The tug of war between the president and congress has been going on since the signing of the constitution!

Nothing new and will probably go on until Armageddon.
The discord between the executive and legislative branches of our government has reached new highs (or lows, depending on one's perspective.)

On the legislative side (which, for the GOP, is itself divided) we hear that the president is refusing to work with them.....However, true or not, how could any president work with a congress that, from day one, has sworn to first do everything to make that president a one-termer, and, second, a congress whose many members still refuse to even acknowledge the legitimacy of the president to even hold that office?

Name the people who supposedly "still refuse to even acknowledge the legitimacy of the president to even hold that office". Come on there hero, you made the claim, back it up.
This man's hypocrisy is unbelievable. Anyone remember what he said about President Bush's activities when HE was a Senator (at least, in name only)?

Cite another instance where, the week after the election, the opposition party (McConnell et al) met to ensure that the president would be a one-termer and that everything should be done to undermine the executive branch....
Elections have consequences,I won get over it,now who right after said election said those words?
There is you example, sure you will dispute it,but the white house has done little to bridge the gap,and after all he is the president,and should be able to lead around problems,and that he sucks badly at.
All I request is some kind of objectivity from right wingers...without resorting to what FOX or the NYT may be spewing from the two very opposite ends of the political divide....

Can anyone really cite ONE piece of legislation from the now vastly conservative congress that would aid the middle class in achieving jobs, higher wages and decently earned good benefits?

We have legislators who are backed by private interests to keep their sorry seats in congress and NOT to facilitate a better and more equitable economy......For myself, I regard most legislators as cheap whores who sell their services to the highest bidders.

Republicans Reeling As President Obama Is Dominating Their Congressional Majority

By using a strategy of going on offense with a clear and strong agenda, President Obama has been dominating John Boehner and Mitch McConnell's Republican majority in Congress. …
I think it's more about the fact that Boehner cannot pass diddlysquat. It takes going to the brink of shutting down Homeland Security at the same time French satarists are being killed by terrorists to even fund Homeland Security.

I don't think Obama has a lot of support on immigration. But the gop is actually 50-50 looking at the scotus shutting down federal subsidies for health insurance, at the same time that we learn over 17 million Americans gained health insurance, and the crazy azz program, top down as it is, is coming in 20% below its first estimate. The GOP will never be able to pass a legislative fix, or even amend the law for the better.

At this point, sane people might want to hope Hillary doesn't fall apart, and guys like Russ Feingold demand a rematch.

But, it still mystifies me that McConnell (who cannot be called a racist) and McCain, to name just two, have apparently such a personal distrust of Obama to sign that cotton picking letter.
It is a rather sad state of affairs (mostly due to our slipping into a plutocratic mode of capitalism) when anything that resembles a "win" for one party HAS TO be rejected by the opposition, neglecting any objectivity that these elected nitwits were sent to D.C. NOT so that they could make a career of power-grabs, but to serve the constituencies
The discord between the executive and legislative branches of our government has reached new highs (or lows, depending on one's perspective.)

On the legislative side (which, for the GOP, is itself divided) we hear that the president is refusing to work with them.....However, true or not, how could any president work with a congress that, from day one, has sworn to first do everything to make that president a one-termer, and, second, a congress whose many members still refuse to even acknowledge the legitimacy of the president to even hold that office?

how do we deal with a mentality that believes the president is like a king? Or isn't honest enough to even say that is what they believe?
In my opinion, Obama has made tons of mistakes...but not the kind that right wingers would agree to as "mistakes."

Obama's somewhat pronounced "arrogance," coupled with his mixed race ethnicity which prompted some nitwits to challenge his legitimacy, has created a political environment where the opposing congress would rather do nothing than risk the ire of their biased constituencies.
Obama is a liberal. He really believes in big govt. That doesn't make him a demon, but I never voted for him. (Outside the dem primary where I switched over just to bedevil the Clinton machine (-;) He's been hopelessly incompetent in foreign policy, and his fervor to get of Iraq regardless of anything, coupled with Afghanistan where we are not exactly winning the hearts and minds of muslims, coupled with Syria where his inability to grasp what would happen in a power vacuum was possibly even more bad that John "boom boom" McCain's embrace of mythical Alawite moderates (look unicorns!) was merely foreshadowed in Libya ... and let's not even mention Egypt.

But, the gop cannot even agree with itself over defense spending. And, at this point they simply cannot govern.

Republicans Won t Have a Real Health-Care Plan -- NYMag

For Republicans to actually unify around a health-care plan would require them to oppose every tendency that defines their party. They would have to side with the specific programmatic desires favored by the voters rather than its abstract ideological goals. They would need to compromise with the opposing party rather than stick to principle. Republicans won’t have a real health-care plan until they become a different kind of party.
The discord between the executive and legislative branches of our government has reached new highs (or lows, depending on one's perspective.)

On the legislative side (which, for the GOP, is itself divided) we hear that the president is refusing to work with them.....However, true or not, how could any president work with a congress that, from day one, has sworn to first do everything to make that president a one-termer, and, second, a congress whose many members still refuse to even acknowledge the legitimacy of the president to even hold that office?

OH YE OF SHORT MEMORY. What's happening now doesn't come close to how the Democrats treated George Bush.
The discord between the executive and legislative branches of our government has reached new highs (or lows, depending on one's perspective.)

On the legislative side (which, for the GOP, is itself divided) we hear that the president is refusing to work with them.....However, true or not, how could any president work with a congress that, from day one, has sworn to first do everything to make that president a one-termer, and, second, a congress whose many members still refuse to even acknowledge the legitimacy of the president to even hold that office?

OH YE OF SHORT MEMORY. What's happening now doesn't come close to how the Democrats treated George Bush.
The dems never came close to shutting down the govt over BushII's war.

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