Obama to thank Bush tonight in speech

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
In an advanced draft of Obama's speech tonight on the withdrawl of U.S. troops from Iraq Obama is planning on making the following remarks:
Today we are removing all combat troops from Iraq. This was a war I opposed initially, as I opposed the surge that brought us to this point. But the true measure of a leader is admission that he is not infallible. I was wrong to oppose the surge, which has brought us peace with honor, removed a dangerous tyrant from the world stage, and liberated millions of Iraqis. All of this could not have been done without our brave troops on the ground, our military commanders overseeing it, and the wise policy decisions of my predecessor, President Bush."

OK, what do you think the chances of Obama actually saying that are?
In an advanced draft of Obama's speech tonight on the withdrawl of U.S. troops from Iraq Obama is planning on making the following remarks:
Today we are removing all combat troops from Iraq. This was a war I opposed initially, as I opposed the surge that brought us to this point. But the true measure of a leader is admission that he is not infallible. I was wrong to oppose the surge, which has brought us peace with honor, removed a dangerous tyrant from the world stage, and liberated millions of Iraqis. All of this could not have been done without our brave troops on the ground, our military commanders overseeing it, and the wise policy decisions of my predecessor, President Bush."

OK, what do you think the chances of Obama actually saying that are?

If he says it?

He will earn a great deal of respect from me for starters....and likely his poll numbers will skyrocket.
It would be so out of character for the Charlatan in Chief that I would want an investigation into body snatchers.
It would be so out of character for the Charlatan in Chief that I would want an investigation into body snatchers.


Yes, it is out of character for President Obama, but it could prove to be a turnaround in his popularity...for good or bad. we need a leader right now. A true leader admits error and gives credit where credit is due.

Like I said, if he says it, he will get a thumbs up from me from a leadership standpoint.

On the same note.....if he truly wanted bipartisanship, he would not have come off of his vacation and run to the rose garden to announce what horrible people the GOP are as he did yesterday.

Perhaps he would have shown himself as a true leader by simply saying:

"we have a small business bill that needs to be addressed without delay. I have the Democratic majority on board with it and I will do all I can to get the GOP support that this bill so desperately needs."

Yes, I agree that the GOP is currently playing ppolitical games right now, but the dems have done that plenty as well.....we need action, not partisan games...and both sides are playing games right now.

Be a leader Mr. Obama. Stop being a piss ass senator with a girpe. You get more bees with honey than vinegar. That is a basic premise most business owners follow.

Another example of where governing experience of some kind is necessary to be President.
Doesn't matter to me much. But it is nice to see that he isn't blaming Bush for something.
In an advanced draft of Obama's speech tonight on the withdrawl of U.S. troops from Iraq Obama is planning on making the following remarks:
Today we are removing all combat troops from Iraq. This was a war I opposed initially, as I opposed the surge that brought us to this point. But the true measure of a leader is admission that he is not infallible. I was wrong to oppose the surge, which has brought us peace with honor, removed a dangerous tyrant from the world stage, and liberated millions of Iraqis. All of this could not have been done without our brave troops on the ground, our military commanders overseeing it, and the wise policy decisions of my predecessor, President Bush."

OK, what do you think the chances of Obama actually saying that are?

Why would he want to continue to spread right wing lies?

Do you think he should ressurrect all the tragic mistakes Bush made? Lying about his reason for attacking, falsifying the urgency, failing to put enough troops on the ground, misjudging the reception US troops would receive, misjudging the length of the war, misjudging the political situation in Iraq.....

He should acknowledge Bush's role as CIC ...but the bulk of his acknowledgemant should be of the Troops on the Ground
The leader of alCIAduh.
Right cheer.
You've been duped again.


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In an advanced draft of Obama's speech tonight on the withdrawl of U.S. troops from Iraq Obama is planning on making the following remarks:
Today we are removing all combat troops from Iraq. This was a war I opposed initially, as I opposed the surge that brought us to this point. But the true measure of a leader is admission that he is not infallible. I was wrong to oppose the surge, which has brought us peace with honor, removed a dangerous tyrant from the world stage, and liberated millions of Iraqis. All of this could not have been done without our brave troops on the ground, our military commanders overseeing it, and the wise policy decisions of my predecessor, President Bush."

OK, what do you think the chances of Obama actually saying that are?

Why would he want to continue to spread right wing lies?

Do you think he should ressurrect all the tragic mistakes Bush made? Lying about his reason for attacking, falsifying the urgency, failing to put enough troops on the ground, misjudging the reception US troops would receive, misjudging the length of the war, misjudging the political situation in Iraq.....

He should acknowledge Bush's role as CIC ...but the bulk of his acknowledgemant should be of the Troops on the Ground

Which lie is that? That Obama opposed a war that unseated a supporter of terrorism? That Obama opposed a war that liberated millions of Iraqis from tyranny and despotism? That Obama opposed the surge that won this war? That Obama opposed a war that was supported by UN sanctions? That Obama has been wrong in every foreign policy statement he has made to date?
None of those are lies. They are all the truth But the Left is so blind truth looks like lies and lies look like truth.
In an advanced draft of Obama's speech tonight on the withdrawl of U.S. troops from Iraq Obama is planning on making the following remarks:
Today we are removing all combat troops from Iraq. This was a war I opposed initially, as I opposed the surge that brought us to this point. But the true measure of a leader is admission that he is not infallible. I was wrong to oppose the surge, which has brought us peace with honor, removed a dangerous tyrant from the world stage, and liberated millions of Iraqis. All of this could not have been done without our brave troops on the ground, our military commanders overseeing it, and the wise policy decisions of my predecessor, President Bush."

OK, what do you think the chances of Obama actually saying that are?

If he says it?

He will earn a great deal of respect from me for starters....and likely his poll numbers will skyrocket.

I'm sure he would appreciate that vote of confidence from the neocon perspective but I doubt he would say that. He wasn't wrong, Obama is the one handling the conflicts more efficiently and with honor.

Bush was an epic failure domestically and with foreign policy. If Obama gives Bush credit for anything, it will be for keeping his mouth shut, unlike Cheney, Rove and some of the other "advisors" who helped Bush nearly lead us into a depression.

Your respect is not all that if you just gave it freely to the previous administration.
In an advanced draft of Obama's speech tonight on the withdrawl of U.S. troops from Iraq Obama is planning on making the following remarks:
Today we are removing all combat troops from Iraq. This was a war I opposed initially, as I opposed the surge that brought us to this point. But the true measure of a leader is admission that he is not infallible. I was wrong to oppose the surge, which has brought us peace with honor, removed a dangerous tyrant from the world stage, and liberated millions of Iraqis. All of this could not have been done without our brave troops on the ground, our military commanders overseeing it, and the wise policy decisions of my predecessor, President Bush."

OK, what do you think the chances of Obama actually saying that are?

Why would he want to continue to spread right wing lies?

Do you think he should ressurrect all the tragic mistakes Bush made? Lying about his reason for attacking, falsifying the urgency, failing to put enough troops on the ground, misjudging the reception US troops would receive, misjudging the length of the war, misjudging the political situation in Iraq.....

He should acknowledge Bush's role as CIC ...but the bulk of his acknowledgemant should be of the Troops on the Ground

Which lie is that?​
How much time ya' got? :rolleyes:
In an advanced draft of Obama's speech tonight on the withdrawl of U.S. troops from Iraq Obama is planning on making the following remarks:
Today we are removing all combat troops from Iraq. This was a war I opposed initially, as I opposed the surge that brought us to this point. But the true measure of a leader is admission that he is not infallible. I was wrong to oppose the surge, which has brought us peace with honor, removed a dangerous tyrant from the world stage, and liberated millions of Iraqis. All of this could not have been done without our brave troops on the ground, our military commanders overseeing it, and the wise policy decisions of my predecessor, President Bush."

OK, what do you think the chances of Obama actually saying that are?

Why would he want to continue to spread right wing lies?

Do you think he should ressurrect all the tragic mistakes Bush made? Lying about his reason for attacking, falsifying the urgency, failing to put enough troops on the ground, misjudging the reception US troops would receive, misjudging the length of the war, misjudging the political situation in Iraq.....

He should acknowledge Bush's role as CIC ...but the bulk of his acknowledgemant should be of the Troops on the Ground

I need to say this RW:

Bush lied and as a result 4000 men and women died not to mention the countless Iraqi civilians.
The CIA lied and as a result our values as Americans were compromised with the "torture" issue.

Yet, Roger Clemens is the one who is brought up on charges.

Get off the talking points RW. If Bush truly lied, there would have been an investigation, a hearing, and a discussion.

If the CIA lied, there would have been the same.

Time to let the talking points go RW. The proof is in the lack of action by Pelosi and Reid on both counts.
In an advanced draft of Obama's speech tonight on the withdrawl of U.S. troops from Iraq Obama is planning on making the following remarks:
Today we are removing all combat troops from Iraq. This was a war I opposed initially, as I opposed the surge that brought us to this point. But the true measure of a leader is admission that he is not infallible. I was wrong to oppose the surge, which has brought us peace with honor, removed a dangerous tyrant from the world stage, and liberated millions of Iraqis. All of this could not have been done without our brave troops on the ground, our military commanders overseeing it, and the wise policy decisions of my predecessor, President Bush."

OK, what do you think the chances of Obama actually saying that are?

I think they're very good that he will.

He ran on an anti-surge platform to get the anti-war votes.

But he also said that he would ratchet down the number of troops, too.

So Bush II did the heavy lifting (surged troop levels) and that, in part, cost him relection.

Then Obama comes in and the surge (which I opposed, too incidently) seems to have had enough positive effect that Obama could start down the road of moving troops out of Iraq.

But since so many of his supporters remember that he came out against the surge, I suspect he's got to admit that he opposed it in the run up to election.

Now, how many US troops are going to remain in Iraq?

50,000 isn't it?

Not exactly a complete withdrawl, but we're expected to think that the troops there won't be on any combat missions.

No, they won't be on combats missions. They're "advisors"

But they'll be targeted, so I expect that they'll still get killed.
In an advanced draft of Obama's speech tonight on the withdrawl of U.S. troops from Iraq Obama is planning on making the following remarks:
Today we are removing all combat troops from Iraq. This was a war I opposed initially, as I opposed the surge that brought us to this point. But the true measure of a leader is admission that he is not infallible. I was wrong to oppose the surge, which has brought us peace with honor, removed a dangerous tyrant from the world stage, and liberated millions of Iraqis. All of this could not have been done without our brave troops on the ground, our military commanders overseeing it, and the wise policy decisions of my predecessor, President Bush."

OK, what do you think the chances of Obama actually saying that are?

I think they're very good that he will.

He ran on an anti-surge platform to get the anti-war votes.

But he also said that he would ratchet down the number of troops, too.

So Bush II did the heavy lifting (surged troop levels) and that, in part, cost him relection.

Then Obama comes in and the surge (which I opposed, too incidently) seems to have had enough positive effect that Obama could start down the road of moving troops out of Iraq.

But since so many of his supporters remember that he came out against the surge, I suspect he's got to admit that he opposed it in the run up to election.

Now, how many US troops are going to remain in Iraq?

50,000 isn't it?

Not exactly a complete withdrawl, but we're expected to think that the troops there won't be on any combat missions.

No, they won't be on combats missions. They're "advisors"

But they'll be targeted, so I expect that they'll still get killed.

No offense, but I think the primary reason Buish lost a re-election was the Presidential term limits to two terms.

But I may be wrong:eusa_angel:
Agree JH.

If they could have the Dems would have crucified Bush, Cheney, the CIA and anyone else they could think of.

Since they didn't one has to assume there was no evidence against any of them.

Kudo's to OL'BO if he gives credit where it is due.

Don't think I will be holding my breath for it though. Its just to out of charachter for Barry Boy and lets face it. Its still all Bush's fault. LOL
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Obama to thank Bush tonight in speech
....For what.....letting bin Laden ESCAPE??!!!! :eusa_eh:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmtPBTybQ9k]YouTube - The Hunt For Bin Laden[/ame]​

I watched the entire episode, I have read excerpts before BUT; since 60 Minutes is the most viewed , middle of the road ,honest fair, impartial TV investigative show there is ( :rolleyes: ), I watched it....

how do you get "we let him escape" from that segment?
In an advanced draft of Obama's speech tonight on the withdrawl of U.S. troops from Iraq Obama is planning on making the following remarks:
Today we are removing all combat troops from Iraq. This was a war I opposed initially, as I opposed the surge that brought us to this point. But the true measure of a leader is admission that he is not infallible. I was wrong to oppose the surge, which has brought us peace with honor, removed a dangerous tyrant from the world stage, and liberated millions of Iraqis. All of this could not have been done without our brave troops on the ground, our military commanders overseeing it, and the wise policy decisions of my predecessor, President Bush."

OK, what do you think the chances of Obama actually saying that are?

I think they're very good that he will.

He ran on an anti-surge platform to get the anti-war votes.

But he also said that he would ratchet down the number of troops, too.

So Bush II did the heavy lifting (surged troop levels) and that, in part, cost him relection.

Then Obama comes in and the surge (which I opposed, too incidently) seems to have had enough positive effect that Obama could start down the road of moving troops out of Iraq.

But since so many of his supporters remember that he came out against the surge, I suspect he's got to admit that he opposed it in the run up to election.

Now, how many US troops are going to remain in Iraq?

50,000 isn't it?

Not exactly a complete withdrawl, but we're expected to think that the troops there won't be on any combat missions.

No, they won't be on combats missions. They're "advisors"

But they'll be targeted, so I expect that they'll still get killed.

No offense, but I think the primary reason Buish lost a re-election was the Presidential term limits to two terms.

But I may be wrong:eusa_angel:
Surely you jest!

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