserve this award in the near future, but to have given it to him when he was nominated before he had accomplished anything is a bad choice in my humble opinion.

To do this as a slap in the face of the Bush Administration (and I do mean the entire administration) cheapens any accomplishments that the President will make in the future.

BHO gets this for hope for peace in the world and the backlash of disdain seen in international media outlets is ironic.

You mean they are actually turning on him?
I wouldn't saying turning on him, but there is definitely explicit expression that it is undeserved.

Opinion: Obama's Nobel Prize Is More of a Burden than an Honor - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Telegraph: Here are five deserving contenders who were overlooked

Who were the Nobel nominees? - The Globe and Mail

And he accepted it. Stupid move, IMO. Maybe he will apologize soon - hard to say.
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Obama is as deserving as anyone else who has received it. WE do not make the rules and WE do not make the choice. The Nobel Prize committee do and they had their reason. So get use to it, Obama haters.
President Barack Obama has won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples"...
Good enough reason as any.
Obama did not choose this prize that is true - but the tragedy is that by giving him a prize he has NOT yet earned, the prize has lost its prestige. Not an Obama hater; just someone with common sense that is not following O blindly as many of you seem to be only because of the hate so many have for Bush and who still can't seem to get over it.
President Barack Obama has won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples"...
Good enough reason as any.
Even most the slavish Obama worshipers agree that "it was too soon", which means there were plans to give it to him after his one or two terms no matter how badly his Presidency goes.

Listen. I knew he'd win that award, hell they gave it to Jimmy Carter and Algore. They just screwed up by giving to him so soon. Face it, Obama is just the Affirmative Action recipient of the award.
So.. he's now up there with Arafat & Carter?

Wow.... what an honor. Can we just say it... the NPP is like giving a trophy to the losing team. Total horseshit. I'd give it back.
Going crazy? Nah. I think it is pretty funny. You guys know if Dubya had gotten it under the same dubious circumstances, you'd be blaming Halliburton!

Too funny!!
Going crazy? Nah. I think it is pretty funny. You guys know if Dubya had gotten it under the same dubious circumstances, you'd be blaming Halliburton!

Too funny!!

A. bush promoted the opposite of peace so never in a million years
B. what dubious circumstances?
C. I think obama deserved it but got it way too early

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