Obama Wants the "Fiscal Cliff" to Happen


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Unless the GOP rolls over, he will get massive new taxes and a huge cut to the military. Combined with a new recession (which he will blame on the GOP), this will give him even greater power to "fundamentally change" the U.S. Is this what his supporters really want?
Of course obama wants the fiscal cliff. He's already got a plan in place to blame republicans.
Most people won't know who or what caused the recession of going off the "fiscal cliff". All they'll know is it happened while Obama was president. Let it happen.
Been saying since day one....This is all about the spending end of the sequester.

Obloingo knows that it's going to take some kind of bargain to head off the sequester in order to keep the left's spending priorities, so he's holding "tax cuts for the wealthy" over the heads of the republicans, who are too gutless to admit that they want their spending candy too.
Unless the GOP rolls over, he will get massive new taxes and a huge cut to the military. Combined with a new recession (which he will blame on the GOP), this will give him even greater power to "fundamentally change" the U.S. Is this what his supporters really want?

Yes. He was re-elected to raise taxes on the rich. That is what the majority of Americans want.

So if the GOP is as retarded as they appear to be these days, we will go over the cliff until they figure that out.

Unless the GOP rolls over, he will get massive new taxes and a huge cut to the military. Combined with a new recession (which he will blame on the GOP), this will give him even greater power to "fundamentally change" the U.S. Is this what his supporters really want?

Yes. He was re-elected to raise taxes on the rich. That is what the majority of Americans want.

So if the GOP is as retarded as they appear to be these days, we will go over the cliff until they figure that out.


Why don't you spell out what YOU want instead of childish name calling?

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