Obama solicitor general: If you don't like mandate, EARN LESS MONEY

Do you even know how the mandate will operate?

I do! I do!

It will be a penalty collected by the IRS.

When we want to slide it by voters, who we know will be opposed to a tax increase, we'll call it a 'fine' - a penalty for not submitting to the mandate.

When we want to slide it by judges, or those concerned about unconstitutional government, we'll call it 'tax' - a power the constitution clearly allows.

In other words, we'll call it whatever we have to - equivocate till the cows come home - to expand federal power and enrich our buddies in the insurance industry.

Go team!
Do you even know how the mandate will operate?

I do! I do!

It will be a penalty collected by the IRS.

When we want to slide it by voters, who we know will be opposed to a tax increase, we'll call it a 'fine' - a penalty for not submitting to the mandate.

When we want to slide it by judges, or those concerned about unconstitutional government, we'll call it 'tax' - a power the constitution clearly allows.

In other words, we'll call it whatever we have to - equivocate till the cows come home - to expand federal power and enrich our buddies in the insurance industry.

Go team!

Right, won't get any disagreement from me. It certainly does enrich the insurance companies even further, which is a true shame. And you can call it what you want, but if you choose not to purchase health insurance, you're going to have to pay extra on your taxes.
Right, won't get any disagreement from me. It certainly does enrich the insurance companies even further, which is a true shame. And you can call it what you want, but if you choose not to purchase health insurance, you're going to have to pay extra on your taxes.

So, you'll agree the law was passed on a deliberate equivocation - a lie. It should be thrown out on those grounds alone.
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That's what the neonuts say about mandated car insurance. " you don't have to drive".

And that is true. You don't have to drive. I await the explanation as to how one avoids being born.

As an American, we have the right to 'pursue happiness', and if that means monetary wealth, that is our right. No one has the right to penalize someone for earning money. Fucking socialists and their obsessional and irrational hatred of other people's money is embarrassing for decent Americans.

And before pursuing happiness, there is that word Life that you conveniently skipped over. If you don't want to live in a society that supports one another, you're free to live in another country that better suits your needs. Your hatred for your fellow Americans is quite sad.

and it looks as if YOU conveniently skipped over the word "liberty". Perhaps if you don't want to live in a nation where the people are able to make their own choices, you're free to live in another country that better suits your needs.
Right, won't get any disagreement from me. It certainly does enrich the insurance companies even further, which is a true shame. And you can call it what you want, but if you choose not to purchase health insurance, you're going to have to pay extra on your taxes.

So, you'll agree the law was passed on a deliberate equivocation - a lie. It should be thrown out on those grounds alone.

So the whole groundwork for the mandate was built upon that it wasn't a tax?

Personally, I say get rid of the mandate. I don't care if its there. That was just put in there to appease insurance companies to further pad their bottom line.
It's enforced by the IRS through your taxes, so you tell me.

Are you able to give a straight answer?
I'm asking you: Is it a tax or not?

Of course it is.

So what is it a tax on?
If I earn income, I pay tax on my income. If I buy a pack of cigarettes I pay tax on the cigarettes. If I manufacture guns, I pay a tax on what I make.
In each case I must do something positive to incur the tax.

Here doing nothing will incur the tax. What kind of tax is that? WHere is Congress authorized to impose a tax on doing nothing?
Never mind Obama denied it was a tax.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bg-ofjXrXio&feature=related]YouTube - ‪George and Obama debate health care taxes‬‏[/ame]
Are you able to give a straight answer?
I'm asking you: Is it a tax or not?

Of course it is.

So what is it a tax on?
If I earn income, I pay tax on my income. If I buy a pack of cigarettes I pay tax on the cigarettes. If I manufacture guns, I pay a tax on what I make.
In each case I must do something positive to incur the tax.

Here doing nothing will incur the tax. What kind of tax is that? WHere is Congress authorized to impose a tax on doing nothing?
Never mind Obama denied it was a tax.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bg-ofjXrXio&feature=related]YouTube - ‪George and Obama debate health care taxes‬‏[/ame]

If you show up at a hospital without insurance, they will not turn you away. They will still stabilize you at the very least. Consider it a tax for that.

And despite what you may think, I don't believe every word that Obama or any politican says. Politicians have been known to lie once in a while.
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So the whole groundwork for the mandate was built upon that it wasn't a tax?

The political groundwork most certainly was. They carefully and deliberately avoiding using the word.

Personally, I say get rid of the mandate. I don't care if its there. That was just put in there to appease insurance companies to further pad their bottom line.

So the whole groundwork for the mandate was built upon that it wasn't a tax?

The political groundwork most certainly was. They carefully and deliberately avoiding using the word.

Personally, I say get rid of the mandate. I don't care if its there. That was just put in there to appease insurance companies to further pad their bottom line.


Sure, politicians will spin things to sound one way or another depending on the audience. Reading the actual bill though will tell you what you need to know without the spin. I read it and understand how the mandate will be enforced and I don't really see the big deal. You would think that the "personal responsibility" crowd would be happy to see the "moochers" being required to pay for once.
Right, won't get any disagreement from me. It certainly does enrich the insurance companies even further, which is a true shame. And you can call it what you want, but if you choose not to purchase health insurance, you're going to have to pay extra on your taxes.

So, you'll agree the law was passed on a deliberate equivocation - a lie. It should be thrown out on those grounds alone.

Oh Yes.

I can still see the Prez on national television telling everyone that it sure as hell wasn't a tax.

Then they found the only way it would be considered anywhere near constitutional was to be a tax. Hokus Pokus it became a tax.

Now lets just wait and see how the SC views this clusterfuck of a bill.
Of course it is.

So what is it a tax on?
If I earn income, I pay tax on my income. If I buy a pack of cigarettes I pay tax on the cigarettes. If I manufacture guns, I pay a tax on what I make.
In each case I must do something positive to incur the tax.

Here doing nothing will incur the tax. What kind of tax is that? WHere is Congress authorized to impose a tax on doing nothing?
Never mind Obama denied it was a tax.

If you show up at a hospital without insurance, they will not turn you away. They will still stabilize you at the very least. Consider it a tax for that.

And despite what you may think, I don't believe every word that Obama or any politican says. Politicians have been known to lie once in a while.

What if I never show up at a hospital without insurance? I'll still have to pay the tax.
That is a nonsense argument. That's like charging people in Nevada beach maintenance fees because maybe California will slide into the ocean.
So what is it a tax on?
If I earn income, I pay tax on my income. If I buy a pack of cigarettes I pay tax on the cigarettes. If I manufacture guns, I pay a tax on what I make.
In each case I must do something positive to incur the tax.

Here doing nothing will incur the tax. What kind of tax is that? WHere is Congress authorized to impose a tax on doing nothing?
Never mind Obama denied it was a tax.

If you show up at a hospital without insurance, they will not turn you away. They will still stabilize you at the very least. Consider it a tax for that.

And despite what you may think, I don't believe every word that Obama or any politican says. Politicians have been known to lie once in a while.

What if I never show up at a hospital without insurance? I'll still have to pay the tax.
That is a nonsense argument. That's like charging people in Nevada beach maintenance fees because maybe California will slide into the ocean.

Actually it's nothing like that at all. Everyone gets sick, accidents happen. No one is immune to these things. Such is life.
If you show up at a hospital without insurance, they will not turn you away. They will still stabilize you at the very least. Consider it a tax for that.

And despite what you may think, I don't believe every word that Obama or any politican says. Politicians have been known to lie once in a while.

What if I never show up at a hospital without insurance? I'll still have to pay the tax.
That is a nonsense argument. That's like charging people in Nevada beach maintenance fees because maybe California will slide into the ocean.

Actually it's nothing like that at all. Everyone gets sick, accidents happen. No one is immune to these things. Such is life.

I'm 49 years old and have never been in the hospital, much less the emergency room.
Remind me why I need to pay a tax on something I've never done and may never do.
You've skirted the question of what this is a tax on. You cannot tax non-activity.
What if I never show up at a hospital without insurance? I'll still have to pay the tax.
That is a nonsense argument. That's like charging people in Nevada beach maintenance fees because maybe California will slide into the ocean.

Actually it's nothing like that at all. Everyone gets sick, accidents happen. No one is immune to these things. Such is life.

I'm 49 years old and have never been in the hospital, much less the emergency room.
Remind me why I need to pay a tax on something I've never done and may never do.
You've skirted the question of what this is a tax on. You cannot tax non-activity.

So if Rabbi has never been to the hospital, that means no one has. This is where you want to go? Really? LOL.

I didnt skirt a thing. I told you what it was for, you just didn't like the answer.
Actually it's nothing like that at all. Everyone gets sick, accidents happen. No one is immune to these things. Such is life.

I'm 49 years old and have never been in the hospital, much less the emergency room.
Remind me why I need to pay a tax on something I've never done and may never do.
You've skirted the question of what this is a tax on. You cannot tax non-activity.

So if Rabbi has never been to the hospital, that means no one has. This is where you want to go? Really? LOL.

I didnt skirt a thing. I told you what it was for, you just didn't like the answer.

So everyone is going to the hospital. That's your argument, really?
You never answered what the tax was a tax on. Income tax is a tax on income. Capital gains tax is a tax on capital gains. Gasoline tax is a tax on gasoline.
So what is Obamacare's tax a tax on?
I'm 49 years old and have never been in the hospital, much less the emergency room.
Remind me why I need to pay a tax on something I've never done and may never do.
You've skirted the question of what this is a tax on. You cannot tax non-activity.

So if Rabbi has never been to the hospital, that means no one has. This is where you want to go? Really? LOL.

I didnt skirt a thing. I told you what it was for, you just didn't like the answer.

So everyone is going to the hospital. That's your argument, really?
You never answered what the tax was a tax on. Income tax is a tax on income. Capital gains tax is a tax on capital gains. Gasoline tax is a tax on gasoline.
So what is Obamacare's tax a tax on?

"Free" health care.

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