Obama “welcomes” 100,000 Haitians to your towns and cities


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Obama “welcomes” 100,000 Haitians to your towns and cities
Posted by Ann Corcoran on October 20, 2014
Obama is getting it done with his pen and phone while everyone yaks about the Republicans possibly winning the Senate in a few weeks and while we follow shiny objects—like the Ebola mess.


Obama getting it done!

Folks I hate to break it to you, but Obama will have two years to do his unlawful work because even if Republicans take control of the Congressional branch there appear to be few leaders who have any guts there to stop (or undo) any of the outrageous executive actions he is getting done.

I don’t understand why more Republican Senators and Congressional leaders don’t speak up now and thus assure their victory in November.

We better hope the 80-year-old Senator Grassley stays in the Senate and stays healthy!

By the way, there are already tens of thousands of Haitians here legally under Temporary Protected Status. See our category on Haiti, here, to learn how that came about. Since they are here legally I expect their families will be applying for family reunification under the new Obama plan.

I’m also guessing that these new Haitians will come under the care of the Office of Refugee Resettlement and their contractors thus making this another expansion (in addition to the UACs) of the definition of the word ‘refugee’ and further broadening the refugee resettlement program thus giving the new Haitians immediate access to welfare, one of the plums that comes to those designated as “refugees.” (Someone correct me if I am wrong!).

From the Washington Times (hat tip: Erich):

The ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee took the Obama administration to task Friday for its “irresponsible” plan to allow as many as 100,000 Haitians to immigrate to the U.S. without a visa.

Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa said the administration’s Haitian Family Reunification Parole Program — which will allow thousands of Haitians awaiting a U.S. visa to enter the country and legally apply for work permits — is “an irresponsible overreach of the executive branch’s authority.”

Which countries are next on President Obama’s list?” Mr. Grassley said. “Will there by medical screenings before entry? Will work permits be granted automatically? How will this affect American workers?”

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, the branch of the Department of Homeland Security that handles immigration benefits cases, announced Friday the program to unite Haitians already living in the U.S. with family members abroad will ramp up in 2015.

At that time the State Department’s National Visa Center will begin notifying families who may be eligible to take part in the program. Those immigrants will allowed to apply for work permits while waiting for issuance of their permanent visas.

The agency said the program will expedite “safe, legal and orderly migration.”

See also Breitbart and American Thinker articles thanks to Joanne.

Holy shit. Impeach!
Who gonna attempt impeachment , Senate wouldn't convict anyway . Interesting times !!
America's immigration policy should first gain the state. But also creating a more equality world with immigration from the The Third World. Such as immigration from poor regions should be able to gain work visa if they are not sought in their home country. Immigration should also help refugees and their relatives if they will be able to work in the US. Illegal immigration who don't contribute to the American society should be ignored and should be referred to leave the country
If they don't have health care which should be avaible to all who is living in the US it's their own problem. Emergency treatment should be availble to a cost (pay before or after) Othetwise he should if possible return to his home country!
Let it go. It doesn't matter any more. The u.s. is done.

Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction next.
Oh no scary black people with Ebola!

More black welfare cases. Let's send some of them to live in your house.

Welfare: The Crackers Secret

Welfare A White Secret - TIME

We're inviting 100,000 White Haitians? That changes things - they're likely to be productive additions to the nation making us all better off rather than black welfare bums making us all worse off.

Hatians have certainly made Haiti into a vibrant productive country haven't they?
The left is destroying the successful American culture with a bunch of third world savages. Anyone that would bring in hundreds of thousands of Haitians and solamia's has got to be an idiot!
storm front baby stormfront!
Oh no scary black people with Ebola!

More black welfare cases. Let's send some of them to live in your house.

Welfare: The Crackers Secret

Welfare A White Secret - TIME

Crackers? Racist, much? There is no white secret in regards to welfare usage. Percentage wise to their population numbers whites are not at the top of the list.

Considering how much racist manure is being spouted by race baiting right wingers in this thread, I'd say "cracker" pales in comparison.
The left is destroying the successful American culture with a bunch of third world savages. Anyone that would bring in hundreds of thousands of Haitians and solamia's has got to be an idiot!
You hate people who are not white we get it.
The left is destroying the successful American culture with a bunch of third world savages. Anyone that would bring in hundreds of thousands of Haitians and solamia's has got to be an idiot!
You hate people who are not white we get it.

What a crock! Wanting our immigration laws respected and enforced has nothing to do with hating non-white people. Besides most here illegally are from Mexico and they are usually half white from their Spanish ancestors. Nice try at the race card but no cigar.

No one has a problem with legal immigration in reasonable numbers and regardless of their skin color or race.
I never said anything about immigration one way or the other. People here know what the real purpose of the thread is.

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