Obama says he set Trump up with a good economy

Watch this to see how disingenuous that statement was....he didn't know what to do or he knew exactly what he was doing...making America more dependent again.......thank God he is gone and Hillary lost.....or we would be in deep shit right now.....

This isn't Obama's economy...this is Trump's economy.....

Really, wow!!! Please tell us exactly what Trump has done to create jobs, reduce unemployment and reduce our deficit, and ultimately the debt.

I really need to understand, since at the moment, and for the last 16 moments, I've believed he is inept, incompetent, inexperienced and a bully whose main focus is on his best interests.

Please disabuse my beliefs, and make the case that Trump has made life so much better for ALL Americans. There must be some reasons, some legislation, some things to make someone as astute as you conclude Trump is not the lying, two-faced, narcissistic,self serving and arrogant jerk he presents in public.

The first step was to make America less hostile towards business and encouraging businesses to expand and grow by giving them some confidence and that results in more jobs which, in turn, leads to a more healthy economy. Telling Americans that they should get used to the way things are, there is nothing we can do about it except make businesses pay more taxes and to tighten our belts doesn't really give anyone more confidence and is not helpful in any way.

I guess these liberals have forgotten how the US bond ratings were downgraded under our "esteem" president barry.

LOL, once again a statement / personal attack on Obama not supported by the evidence. The reference seems to be Standard and Poor's downgrading is all Obama's fault, which is a LIE.

see: S&P downgrades U.S. credit rating for first time

"Lowering the nation’s rating to one notch below AAA, the credit rating company said “political brinkmanship” in the debate over the debt had made the U.S. government’s ability to manage its finances less stable, less effective and less predictable.”

The Political Brinkmanship was the result of Obama's effort to put money into the economy via grants to create jobs, and the GOP's effort to make Obama a one term President.

Businesses create jobs, not Obama. Lol.

Those businesses were eliminating 750,000 jobs a month before the Great Obama bailed them out
Obama was/is delusional. That idiot also said business owners .... well.. let’s hear it from him...

I’m glad that idiot is finally gone.

Speaking of delusional.
What items do we need from Canada, western Europe and Australia ?

Uranium? Canada. Australia.

Oil. Canada.

I don't know wtf we need from Western Europe.

The U.S. is now the largest producer of oil in the world.
Uranium wouldnt be an issue if hillary hadnt sold the Russians a substantial part of our stocks.

The US has always been on top or near top in production. The problem is our demands surpassed our production back in the 60's I think.

Uranium is not an issue even after the sale of those Canadian owned mines. Currently (including the Russian owned mines) we only produce 20% of our annual needs. The rest we import. Mostly from Canada. The mines in that U deal represents about 4% of our annual consumption of Uranium. What escapes notice s is we purchased 550 tons worth of weapons grade uranium from Russia between 1993 and 2013. Whose whining about that?
/----/ Me. I'm whining about relying on basic raw materials for defense from Russians who are not our friends.

It's a non-issue devised to harm Sec. Clinton. Most of the uranium goes to fuel our nuclear reactors. Not maintaining our arsenal of Nuclear weapons. I gotta hand it to the Russians, or whoever devised it, because it worked on quite a few Americans.

Right? All of those leftists who were going to vote for Hillary on the issues were easily led astray by the evil Russians. :D Lol.
Obama was/is delusional. That idiot also said business owners .... well.. let’s hear it from him...

I’m glad that idiot is finally gone.

Speaking of delusional.
What items do we need from Canada, western Europe and Australia ?

Uranium? Canada. Australia.

Oil. Canada.

I don't know wtf we need from Western Europe.

The U.S. is now the largest producer of oil in the world.
Uranium wouldnt be an issue if hillary hadnt sold the Russians a substantial part of our stocks.

The US has always been on top or near top in production. The problem is our demands surpassed our production back in the 60's I think.

Uranium is not an issue even after the sale of those Canadian owned mines. Currently (including the Russian owned mines) we only produce 20% of our annual needs. The rest we import. Mostly from Canada. The mines in that U deal represents about 4% of our annual consumption of Uranium. What escapes notice s is we purchased 550 tons worth of weapons grade uranium from Russia between 1993 and 2013. Whose whining about that?
/----/ Me. I'm whining about relying on basic raw materials for defense from Russians who are not our friends.

It's a non-issue devised to harm Sec. Clinton. Most of the uranium goes to fuel our nuclear reactors. Not maintaining our arsenal of Nuclear weapons. I gotta hand it to the Russians, or whoever devised it, because it worked on quite a few Americans.

I suppose since the DNC tried to rig the election and it was a big fat failure, they had to find a scapegoat. :D
Nudge, nudge. Wink, wink.

Wikileaks Proves Primary Was Rigged: DNC Undermined Democracy

In its recent leak of 20,000 DNC emails from January 2015 to May 2016, DNC staff discuss how to deal with Bernie Sanders’ popularity as a challenge to Clinton’s candidacy. Instead of treating Sanders as a viable candidate for the Democratic ticket, the DNC worked against him and his campaign to ensure Clinton received the nomination.

One email from DNC Deputy Communications Director Eric Walker to several DNC staffers cites two news articles showing Sanders leading in Rhode Island and the limited number of polling locations in the state: “If she outperforms this polling, the Bernie camp will go nuts and allege misconduct. They’ll probably complain regardless, actually.”

Instead of treating Sanders with impartiality, the DNC exhibits resentful disdain toward him and the thousands of disenfranchised voters he could have brought into the party.

“Wondering if there’s a good Bernie narrative for a story, which is that Bernie never ever had his act together, that his campaign was a mess,” wrote DNC Deputy Communications Director Mark Paustenbach to DNC Communications Director Luis Miranda, in response to backlash over DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz shutting off the Sanders campaign’s access to voter database files.

Another chain reveals MSNBC’s Chuck Todd and DNC staff members discussing how to discredit MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski’s call for Wasserman Schultz to resign.

Most of the emails released come from seven prominent DNC staff members: senior adviser Andrew Wright, national finance director Jordon Kaplan, finance chief of staff Scott Comer, Northern California finance director Robert Stowe, finance director of data and strategic initiatives Daniel Parrish, finance director Allen Zachary and Miranda.

The release provides further evidence the DNC broke its own charter violations by favoring Clinton as the Democratic presidential nominee, long before any votes were cast.

Over the past several weeks, Guccifer 2.0 released several internal memos showing DNC staff strategizing to make Clinton the presidential nominee—as early as March 2015. In June 2016, Florida-based law firm, Beck & Lee, filed a class action lawsuit against Wasserman Schultz and the DNC based on the revelations from these leaked files.

Other emails show DNC staff in damage control over allegations from the Sanders campaign, when a report—corroborated by a Politico—revealed the DNC’s joint fundraising committee with the Clinton campaign was laundering money to the Clinton campaign instead of fundraising for down-ticket Democrats. Regardless of the fundraising tactics, because both major campaigns didn’t agree to use the joint fundraising committee super-PAC with the DNC, the DNC should have recused itself from participating with just the Clinton campaign.

The Wikileaks and Guccifer 2.0 leaks are the perfect end to a Democratic primary that undermined democracy at every possible opportunity while maintaining plausible deniability.

The party’s rules, including the use of super delegates—who disproportionately endorsed Clinton before the primaries began—are intended to provide the Democratic Party leverage over the election process. Throughout the primaries, decisions were made by DNC officials to help Clinton build and maintain a lead over Sanders.

More votes were cast for Clinton, but they were cast at the behest of a Democratic Party that downplayed her shortfalls to the extent that Sanders not only had to run against Clinton but also against the entire Democratic Establishment. Heading into the Democratic National Convention, voters are beginning to understand that their voices are of little concern to the leadership.
Really, wow!!! Please tell us exactly what Trump has done to create jobs, reduce unemployment and reduce our deficit, and ultimately the debt.

I really need to understand, since at the moment, and for the last 16 moments, I've believed he is inept, incompetent, inexperienced and a bully whose main focus is on his best interests.

Please disabuse my beliefs, and make the case that Trump has made life so much better for ALL Americans. There must be some reasons, some legislation, some things to make someone as astute as you conclude Trump is not the lying, two-faced, narcissistic,self serving and arrogant jerk he presents in public.

The first step was to make America less hostile towards business and encouraging businesses to expand and grow by giving them some confidence and that results in more jobs which, in turn, leads to a more healthy economy. Telling Americans that they should get used to the way things are, there is nothing we can do about it except make businesses pay more taxes and to tighten our belts doesn't really give anyone more confidence and is not helpful in any way.

I guess these liberals have forgotten how the US bond ratings were downgraded under our "esteem" president barry.

LOL, once again a statement / personal attack on Obama not supported by the evidence. The reference seems to be Standard and Poor's downgrading is all Obama's fault, which is a LIE.

see: S&P downgrades U.S. credit rating for first time

"Lowering the nation’s rating to one notch below AAA, the credit rating company said “political brinkmanship” in the debate over the debt had made the U.S. government’s ability to manage its finances less stable, less effective and less predictable.”

The Political Brinkmanship was the result of Obama's effort to put money into the economy via grants to create jobs, and the GOP's effort to make Obama a one term President.

Businesses create jobs, not Obama. Lol.

Those businesses were eliminating 750,000 jobs a month before the Great Obama bailed them out
Just what did the "Great Obama" do? The stimulus package? lol Cash for clunkers? lol
Obama was/is delusional. That idiot also said business owners .... well.. let’s hear it from him...

I’m glad that idiot is finally gone.

Speaking of delusional.
Uranium? Canada. Australia.

Oil. Canada.

I don't know wtf we need from Western Europe.

The U.S. is now the largest producer of oil in the world.
Uranium wouldnt be an issue if hillary hadnt sold the Russians a substantial part of our stocks.

The US has always been on top or near top in production. The problem is our demands surpassed our production back in the 60's I think.

Uranium is not an issue even after the sale of those Canadian owned mines. Currently (including the Russian owned mines) we only produce 20% of our annual needs. The rest we import. Mostly from Canada. The mines in that U deal represents about 4% of our annual consumption of Uranium. What escapes notice s is we purchased 550 tons worth of weapons grade uranium from Russia between 1993 and 2013. Whose whining about that?
/----/ Me. I'm whining about relying on basic raw materials for defense from Russians who are not our friends.

It's a non-issue devised to harm Sec. Clinton. Most of the uranium goes to fuel our nuclear reactors. Not maintaining our arsenal of Nuclear weapons. I gotta hand it to the Russians, or whoever devised it, because it worked on quite a few Americans.

Right? All of those leftists who were going to vote for Hillary on the issues were easily led astray by the evil Russians. :D Lol.

Hahaha.....nah, just the dumbed down ones who develop their opinion through headlines, the Alt right echo chamber and talk radio. It was enough in the targeted districts to swing the EC. But to be fair it could have been the GOP, they play nasty when a Democrat is in office. They've always feared Mrs. Clinton. Look at the effort the put in to denigrate her.
Obama was/is delusional. That idiot also said business owners .... well.. let’s hear it from him...

I’m glad that idiot is finally gone.

Speaking of delusional.
The U.S. is now the largest producer of oil in the world.
Uranium wouldnt be an issue if hillary hadnt sold the Russians a substantial part of our stocks.

The US has always been on top or near top in production. The problem is our demands surpassed our production back in the 60's I think.

Uranium is not an issue even after the sale of those Canadian owned mines. Currently (including the Russian owned mines) we only produce 20% of our annual needs. The rest we import. Mostly from Canada. The mines in that U deal represents about 4% of our annual consumption of Uranium. What escapes notice s is we purchased 550 tons worth of weapons grade uranium from Russia between 1993 and 2013. Whose whining about that?
/----/ Me. I'm whining about relying on basic raw materials for defense from Russians who are not our friends.

It's a non-issue devised to harm Sec. Clinton. Most of the uranium goes to fuel our nuclear reactors. Not maintaining our arsenal of Nuclear weapons. I gotta hand it to the Russians, or whoever devised it, because it worked on quite a few Americans.

Right? All of those leftists who were going to vote for Hillary on the issues were easily led astray by the evil Russians. :D Lol.

Hahaha.....nah, just the dumbed down ones who develop their opinion through headlines, the Alt right echo chamber and talk radio. It was enough in the targeted districts to swing the EC. But to be fair it could have been the GOP, they play nasty when a Democrat is in office. They've always feared Mrs. Clinton. Look at the effort the put in to denigrate her.

So who is it then who would have voted for Hillary Clinton if not for Russian memes on the internets? Lol. Face it, Hillary lost because she was a bad candidate with a bad record.
Obama was/is delusional. That idiot also said business owners .... well.. let’s hear it from him...

I’m glad that idiot is finally gone.

Speaking of delusional.
The U.S. is now the largest producer of oil in the world.
Uranium wouldnt be an issue if hillary hadnt sold the Russians a substantial part of our stocks.

The US has always been on top or near top in production. The problem is our demands surpassed our production back in the 60's I think.

Uranium is not an issue even after the sale of those Canadian owned mines. Currently (including the Russian owned mines) we only produce 20% of our annual needs. The rest we import. Mostly from Canada. The mines in that U deal represents about 4% of our annual consumption of Uranium. What escapes notice s is we purchased 550 tons worth of weapons grade uranium from Russia between 1993 and 2013. Whose whining about that?
/----/ Me. I'm whining about relying on basic raw materials for defense from Russians who are not our friends.

It's a non-issue devised to harm Sec. Clinton. Most of the uranium goes to fuel our nuclear reactors. Not maintaining our arsenal of Nuclear weapons. I gotta hand it to the Russians, or whoever devised it, because it worked on quite a few Americans.

Right? All of those leftists who were going to vote for Hillary on the issues were easily led astray by the evil Russians. :D Lol.

Hahaha.....nah, just the dumbed down ones who develop their opinion through headlines, the Alt right echo chamber and talk radio. It was enough in the targeted districts to swing the EC. But to be fair it could have been the GOP, they play nasty when a Democrat is in office. They've always feared Mrs. Clinton. Look at the effort the put in to denigrate her.

What do you think about the DNC meddling in their own primaries to change the results to favor Hillary over Bernie? I guess you like your masters making your decisions for you. :D As Yoda might say, Too funny, you people are.
Most Liberal Democrats have no idea what economic model Obama was trying to implement. It was Kynesian Economics. Through out history this policy has never worked to bring back an economy. It resulted in pro longing the come back from the recession.
It did bring back the economy
Do you really think our economy would have come back without the help of the Federal Reserve keeping the lending rates at near 0% for the entire 8 years of barry's presidency? If the economy was so strong towards the end of his presidency, why didn't they raise the rates to reflect the strength of our economy? Let that sink in for awhile before you answer. As I said before, even left leaning economists have given credit to Donnie and not barry. good grief, you guys are die hard blind loyalists

You have a point in there somewhere?
It happened. Trump is benefitting
The point is that it wasn't your messiah, "Great Obama" that helped the economy. It was the Federal Reserve, not, "Great Obama". The recovery wouldn't have lasted as long as it did if it wasn't for the policies your messiah put on the economy.
Most Liberal Democrats have no idea what economic model Obama was trying to implement. It was Kynesian Economics. Through out history this policy has never worked to bring back an economy. It resulted in pro longing the come back from the recession.
It did bring back the economy
Do you really think our economy would have come back without the help of the Federal Reserve keeping the lending rates at near 0% for the entire 8 years of barry's presidency? If the economy was so strong towards the end of his presidency, why didn't they raise the rates to reflect the strength of our economy? Let that sink in for awhile before you answer. As I said before, even left leaning economists have given credit to Donnie and not barry. good grief, you guys are die hard blind loyalists

You have a point in there somewhere?
It happened. Trump is benefitting
The point is that it wasn't your messiah, "Great Obama" that helped the economy. It was the Federal Reserve, not, "Great Obama". The recovery wouldn't have lasted as long as it did if it wasn't for the policies your messiah put on the economy.

It's just common sense, you would think.
When a business is struggling in a poor economy and a recession, to insist on taxing them more and enforcing more expensive regulations on them and then expecting them to NOT hoard money and to expect them to expand their businesses and hire more people is completely ridiculous and completely illogical. When you make a hostile environment for businesses to operate in, then you are stagnating economic growth. Period.
THe reason why we are seeing some good things out of the economy is because businesses have some CONFIDENCE to invest in the economy because they don't feel as if they are being vilified and taxed and regulated OUT of business.
The OP is correct
Brilliant Jake just brilliant.......

That's a thoughtful post for him. :p
Please compare Obama's final two GDPs with Trump's first year GDP. :)

And how would that be fair? Let's give Trump some more time. He is still a newbie on the scene of politics.
Then let's give Trump this year as well. That would a consecutive run of Obama's final two years followed by Trump's first two years.

We could make some solid inferences based on that data.

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