Obama Skips D-Day, Celebrates Ford's Theater Instead


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
Yet more lame leadership from Obama.

Instead of commemorating the 66th Anniversary of D Day, Obama chose to celebrate July 4th at Ford's theater for a TV special.

President Obama is leading the country in two wars – three if you count the global war on terror – so you’d think he would be pretty focused on military matters. But not enough, apparently, to remember one of the bloodiest and most heroic days in U.S. military history.

Yesterday of course was the 66th anniversary of D-Day, when U.S. and British troops trudged gallantly onto beaches of Normandy under remorseless German fire – perhaps even more intense than that incurred by Secretary of State Clinton from Serb snipers in Bosnia.

But there was not a mention of the day by Obama; not even a press release or an eek on the White House blog.

Instead of commemorating June 6, the president PRETENDED it was July 4, heading over to Ford’s Theater to witness a performance, titled “America Celebrates July 4th at Ford’s Theatre.” The event was taped for broadcast to air, oddly, on July 2 on ABC.

“After all, it was exactly 234 years ago that a group of patriots — farmers and merchants, lawyers, physicians — pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to an improbable experiment called America,” Obama said...

Obama Fails to Commemorate D-Day | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

I would have said that this was unbelievable, but sadly, it is the expected MO from this Unpresidential President.
He'd better watch out. Hillary brought up the assassination of Sen. Robert Kennedy while defending her decision to stay in the race against Barack Obama just two years ago, and now he's visiting Ford's Theater? What was he thinking?
All Barack Corporation is doing a TV SPECIAL! He loves the primetime video ops.
As I've said before, he combines the worst traits of Nixon, Carter and Bush II combined - to which I should also add Bill Clinton. He's a Superfecta of the Worst Qualities.
It ceases to amaze me that obamas advisers are so DUMB! You would think since he took so much heat for is stupid moves on Memorial Day he would not have blown this one off too.

He should stop hiring his friends for advice and get some real political advisers to advise him.
He's congenitally unable to do that. His entire zeitgeist is to be propped up by sycophants who stroke his ego.
Oh no - it's the end of the world! Yet another tremendous Obama flubber! Shameful!

Oh wait. Didn't Obama deliver speech in Normandy for D-Day in 2009?

But...he's NOT COMMERATING 2010!

Fire him.

Can we retroactively ream Bush a new asshole for not celebrating every D-Day (I can find any rightwing outrage from then, perhaps y'all can manufacture some?) I believe he only commemerated it in '01 and 04....rest of the years, he spent in meetings and, once at a concert (how dare he!).

Wonder what Clinton did?
Oh no - it's the end of the world! Yet another tremendous Obama flubber! Shameful!

Oh wait. Didn't Obama deliver speech in Normandy for D-Day in 2009?

But...he's NOT COMMERATING 2010!

Fire him.

Can we retroactively ream Bush a new asshole for not celebrating every D-Day (I can find any rightwing outrage from then, perhaps y'all can manufacture some?) I believe he only commemerated it in '01 and 04....rest of the years, he spent in meetings and, once at a concert (how dare he!).

Wonder what Clinton did?

And yet another example of a lefty who can't hold Obama accountable for his actions and must Blame BOOOOOSSSSHHHHHHHHHHH.
The only way for Obama's wartime Generals to get his attention is to pretend they're going to run against an incumbent Democrat Congressman
Oh no - it's the end of the world! Yet another tremendous Obama flubber! Shameful!

Oh wait. Didn't Obama deliver speech in Normandy for D-Day in 2009?

But...he's NOT COMMERATING 2010!

Fire him.

Can we retroactively ream Bush a new asshole for not celebrating every D-Day (I can find any rightwing outrage from then, perhaps y'all can manufacture some?) I believe he only commemerated it in '01 and 04....rest of the years, he spent in meetings and, once at a concert (how dare he!).

Wonder what Clinton did?

And yet another example of a lefty who can't hold Obama accountable for his actions and must Blame BOOOOOSSSSHHHHHHHHHHH.

...and Clinton, don't forget old Bill. But, back to the double standards. Where or where is the retroactive outrage? I would expect, at the very least - a couple of protest signs, maybe a call for impeachment? Special investigation? Revoking presidential credentials of all presidents who did not specifically attend and memorialize an annual D-Day commemeration?

Don't disappoint me:eusa_whistle:
Who gives a shit either way?

He is the CiC and has never used the word voctory when discussing the wars and has rarely shown anything other than "acknowledgement" as it pertains to the military that he commands.

So who gives a shit?

The military for one.
Oh no - it's the end of the world! Yet another tremendous Obama flubber! Shameful!

Oh wait. Didn't Obama deliver speech in Normandy for D-Day in 2009?

But...he's NOT COMMERATING 2010!

Fire him.

Can we retroactively ream Bush a new asshole for not celebrating every D-Day (I can find any rightwing outrage from then, perhaps y'all can manufacture some?) I believe he only commemerated it in '01 and 04....rest of the years, he spent in meetings and, once at a concert (how dare he!).

Wonder what Clinton did?

And yet another example of a lefty who can't hold Obama accountable for his actions and must Blame BOOOOOSSSSHHHHHHHHHHH.

...and Clinton, don't forget old Bill. But, back to the double standards. Where or where is the retroactive outrage? I would expect, at the very least - a couple of protest signs, maybe a call for impeachment? Special investigation? Revoking presidential credentials of all presidents who did not specifically attend and memorialize an annual D-Day commemeration?

Don't disappoint me:eusa_whistle:

It is a pattern with Obama.

It was not a pattern with any other recent president.
Who gives a shit either way?

He is the CiC and has never used the word voctory when discussing the wars and has rarely shown anything other than "acknowledgement" as it pertains to the military that he commands.

So who gives a shit?

The military for one.

....but, where's all the shit for past presidential lapses if this is so gosh-darned critical?
Who gives a shit either way?

He is the CiC and has never used the word voctory when discussing the wars and has rarely shown anything other than "acknowledgement" as it pertains to the military that he commands.

So who gives a shit?

The military for one.

I'm in the military, and most of the military members I know are just fine with him staying as far away from our ceremonies as possible.
As you see in this thread and the one about Arlington, the left will excuse this President for anything. It shows just how much they care and respect our history and freedom that our military men and women fought and died for us.

I wouldn't expect anything less from them and the Obama.

They all make me sick
Oh no - it's the end of the world! Yet another tremendous Obama flubber! Shameful!

Oh wait. Didn't Obama deliver speech in Normandy for D-Day in 2009?

But...he's NOT COMMERATING 2010!

Fire him.

Can we retroactively ream Bush a new asshole for not celebrating every D-Day (I can find any rightwing outrage from then, perhaps y'all can manufacture some?) I believe he only commemerated it in '01 and 04....rest of the years, he spent in meetings and, once at a concert (how dare he!).

Wonder what Clinton did?

No, what it means is that he is not interested in celebrating something important to the WHOLE country. He's only interested in celebrating what is important to the black community. We can tell he's the first black guy in the WH..
Oh no - it's the end of the world! Yet another tremendous Obama flubber! Shameful!

Oh wait. Didn't Obama deliver speech in Normandy for D-Day in 2009?

But...he's NOT COMMERATING 2010!

Fire him.

Can we retroactively ream Bush a new asshole for not celebrating every D-Day (I can find any rightwing outrage from then, perhaps y'all can manufacture some?) I believe he only commemerated it in '01 and 04....rest of the years, he spent in meetings and, once at a concert (how dare he!).

Wonder what Clinton did?

And yet another example of a lefty who can't hold Obama accountable for his actions and must Blame BOOOOOSSSSHHHHHHHHHHH.

I've a question, be honest. If he actually decided to "properly" celebrate today, would you be pleased by it, or would you complain that he wasn't doing enough to handle the country's problems?

I'm with Coyote and ConHog, this isn't news, or really that important.
And yet another example of a lefty who can't hold Obama accountable for his actions and must Blame BOOOOOSSSSHHHHHHHHHHH.

...and Clinton, don't forget old Bill. But, back to the double standards. Where or where is the retroactive outrage? I would expect, at the very least - a couple of protest signs, maybe a call for impeachment? Special investigation? Revoking presidential credentials of all presidents who did not specifically attend and memorialize an annual D-Day commemeration?

Don't disappoint me:eusa_whistle:

It is a pattern with Obama.

It was not a pattern with any other recent president.

D-Day 2009 celebrated in Normandy.

That does not a pattern make.

Basically, you all are setting a double standard - a subjective double standard, that Obama can't possibly meet because you will find something - anything - to fault him on.

And ya, there is plenty find fault with in his policies etc - but this kind of trivial crap is crap.

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