America: The most kiss-ass gullible nation on earth


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill and weep. This is the height of our governments strive to appease.

U.S. Offers Foreign Aid to Countries Holding Billions in Treasury Securities -

"Borrowing money from countries who receive our aid is dangerous for both the donor and recipient," Coburn said in a written statement. "If countries can afford to buy our debt, perhaps they can afford to fund assistance programs on their own.

Read more: U.S. Offers Foreign Aid to Countries Holding Billions in Treasury Securities -
I expected a little more conversation on this one...or did I miss a thread that alreday exists on this?
Probably most people don't see the danger or they agree with your assessment. Buying friends is dangerous and stupid. Paying governments who are buying our debt, doubly so.
Americans by and large have no clue as to basic economics much less commodities, securities or even derivatives. They do, however, know a lot about American Idol.
It has nothing to do with economics, it has to do with the old Cold War paradigm still in place that won’t die. Instead of communism now it’s ‘terrorism.’

You’d think we’d learn by now we can’t buy our friends.
America hates to lead by example. We rather lead by brute force, ignorance, and god who knows what else.

We love war and this is what our government loves to ship out. We are a warmongering nation who thrives off of selling arms to other countries. and weep. This is the height of our governments strive to appease.

U.S. Offers Foreign Aid to Countries Holding Billions in Treasury Securities -

"Borrowing money from countries who receive our aid is dangerous for both the donor and recipient," Coburn said in a written statement. "If countries can afford to buy our debt, perhaps they can afford to fund assistance programs on their own.

Read more: U.S. Offers Foreign Aid to Countries Holding Billions in Treasury Securities -

This is news? It's been SOP for the US for quite a while. Ridiculous - and dangerous - but, hey, Obama does it so it's fine.
I'd love to see where that AID money actually ends up.

Much of it goes to insider corporations to do tasks that don't really help the people of the recipient nation and some smaller part of it goes to bribing insiders in that nation who signed their people on to the debt, I'll wager. and weep. This is the height of our governments strive to appease.

U.S. Offers Foreign Aid to Countries Holding Billions in Treasury Securities -

"Borrowing money from countries who receive our aid is dangerous for both the donor and recipient," Coburn said in a written statement. "If countries can afford to buy our debt, perhaps they can afford to fund assistance programs on their own.

Read more: U.S. Offers Foreign Aid to Countries Holding Billions in Treasury Securities -
Ah, yes.....FAUX Noise....the same people who allowed....

edward777 said:
They do, however, know a lot about American Idol.
Yes well its time they start thinking about THINGS THAT REALLY MATTER!!

The nuclear plant in Missiouri for one!! (Not good @ all)

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