Obama wants lower corporate tax rates


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Funny how conservative Obama tries to be during election year:

Obama corporate taxes: He would slash 'dozens' of tax breaks - Feb. 22, 2012

The main proposal for reform would slash the corporate tax rate to 28% from 35% and pay for the reduction by eliminating "dozens" of business tax breaks. There are currently more than 130 on the books.

The Obama administration's plan is in sync with Republicans in terms of wanting to lower the top rate. But Republicans want to lower the corporate rate even further to 25%.

There are also many other differences between their plans, and with Congress stuck in election-year gridlock, the odds of passage of any corporate tax reform plan this year are long.

Obama is admitting that conservatives are right, lower taxes is better for the economy.
Funny how conservative Obama tries to be during election year:

Obama corporate taxes: He would slash 'dozens' of tax breaks - Feb. 22, 2012

The main proposal for reform would slash the corporate tax rate to 28% from 35% and pay for the reduction by eliminating "dozens" of business tax breaks. There are currently more than 130 on the books.

The Obama administration's plan is in sync with Republicans in terms of wanting to lower the top rate. But Republicans want to lower the corporate rate even further to 25%.

There are also many other differences between their plans, and with Congress stuck in election-year gridlock, the odds of passage of any corporate tax reform plan this year are long.

Obama is admitting that conservatives are right, lower taxes is better for the economy.
You forgot the rest of the article, Obama would close the myriad loopholes corps take advantage of; net gain for taxpayers, a break for HONEST corporations.
Funny how conservative Obama tries to be during election year:

Obama corporate taxes: He would slash 'dozens' of tax breaks - Feb. 22, 2012

The main proposal for reform would slash the corporate tax rate to 28% from 35% and pay for the reduction by eliminating "dozens" of business tax breaks. There are currently more than 130 on the books.

The Obama administration's plan is in sync with Republicans in terms of wanting to lower the top rate. But Republicans want to lower the corporate rate even further to 25%.

There are also many other differences between their plans, and with Congress stuck in election-year gridlock, the odds of passage of any corporate tax reform plan this year are long.

Obama is admitting that conservatives are right, lower taxes is better for the economy.
That's just liberal lip service. He may speak in favor of lowering taxes but he'll sign all the tax hikes that reach his desk. He likes to play good guy/bad guy.
Funny how conservative Obama tries to be during election year

He's not trying to be conservative. He's trying to walk a centrist path. Obama has repeatedly proposed centrist solutions to issues. But the partisans in Congress keep stomping their feet.
Funny how conservative Obama tries to be during election year:

Obama corporate taxes: He would slash 'dozens' of tax breaks - Feb. 22, 2012

The main proposal for reform would slash the corporate tax rate to 28% from 35% and pay for the reduction by eliminating "dozens" of business tax breaks. There are currently more than 130 on the books.

The Obama administration's plan is in sync with Republicans in terms of wanting to lower the top rate. But Republicans want to lower the corporate rate even further to 25%.

There are also many other differences between their plans, and with Congress stuck in election-year gridlock, the odds of passage of any corporate tax reform plan this year are long.

Obama is admitting that conservatives are right, lower taxes is better for the economy.

Don't worry. Republicans will still find a way to excoriate him for it.

"We have always been at war with Eastasia."
Funny how conservative Obama tries to be during election year

He's not trying to be conservative. He's trying to walk a centrist path. Obama has repeatedly proposed centrist solutions to issues. But the partisans in Congress keep stomping their feet.

Conservatives are centrist. Where are all these repeated proposed 'centrist' solutions he has put forth? He has only introduced progressive measures.
Well golly gee, it only took him THREE years to come up this, and surprise surprise it happens to be a election year...

Actually, from what I understand, he's had this plan ready to go for quite awhile, he just waited until the election year to spring it. And I hear he's coming out with a major speech on energy in a coupla days; he must think he American electorate is awfully dumb.
It's smoke and mirrors, a magicians trick......pay attention to the left hand. You might want to check out healthmyth's thread. ;)
He's not trying to be conservative. He's trying to walk a centrist path. Obama has repeatedly proposed centrist solutions to issues. But the partisans in Congress keep stomping their feet.
Rube! :lol::lol::lol:
You wouldn't know a centrist from a centipede.
Centrists are soft socialist progressives, who don't have the spines to admit it...In fact, they don't have much in the way of spine in any case.
Funny how conservative Obama tries to be during election year:

Obama corporate taxes: He would slash 'dozens' of tax breaks - Feb. 22, 2012

The main proposal for reform would slash the corporate tax rate to 28% from 35% and pay for the reduction by eliminating "dozens" of business tax breaks. There are currently more than 130 on the books.

The Obama administration's plan is in sync with Republicans in terms of wanting to lower the top rate. But Republicans want to lower the corporate rate even further to 25%.

There are also many other differences between their plans, and with Congress stuck in election-year gridlock, the odds of passage of any corporate tax reform plan this year are long.

Obama is admitting that conservatives are right, lower taxes is better for the economy.

Don't worry. Republicans will still find a way to excoriate him for it.

"We have always been at war with Eastasia."
The Republicans have moved so far right, it is surprising Bush didn't quit our troops fighting al Qaeda to go after a secular leader with no ties to Islamic fascists..........................oh, wait, HE DID.

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