OBAMA--says no regrets over losing 535 MILLION dollars over Solyndra!


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
President Obama Monday said he does not regret a half-billion dollar government loan to the now-bankrupt solar energy company Solyndra and vigorously defended his administration’s policy of providing assistance to similar entities.

“No I don’t,” the president said when asked directly if he regretted the $535 million federal loan guarantee in 2009. “Because if you look at the overall portfolio of loan guarantees that had been provided, overall it’s doing well. And what we always understood is that not every single business is going to succeed in clean energy.”

Obama: No regrets over Solyndra – The 1600 Report - CNN.com Blogs

535 MILLION taxpayer dollars down the toilet. Of course he doesn't regret it--it wasn't his money. Plus it was nothing more than a political pay-back for the main investor in this company--that was also a huge campaign bundler for his 2008 Presidential campaign. Obama states that the overall portfolio is doing well--B.S.--3 other solar companies that he loaned money too also went bankrupt--costing another 300 MILLION taxpayer dollars.

The Bush administration (energy department) turned down Solyndra one month prior to Obama taking over due to a BAD business model of this company--and Obama came into office and AGAINST all accounting auditors advice went ahead and made the loan anyway. We even have an e-mail going to Joe Biden's desk stating that this company would be bankrupt in Sept. 2011--and that's exactly when this company went bankrupt.


One Big Ass Mistake America

You voted for it--You got it!
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I'd like to see that portfolio

Anyways, what about his guy makes people think he has understanding of the value of the dollar. He supports the fed's destruction of our currency and spends to no end. What's the solution to that, just give us some more money, what it's no big deal just pay more taxes.
Of course he's not sorry.

Its someone elses money.

Its his green agenda bs.

Of course he's not sorry.

He and Chu probably discussed the whole thing over a beer in the rose garden.

Guys an idiot.
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ANY money Obama spends in his pursuit of marxist goals is not to be considered a "failure"....

Rules for Radicals..... 'you do what you can with what you have and clothe it with moral arguments.'

'Moral rationalization is indispensable at all times of action whether to justify the selection or the use of ends or means.'...
I guess he doesn't regret but the taxpayer second and leaving them on the hook for all that money? He might someday regret it because it's never supposed to happen that way.. I hope he comes to regret that. sure do.
I guess he doesn't regret but the taxpayer second and leaving them on the hook for all that money? He might someday regret it because it's never supposed to happen that way.. I hope he comes to regret that. sure do.
I'd rather see his ashen face be escorted out when he is surprised to realize the American people don't care to be screwed out of $535 million so his buddy-partners can make up their losses.

The latest one going to the Pelosi family members for $737 million seems to be enough to cover Solyndra screwups plus two hundred and two million more dollars.

So Half a billion here, three-quarters of a billion there.

And Barack Obama is not worried. :rolleyes:
President Obama Monday said he does not regret a half-billion dollar government loan to the now-bankrupt solar energy company Solyndra and vigorously defended his administration’s policy of providing assistance to similar entities.

“No I don’t,” the president said when asked directly if he regretted the $535 million federal loan guarantee in 2009. “Because if you look at the overall portfolio of loan guarantees that had been provided, overall it’s doing well. And what we always understood is that not every single business is going to succeed in clean energy.”

Obama: No regrets over Solyndra – The 1600 Report - CNN.com Blogs

535 MILLION taxpayer dollars down the toilet. Of course he doesn't regret it--it wasn't his money. Plus it was nothing more than a political pay-back for the main investor in this company--that was also a huge campaign bundler for his 2008 Presidential campaign. Obama states that the overall portfolio is doing well--B.S.--3 other solar companies that he loaned money too also went bankrupt--costing another 300 MILLION taxpayer dollars.

The Bush administration (energy department) turned down Solyndra one month prior to Obama taking over due to a BAD business model of this company--and Obama came into office and AGAINST all accounting auditors advice went ahead and made the loan anyway. We even have an e-mail going to Joe Biden's desk stating that this company would be bankrupt in Sept. 2011--and that's exactly when this company went bankrupt.

View attachment 15502

One Big Ass Mistake America

You voted for it--You got it!

Sure he doesn't he's already had his payoff
Please tell me there is a sound byte. That would make a perfect campaign ad!
I guess he doesn't regret but the taxpayer second and leaving them on the hook for all that money? He might someday regret it because it's never supposed to happen that way.. I hope he comes to regret that. sure do.

What ARROGANCE to make a statement--that I DON'T REGRET--losing 535 MILLION taxpayer dollars.

This was just another one of his BACKROOM deals--and he knows dam well that the Bush administration (energy department) turned down this loan--and then he gave Solyndra CEO's FULL access to the oval office--and these CEO's showed up at the White house 4 times in one single week.

Unbelievable--that ANYONE could still support this crook for President.
President Obama Monday said he does not regret a half-billion dollar government loan to the now-bankrupt solar energy company Solyndra and vigorously defended his administration’s policy of providing assistance to similar entities.

“No I don’t,” the president said when asked directly if he regretted the $535 million federal loan guarantee in 2009. “Because if you look at the overall portfolio of loan guarantees that had been provided, overall it’s doing well. And what we always understood is that not every single business is going to succeed in clean energy.”
Obama: No regrets over Solyndra – The 1600 Report - CNN.com Blogs

535 MILLION taxpayer dollars down the toilet. Of course he doesn't regret it--it wasn't his money. Plus it was nothing more than a political pay-back for the main investor in this company--that was also a huge campaign bundler for his 2008 Presidential campaign. Obama states that the overall portfolio is doing well--B.S.--3 other solar companies that he loaned money too also went bankrupt--costing another 300 MILLION taxpayer dollars.

The Bush administration (energy department) turned down Solyndra one month prior to Obama taking over due to a BAD business model of this company--and Obama came into office and AGAINST all accounting auditors advice went ahead and made the loan anyway. We even have an e-mail going to Joe Biden's desk stating that this company would be bankrupt in Sept. 2011--and that's exactly when this company went bankrupt.

View attachment 15502

One Big Ass Mistake America

You voted for it--You got it!

Sure he doesn't he's already had his payoff
We may never know. His Secretary of State is ready to take over when he is fingered for bilking the treasury and Biden gets called on his increasing dementia issues. Nobody wants that, bigreb, but sometimes everybody gets what nobody wants in this country.
Oh, I have a feeling Obama will definitely come to regret this.

I can almost see the Republican ad now as Barry campaigns against their nominee. A few words about how the Bush administration turned thumbs down on it, a few words about people in Obama's own administration advising not to go ahead with it, some accompanying video clips of Barry at the Solyndra plant trying to sound like he knows something about business, and then the reminder that to Barry a half billion dollars down the drain is just the way it goes sometimes.

This clown is such a lightweight he answered the question in about the worst possible way he could. Oh, well. When he's at Habitat for Humanity in Jan. '13 all he'll have to do is swing a hammer. And remember to keep his thumb out of the way.
Did anyone besides me bother reading the article past the headline?

What he said was that, overall, the program did well, and that Solydra's failure was an isolated occurrence, not indicative of anything about the program overall. In any program of this nature, there ARE going to be failures, and the program as a whole must be evaluated rather than sour-cherry-picking the instances where the loans went bad.
Oh, I have a feeling Obama will definitely come to regret this.

I can almost see the Republican ad now as Barry campaigns against their nominee. A few words about how the Bush administration turned thumbs down on it, a few words about people in Obama's own administration advising not to go ahead with it, some accompanying video clips of Barry at the Solyndra plant trying to sound like he knows something about business, and then the reminder that to Barry a half billion dollars down the drain is just the way it goes sometimes.

This clown is such a lightweight he answered the question in about the worst possible way he could. Oh, well. When he's at Habitat for Humanity in Jan. '13 all he'll have to do is swing a hammer. And remember to keep his thumb out of the way.

This President is too arrogant and narcissistic--to ever ADMIT he made a mistake. Meaning that you could never convince him of anything that he's done WRONG--even though it's directly under his nose. In Obama's mind--he's always RIGHT--and EVERYONE else is ALWAYS wrong if they disagree with him.
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Did anyone besides me bother reading the article past the headline?

What he said was that, overall, the program did well, and that Solydra's failure was an isolated occurrence, not indicative of anything about the program overall. In any program of this nature, there ARE going to be failures, and the program as a whole must be evaluated rather than sour-cherry-picking the instances where the loans went bad.

yep the program did well for obama and Solydra both got their money. obama with campigan funds and Solydra with the money last year a win win for both party's
Will be interesting to see just what the FBI turns up in this case.

It sure stinks to high heaven

Saw a show on Solar the other day. According to the story These guys are doing quite well in the private sector. They don't need tax dollars for anything.

Guess Barry, Chu and the rest of the idiots that okayed this loan were to busy having a beer in the rose garden to actually investigate anything.

Half a billion of our dollars down the drain.

Yeah. LIke we can afford it.
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Did anyone besides me bother reading the article past the headline?

What he said was that, overall, the program did well, and that Solydra's failure was an isolated occurrence, not indicative of anything about the program overall. In any program of this nature, there ARE going to be failures, and the program as a whole must be evaluated rather than sour-cherry-picking the instances where the loans went bad.

Yeah, I read it, and it's delusional to be so dismissive of a $1.5 billion loss in such a short of time as just an "oh well, shit happens".

You may accept that and write it off as such, I don't... nor do most others as it seems. Especially considering the millions MORE being poured into more Solyndra's affiliated with such notables as Pelosi and the Carmack's.
Will be interesting to see just what the FBI turns up in this case.

It sure stinks to high heaven

Saw a show on Solar the other day. According to the story These guys are doing quite well in the private sector. They don't need tax dollars for anything.

Guess Barry, Chu and the rest of the idiots that okayed this loan were to busy having a beer in the rose garden to actually investigate anything.

Half a billion of our dollars down the drain.

Yeah. LIke we can afford it.

Along with another 300 MILLION to 3 other solar companies that went belly-up.

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