Obama Says You're On Your Own Without Him. Good. Who Needs Him.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

At a million-dollar San Francisco fundraiser yesterday, President Obama told his supporters that if he loses the 2012 election it could usher in a new, painful era of self-reliance in America.


Not a self-reliant America! We can't have that. We need an America that depends on government, not one where the working folks can take care of themselves comfortably. (That doesn't expand government)

“The one thing that we absolutely know for sure is that if we don’t work even harder than we did in 2008, then we’re going to have a government that tells the American people, ‘you are on your own,’” Obama told a crowd of 200 donors over lunch at the W Hotel.

“If you get sick, you’re on your own. If you can’t afford college, you’re on your own. If you don’t like that some corporation is polluting your air or the air that your child breathes, then you’re on your own,” he said. “That’s not the America I believe in. It’s not the America you believe in.”

Just imagine an America without Obama. Wouldn't it be great. No more arguing over abortion, homosexuality, whether or not I can have fries with that or not. I could maybe get refinanced without a special favor from a corrupt President. We could maybe get our GD space program back.

Maybe energy prices would start going down because some of our oil reserves would be reopened. We wouldn't have to worry about radical Muslims taking over the Middle East anymore because our President won't be kissing up to them on one hand and murdering them in cold-blood on another.

Maybe we could stop the government from suing us for trying to enforce our immigration laws. Maybe we wouldn't have a Department of Justice that gives guns to drug-traffickers, or favors one race over another. Maybe we wouldn't have to worry about teacher's unions trying to bankrupt our states. Wouldn't that be great.

Maybe we can end this practice of paying for campaigns, bus-tours, and handing out thousands of copies of your book (Dreams Of My Father) and sticking the taxpayer with the bill.

Maybe we could have a government that doesn't throw billions away on pet-projects that have no sustainability and only end up taking the money right before they go bankrupt. Maybe we could have a government that starts cutting what needs to be cut and quits promising more and more spending.

Maybe we could have a government that doesn't try to buy influence abroad with our enemies by giving them foreign-aide.

And finally maybe we could get some decent leaders because these days nobody worthwhile would want the damned job. Who wants to become a target from the left and their biased media.

Now if we could just get rid of half the other lousy politicians we'd be doing great. You know, people that solve problems instead of constantly causing them on purpose.
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It stands to reason. This is the same creature that said we needed a new bill of rights, one that set forth wha the government MUST do for you. This is the same creature that said the Constitution was fatally flawed.

He wants to be the national Papa. Like Napolitano is Big Sis.
Well you have a party in government that turns a blind eye while states are firing policemen, firemen, teachers and other civil servants, that turns a blind eye when people, through no fault of their own are in economic distress and caters to the wealthy in society..you are on your own.

The Republicans are like the "Aristocrat" party. And they want to turn this country into a third world shit hole where only the well monied prosper.

So he's completely correct.
Well you have a party in government that turns a blind eye while states are firing policemen, firemen, teachers and other civil servants, that turns a blind eye when people, through no fault of their own are in economic distress and caters to the wealthy in society..you are on your own.

The Republicans are like the "Aristocrat" party. And they want to turn this country into a third world shit hole where only the well monied prosper.

So he's completely correct.

No Sallow, he doesn't want a middle class...........and in true form it's the Republican's fault. He wants more and more and more people dependent on government so he can buddy up to his rich 1%. He's single handly preventing the economy from moving forward. He doesn't want congress to accomplish what needs to be done. The Divider-in-Chief certainly can't work with his "enemies" aka the American people that believe in personal responsibility, the Republicans.
We could maybe get our GD space program back. [/B][/quote]

On May 25, 1961, John Fitzgerald Kennedy stood before Congress to deliver a special message on "urgent national needs." He asked for an additional $7 billion to $9 billion over the next five years for the space program, proclaiming that [COLOR="Red"]"this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before the decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth."[/COLOR] He settled upon this dramatic goal as a means of focusing and mobilizing [COLOR="Red"]the nation's lagging space efforts.[/COLOR] Skeptics questioned the ability of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to meet the president's timetable. Within a year, however, Alan Shepard and Gus Grissom became the first two Americans to travel into space.

If we had waited for private enterprise and the Republican party to take us to the moon there would be a soviet flag planted there today.
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We could maybe get our GD space program back. [/B][/quote]

On May 25, 1961, John Fitzgerald Kennedy stood before Congress to deliver a special message on "urgent national needs." He asked for an additional $7 billion to $9 billion over the next five years for the space program, proclaiming that [COLOR="Red"]"this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before the decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth."[/COLOR] He settled upon this dramatic goal as a means of focusing and mobilizing [COLOR="Red"]the nation's lagging space efforts.[/COLOR] Skeptics questioned the ability of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to meet the president's timetable. Within a year, however, Alan Shepard and Gus Grissom became the first two Americans to travel into space.

If we had waited for private enterprise and the Republican party to take us to the moon there would be a soviet flag planted there today.[/QUOTE]

Oh yea, the moon is such an important place we just had to be first. We made it, so now we don't need the space program any longer. :confused:
This is the second thread on this same topic. One more example of how the New Right has nothing constructive to post. I used to believe the proud and loud members of the echo chamber were simply ignorant and needed attention - it's becoming quite obvious I had them pegged wrongly, they are simply simple. There ignorance is a by-product of concrete thinking; cause and effect, ends and means, process all mean nothing to them, they are abstractions beyond their means. Sad.
We went to the moon because the auto-bot ship landed there and we had to beat Russia to check it out or we would have never recovered Sentinal Prime and the pillars.
This is the second thread on this same topic. One more example of how the New Right has nothing constructive to post. I used to believe the proud and loud members of the echo chamber were simply ignorant and needed attention - it's becoming quite obvious I had them pegged wrongly, they are simply simple. There ignorance is a by-product of concrete thinking; cause and effect, ends and means, process all mean nothing to them, they are abstractions beyond their means. Sad.

First of all.......the numerous Palin threads are an example of how the left have nothing constructive to post....so lets put that to rest.

regarding this thread......it is of great importance and the fact that you see it as trivial speaks volumes.

The President of the United States...a land that was built on personal responsibility.......admits that he sees Government as all important in the lives of the American People.

SO that being said, Americans can now go to the polls next november and decide....do we want a President who feels we need his help to suiccceeed or do we want a President who will allow us to go out and succeed on our own as our forefathers did.

Now...dont deflect with "you want the people to fix their own roads and police their own neiughborhoods".....for you know dam well that I am not referring to those basic expectations of the government by the people.
This is the second thread on this same topic. One more example of how the New Right has nothing constructive to post. I used to believe the proud and loud members of the echo chamber were simply ignorant and needed attention - it's becoming quite obvious I had them pegged wrongly, they are simply simple. There ignorance is a by-product of concrete thinking; cause and effect, ends and means, process all mean nothing to them, they are abstractions beyond their means. Sad.

KISS makes for good results. Why go around your ass with your right hand to scratch the itch on the left side of your face?? The instructions to do so make a much longer paragraph so therefore you must be smarter, well it looks like that anyway.

When in fact just reaching across your chin is the quickest and easiest path to take. Keep it Simple Stupid. :mm:
We could maybe get our GD space program back. [/B][/quote]

On May 25, 1961, John Fitzgerald Kennedy stood before Congress to deliver a special message on "urgent national needs." He asked for an additional $7 billion to $9 billion over the next five years for the space program, proclaiming that [COLOR="Red"]"this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before the decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth."[/COLOR] He settled upon this dramatic goal as a means of focusing and mobilizing [COLOR="Red"]the nation's lagging space efforts.[/COLOR] Skeptics questioned the ability of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to meet the president's timetable. Within a year, however, Alan Shepard and Gus Grissom became the first two Americans to travel into space.

If we had waited for private enterprise and the Republican party to take us to the moon there would be a soviet flag planted there today.[/QUOTE]

Oh yea, the moon is such an important place we just had to be first. We made it, so now we don't need the space program any longer. :confused:[/QUOTE]

yes we do
I'd rather be on my own than relying on this hateful, useless so called leader.

Yeah yeah...after the C student who asked god about invading Iraq, doubled the national debt and wrecked the economy I'm sure a civilized Harvard man gripes your ass to high heaven.
This is the second thread on this same topic. One more example of how the New Right has nothing constructive to post. I used to believe the proud and loud members of the echo chamber were simply ignorant and needed attention - it's becoming quite obvious I had them pegged wrongly, they are simply simple. There ignorance is a by-product of concrete thinking; cause and effect, ends and means, process all mean nothing to them, they are abstractions beyond their means. Sad.

I find it interesting that you consider this a trivial thread. The truth is, the ideology and beliefs of a candidate for President as it pertains to government and its impact on the people is what campaigns are all about.

What do you prefer we debate? Whether or not a candidate for senator was curious about witchcraft when she was a teenager?
Well you have a party in government that turns a blind eye while states are firing policemen, firemen, teachers and other civil servants, that turns a blind eye when people, through no fault of their own are in economic distress and caters to the wealthy in society..you are on your own.

The Republicans are like the "Aristocrat" party. And they want to turn this country into a third world shit hole where only the well monied prosper.

So he's completely correct.

No Sallow, he doesn't want a middle class...........and in true form it's the Republican's fault. He wants more and more and more people dependent on government so he can buddy up to his rich 1%. He's single handly preventing the economy from moving forward. He doesn't want congress to accomplish what needs to be done. The Divider-in-Chief certainly can't work with his "enemies" aka the American people that believe in personal responsibility, the Republicans.

Sorry, but unless you are going out and fetching your only water, have a generator running in the house you built, carry your own weapons, are ready to fight your own fires, travel to your own business on roads you built in a mode of transportation that you created and eat food from your own farm..you are already "dependent" on government.

That's no accident. That through centuries of tweaking society so it works for us.

And I for one..do not want to break that.
I'd rather be on my own than relying on this hateful, useless so called leader.

Yeah yeah...after the C student who asked god about invading Iraq, doubled the national debt and wrecked the economy I'm sure a civilized Harvard man gripes your ass to high heaven.

Interesting how you know Bush's college grades and use them to disparage him, but you and many others felt it rediculous and trivial that voters wanted to know Obamas grades.
Well you have a party in government that turns a blind eye while states are firing policemen, firemen, teachers and other civil servants, that turns a blind eye when people, through no fault of their own are in economic distress and caters to the wealthy in society..you are on your own.

The Republicans are like the "Aristocrat" party. And they want to turn this country into a third world shit hole where only the well monied prosper.

So he's completely correct.

No Sallow, he doesn't want a middle class...........and in true form it's the Republican's fault. He wants more and more and more people dependent on government so he can buddy up to his rich 1%. He's single handly preventing the economy from moving forward. He doesn't want congress to accomplish what needs to be done. The Divider-in-Chief certainly can't work with his "enemies" aka the American people that believe in personal responsibility, the Republicans.

Sorry, but unless you are going out and fetching your only water, have a generator running in the house you built, carry your own weapons, are ready to fight your own fires, travel to your own business on roads you built in a mode of transportation that you created and eat food from your own farm..you are already "dependent" on government.

That's no accident. That through centuries of tweaking society so it works for us.

And I for one..do not want to break that.

You are acting like an ass.

You know dam well such government services are not what conservatives refer to when they talk about unecessary government involvement in our lives.

You are not engaging in an honest debate....and that speaks volumes to me.

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