Obama traveling to Colorado for a Photo opp with shooting victums


Lakhota are you sitting in for the other cartoon asswipe on the board mr. shamam?

I'm trying to communicate on your level...

Not even in your wildest dreams.
Why does Obama have to run down there? These people are grieving, their family members have just been murdered, and Obama and his motorcade has to run down there

Obama heading to visit shooting victims, families

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama will travel to Colorado on Sunday to visit with victims of the movie theater shooting and their families.

White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer announced plans for the trip on Saturday night. Aides say will also include meetings with state and local officials.

Obama heading to visit shooting victims, families - CBS News

Cuz that's what presidents do retarded moron.
Why does Obama have to run down there? These people are grieving, their family members have just been murdered, and Obama and his motorcade has to run down there

Obama heading to visit shooting victims, families - CBS News

Only a complete dick would object to the President consoling the victims of a massacre

That's the GOP thugs for you.

I'm one of the GOPs thugs and I apporved his visit dumbshit, quit profiling....dont liberals bitch about that ALL the time?
Oh, so it's a "photo op" instead of being presidential?

I can just hear you wingnuts whining if he didn't go: "Where's Obama?"... "He doesn't care"... "He's un-American"...

You know what, I will wait.

If he talks to them, and keeps the press out of it, we can both call it presidential.

If he turns it into a photo op to make political points we can both jump all over him.
Oh, so it's a "photo op" instead of being presidential?

I can just hear you wingnuts whining if he didn't go: "Where's Obama?"... "He doesn't care"... "He's un-American"...

You know what, I will wait.

If he talks to them, and keeps the press out of it, we can both call it presidential.

If he turns it into a photo op to make political points we can both jump all over him.

exacatlly, I said it earlier if it turns into a circus or a gun control rally then the gloves are back on, if it's tastefull and Presidential, then I'm glad he went.
Why does Obama have to run down there? These people are grieving, their family members have just been murdered, and Obama and his motorcade has to run down there

Obama heading to visit shooting victims, families

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama will travel to Colorado on Sunday to visit with victims of the movie theater shooting and their families.

White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer announced plans for the trip on Saturday night. Aides say will also include meetings with state and local officials.

Obama heading to visit shooting victims, families - CBS News

Cuz that's what presidents do retarded moron.

Yeah but liberals would still find a way to critise Bush if he went....
Why does Obama have to run down there? These people are grieving, their family members have just been murdered, and Obama and his motorcade has to run down there

Obama heading to visit shooting victims, families

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama will travel to Colorado on Sunday to visit with victims of the movie theater shooting and their families.

White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer announced plans for the trip on Saturday night. Aides say will also include meetings with state and local officials.

Obama heading to visit shooting victims, families - CBS News

He goes because he represents the nation. I have no issue with him going. It is right and fitting that the President - regardless of party - goes and expresses the sympathy of the country.

Try not to be an ass about it.
Why does Obama have to run down there? These people are grieving, their family members have just been murdered, and Obama and his motorcade has to run down there

Obama heading to visit shooting victims, families

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama will travel to Colorado on Sunday to visit with victims of the movie theater shooting and their families.

White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer announced plans for the trip on Saturday night. Aides say will also include meetings with state and local officials.

Obama heading to visit shooting victims, families - CBS News

What do you think Bush would be doing if he were still President? The exact same bloody thing!
He goes because he represents the nation. I have no issue with him going. It is right and fitting that the President - regardless of party - goes and expresses the sympathy of the country.

Try not to be an ass about it.

^this. Couldn't have said it better myself.
Well I really dont mind it, sure it's a political stunt, but it is a pretty serious issue. I hope he doesnt turn it political, because then I wont be so nice. Also I'd like to hear him say he'd feed the culprit (whoever it is, not trying to blame the guy in custody yet) to sharks with fricken laser beams on their heads.

I never heard him say that about the Fort Hood shooter and KSM is STILL awaiting trial.
Why does Obama have to run down there? These people are grieving, their family members have just been murdered, and Obama and his motorcade has to run down there

Obama heading to visit shooting victims, families

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama will travel to Colorado on Sunday to visit with victims of the movie theater shooting and their families.

White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer announced plans for the trip on Saturday night. Aides say will also include meetings with state and local officials.

Obama heading to visit shooting victims, families - CBS News

B/C it's a battleground state and he wants every opportunity to look good there.
Oh, so it's a "photo op" instead of being presidential?

I can just hear you wingnuts whining if he didn't go: "Where's Obama?"... "He doesn't care"... "He's un-American"...

The rightwing propaganda machine, when it's running smoothly, will always have two anti-Obama attacks prepared for any circumstance...

one if Obama does one thing; one if Obama does just the opposite.

That's how rightwing propaganda works. That's how guys like Limbaugh got rich.
Why does Obama have to run down there? These people are grieving, their family members have just been murdered, and Obama and his motorcade has to run down there

Obama heading to visit shooting victims, families - CBS News

Cuz that's what presidents do retarded moron.

Yeah but liberals would still find a way to critise Bush if he went....

So this thread is not a rational criticism of President Obama, it's just 'payback' trolling.
Why does Obama have to run down there? These people are grieving, their family members have just been murdered, and Obama and his motorcade has to run down there

Obama heading to visit shooting victims, families

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama will travel to Colorado on Sunday to visit with victims of the movie theater shooting and their families.

White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer announced plans for the trip on Saturday night. Aides say will also include meetings with state and local officials.

Obama heading to visit shooting victims, families - CBS News

Only a complete dick would object to the President consoling the victims of a massacre

that's what obama-deranged imbeciles do.

if he didn't go, they'd complain about that.

best to ignore the morons and chalk it up to their low IQ.
For normal people, the immensity of the tragedy dwarfs any hatred of the president. Not you...cuz you ain't normal!

So kids dying in Chicago is not a tragedy?

So if the President cant visit every shooting victim he shouldn't visit any

Got it

He should make a point to at least visit his own friken neighborhood where kids are being killed almost daily, it's an epidemic over there and Obama says nothing. Did you even watch that video? The link I posted? That women asking "where is Obama?' I ask the same thing, where is Obama? ok if they have a public memorial in Colorado it's fine if he goes, but to make a commitment before that is even announced, and to ignore the violence in his home state?
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