Obama: "Tolly-Bon", "Pocky-ston"???


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Whats with this dude trying to be overly.....whats the word.....academic, when he makes speeches and uses the politically correct way to pronounce words like that?

Hey Prez, you are in America. You dont have to say it like you are in Egypt, or the Columbia Univ professors lounge. Taliban will be fine. Pakistan too. "Tolly-bon", when combined with the rest of your plain American sounding language, sounds like you made such an effort to pronounce it differently....out of respect or something? For the "Tal-a-ban". Or "Pack-is-tan", not "Pocky-ston".
The big test of such pretention is pronouncing the capital of France.
What's with you being, what's the word, overly stupid?
Whats with this dude trying to be overly.....whats the word.....academic, when he makes speeches and uses the politically correct way to pronounce words like that?

Hey Prez, you are in America. You dont have to say it like you are in Egypt, or the Columbia Univ professors lounge. Taliban will be fine. Pakistan too. "Tolly-bon", when combined with the rest of your plain American sounding language, sounds like you made such an effort to pronounce it differently....out of respect or something? For the "Tal-a-ban". Or "Pack-is-tan", not "Pocky-ston".

I guess he is just showing his respect to the Taliban. He can quote the Koran like nobody's business, too, and it's evident he is quite familiar with it. It's all about who you respect. Like he respected our military with the Marine 'corpse' comment. He's just smarter, ya know, and he impresses people in all 57 states.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQXVHITd1N4&feature=related]Beetlejuice - Day-o (Banana Boat Song) - YouTube[/ame]
Since Osama bin Bama is probably one of the few people that's more of a mutt than I am, maybe he got the accent from one of his female ancestors taking a roll on a beach with a Rasta..........Do they have Rastas in Kenya :confused::lol:
Really mon. Yeah mon !
Whats with this dude trying to be overly.....whats the word.....academic, when he makes speeches and uses the politically correct way to pronounce words like that?

Hey Prez, you are in America. You dont have to say it like you are in Egypt, or the Columbia Univ professors lounge. Taliban will be fine. Pakistan too. "Tolly-bon", when combined with the rest of your plain American sounding language, sounds like you made such an effort to pronounce it differently....out of respect or something? For the "Tal-a-ban". Or "Pack-is-tan", not "Pocky-ston".

Fail OP. Who cares? :lol:
Here's what you do. You listen to native speakers of a particular language say words. Then, you do your best to pronounce the words........especially when it comes to proper nouns......exactly the same way.

You make an attempt, asshole.
Here's what you do. You listen to native speakers of a particular language say words. Then, you do your best to pronounce the words........especially when it comes to proper nouns......exactly the same way.

You make an attempt, asshole.

Then that is what you should do, LoneLaugher. Quit slurring.
Hmmmmm. Nope. Still don't get it.

Here is a test.

Using phonetic spelling, please "pronounce" the words below.

hara kiri

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He's got a Midwest accent. So what. To them, Mary, marry, and merry are the same word. At least he can pronounce nuclear.
I have met and taked with the Bushes. Obama is much easier to understand.

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