Obama Speaks to President of Iran in First Talk Since 1979

In euphoria over Iran breakthrough, Wash Post poll says 85% of Americans approve

What an amazing day. The White House website publishes its photo of the day, of the president’s historic conversation with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, (above by Pete Souza), and the Washington*Post poll overwhelmingly reflects*American opinion in favor of the opening:Should the U.S. seek to improve relations with Iran?Yes85%No15%19946 people have taken this poll.

In euphoria over Iran breakthrough, Wash Post poll says 85% of Americans approve | Mondoweiss

The Obama*announcement of the call verged on triumphant:I do believe that there is a basis for a resolution. *Iran’s Supreme Leader has issued a fatwa against the development of nuclear weapons. *President Rouhani has indicated that Iran will never develop nuclear weapons. *I have made clear that we respect the right of the Iranian people to access peaceful nuclear energy in the context of Iran meeting its obligations. *So the test will be meaningful, transparent, and verifiable actions, which can also bring relief from the comprehensive international sanctions that are currently in place.Resolving this issue, obviously, could also serve as a major step forward in a new relationship between the United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran — one based on mutual interests and mutual respect. *It would also help facilitate a better relationship between Iran and the international community, as well as others in the region — one that would help the Iranian people fulfill their extraordinary potential, but also help us to address other concerns that could bring greater peace and stability to the Middle East.A path to a meaningful agreement will be difficult, and at this point, both sides have significant concerns that will have to be overcome. *But I believe we’ve got a responsibility to pursue diplomacy, and that we have a unique opportunity to make progress with the new leadership in Tehran. *I also communicated to President Rouhani my deep respect for the Iranian people.
In euphoria over Iran breakthrough, Wash Post poll says 85% of Americans approve

What an amazing day. The White House website publishes its photo of the day, of the president’s historic conversation with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, (above by Pete Souza), and the Washington*Post poll overwhelmingly reflects*American opinion in favor of the opening:Should the U.S. seek to improve relations with Iran?Yes85%No15%19946 people have taken this poll.

In euphoria over Iran breakthrough, Wash Post poll says 85% of Americans approve | Mondoweiss
But are all the Iranians happy over this? Just curious. Now that you think everything is going to work out, do you and Mondoweiss have your bags packed for a visit.

Associated Press - NewsAdvance.com
They never let me go on a ship-----'as you were' uhm 'carry on' or something like that---
uhm ------son or mister or sailor or mate or whatever I never called a person
"marine" ------what do marines get called?

Marine works or by their rank followed by the name on their name tag and Jarhead, if you say it with a really big smile on your face. :)

I never saw a marine smile
That's 'cause they eat nails and spit rust.

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