Obama/reid immigration reform agenda.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Will be a nightmare reality for millions of Americans in 2013.

And is nothing more than legalization with a path to citizenship. A pardon with benefits. A repeat of the 1986 amnesty with no enforcement and border security. A welcome mat for more illegal immigration with another legalization in 20 years for 20 million more Illegal Aliens. Obama/Reid promise to get it done in 2013 and it will assure a win for Democrats in 2016. Open border and no deportation in exchange for votes. A bargain with the devil. It did nothing to reform immigration in 1986 and will do nothing to reform it in 2013. Immigration Reform is the biggest democrat lie against Americans since 1986.

Immigration Reform will hurt Afro-American men, women and children even more than illegal immigration already has. Unemployment among Afro-Americans is 14.1% already being displaced by illegal immigration and legalization will hurt them even more. Unemployment among Afro-Americans contribute to crime an incarceration among Afro-Americans is the highest in the nation and contribute to the destruction of the Afro-Americans family.

Dream Act got Obama re-elected and Afro-American’s support for Obama put a nail in their coffin. Knowing this, my vote Tuesday was a vote against Romney, not for Obama.
Not only will legalization of millions of Illegal Aliens displace Afro-Americans in the work force but all low and skilled Americans. It will also affect American children who will have to compete for a college education and jobs.

WTF is Obama/Reid working for? Neither has ever asked me how I feel about legalizing Illegal Aliens. But they do ask Latinos who have a dog in the race. Family members who are illegal.
Immigration Reform will lead to more crime due to gangs
and drugs. In communities where there is a high Hispanic population there is also a high gang and drugs presence.
You do know that Obama deported more illegals in 4 years than Dubya did in 8, right?

You do know that Dubya was an open borders advocate, right?

He was governor of a state that depends heavily on Mexican Nationals coming to work in the US. Makes sense.

In fact, it would for all states, as every wave of immigration has been for America. And here's why:

1. We NEED immigration; without it we'd have negative population growth, akin to that of Russia. Our people aren't having enough babies to grow or even sustain our population.

2. People working and living in communities is the life-blood of all communities, and grows them economically.

3. More population grows the GDP, making our national debt easier to pay down.

4. Folks here illegally spend here, and their work product is vital in many economies. Plus they pay in and do not file for tax returns, obviously, since their SS #s are bogus. They also pay into Social Security, which puts monies collected on bogus SS #s into a suspense fund, now quickly approaching a Trillion Dollars.

5. Anti immigration is nothing new in America. We wound up with Prohibition because of it. The temperance folks didn't like German and other European immigrants with their beer halls infecting their saintly, white American husbands. And it's as stupid and hateful today as it was then.

America is its people, and not the dirt we stand on. The more we have here, the better we are, since we have a modern economy but comparatively low population. We worry about China being a future powerhouse, because 20% of their Billion people are already moving from peasant farms to modern cities and economics. That's 200 Million, compared to our 400 million ... and guess what? Our economy is twice the size of China's. So if we want to stay ahead, we have to grow our population, as we have in the past, to the betterment of the country -- every time.
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You do know that Obama deported more illegals in 4 years than Dubya did in 8, right?

You do know that Dubya was an open borders advocate, right?

He was governor of a state that depends heavily on Mexican Nationals coming to work in the US. Makes sense.

In fact, it would for all states, as every wave of immigration has been for America. And here's why:

1. We NEED immigration; without it we'd have negative population growth, akin to that of Russia. Our people aren't having enough babies to grow or even sustain our population.

2. People working and living in communities is the life-blood of all communities, and grows them economically.

3. More population grows the GDP, making our national debt easier to pay down.

4. Folks here illegally spend here, and their work product is vital in many economies. Plus they pay in and do not file for tax returns, obviously, since their SS #s are bogus. They also pay into Social Security, which puts monies collected on bogus SS #s into a suspense fund, now quickly approaching a Trillion Dollars.

5. Anti immigration is nothing new in America. We wound up with Prohibition because of it. The temperance folks didn't like German and other European immigrants with their beer halls infecting their saintly, white American husbands. And it's as stupid and hateful today as it was then.

America is its people, and not the dirt we stand on. The more we have here, the better we are, since we have a modern economy but comparatively low population. We worry about China being a future powerhouse, because 20% of their Billion people are already moving from peasant farms to modern cities and economics. That's 200 Million, compared to our 400 million ... and guess what? Our economy is twice the size of China's. So if we want to stay ahead, we have to grow our population, as we have in the past, to the betterment of the country -- every time.

Complete bullshit.

Fallacy #1

1. We NEED immigration;

Not really, we have 360 million people, of which about 16% of the able bodied and willing are not able to secure employment. Immigration is needed when there are labor vacancies that cannot be filled. We have exactly the opposite problem.

Fallacy #2

2. People working and living in communities is the life-blood of all communities, and grows them economically.

The mass importing of uneducated third world peasants has had exactly the opposite effect on communities, breeding crime, gangs and poverty in the formerly working class neighborhoods. Lack of a common language leads to rapid Balkanization and strife. Areas where large influxes of Mexican illegals have entered suffer rapid economic decline and create barrios.

Fallacy #3

3. More population grows the GDP, making our national debt easier to pay down.

The vast majority of the federal budget goes to social programs. Illegal aliens consume about 400% of generated revenue through use of school, WIC, AFDC, FoodStamp and other entitlement programs. About $3 dollars is spent for every dollar collected.

Fallacy #4

4. Folks here illegally spend here, and their work product is vital in many economies.

A complete and shameless lie.

{On Tuesday, the Hispanically Speaking News reported that wire transfers or remittances to Mexico increased by 7.8 percent in May 2012 over the same month in 2011.

In May, Mexican workers sent home 7,096 transfers, totaling $2.34 billion.}

Amid U.S. unemployment crisis, illegal aliens sending even more money to Mexico - National Immigration Reform | Examiner.com

Fallacy #5

5. Anti immigration is nothing new in America. We wound up with Prohibition because of it. The temperance folks didn't like German and other European immigrants with their beer halls infecting their saintly, white American husbands.

Exactly what color do you think Germans and "other European immigrants" are, sparky? The racism of the left is amusing, in the utter stupidity it displays.

Germans are some of the earliest immigrants in the nation, with Pennsylvania having German as the official language in the 18th century. Your story is a complete and utter fabrication, Prohibition had absolutely nothing to do with immigration and there was no significant German immigration in the early 20th century. The only influence that German anything had to do, was Anheuser-Busch, which at the time was still owned by a German company. Prohibition used some of the anti-German sentiment from WW1 to influence support against "German brewers."

So you've spewed forth a mixture of idiocy and complete fabrication - which is pretty well SOP for the open borders argument.
Complete bullshit.

Fallacy #1

1. We NEED immigration;

Not really, we have 360 million people, of which about 16% of the able bodied and willing are not able to secure employment. Immigration is needed when there are labor vacancies that cannot be filled. We have exactly the opposite problem.

Fallacy #2

2. People working and living in communities is the life-blood of all communities, and grows them economically.

The mass importing of uneducated third world peasants has had exactly the opposite effect on communities, breeding crime, gangs and poverty in the formerly working class neighborhoods. Lack of a common language leads to rapid Balkanization and strife. Areas where large influxes of Mexican illegals have entered suffer rapid economic decline and create barrios.

Fallacy #3

3. More population grows the GDP, making our national debt easier to pay down.

The vast majority of the federal budget goes to social programs. Illegal aliens consume about 400% of generated revenue through use of school, WIC, AFDC, FoodStamp and other entitlement programs. About $3 dollars is spent for every dollar collected.

Fallacy #4

4. Folks here illegally spend here, and their work product is vital in many economies.

A complete and shameless lie.

{On Tuesday, the Hispanically Speaking News reported that wire transfers or remittances to Mexico increased by 7.8 percent in May 2012 over the same month in 2011.

In May, Mexican workers sent home 7,096 transfers, totaling $2.34 billion.}

Amid U.S. unemployment crisis, illegal aliens sending even more money to Mexico - National Immigration Reform | Examiner.com

Fallacy #5

5. Anti immigration is nothing new in America. We wound up with Prohibition because of it. The temperance folks didn't like German and other European immigrants with their beer halls infecting their saintly, white American husbands.

Exactly what color do you think Germans and "other European immigrants" are, sparky? The racism of the left is amusing, in the utter stupidity it displays.

Germans are some of the earliest immigrants in the nation, with Pennsylvania having German as the official language in the 18th century. Your story is a complete and utter fabrication, Prohibition had absolutely nothing to do with immigration and there was no significant German immigration in the early 20th century. The only influence that German anything had to do, was Anheuser-Busch, which at the time was still owned by a German company. Prohibition used some of the anti-German sentiment from WW1 to influence support against "German brewers."

So you've spewed forth a mixture of idiocy and complete fabrication - which is pretty well SOP for the open borders argument.

Thanks for the heads-up. But in truth, I would have picked up on that had you not prefaced your comments, nay diatribe, as thus.

Still; thanks just the same.
Will be a nightmare reality for millions of Americans in 2013.

And is nothing more than legalization with a path to citizenship. A pardon with benefits. A repeat of the 1986 amnesty with no enforcement and border security. A welcome mat for more illegal immigration with another legalization in 20 years for 20 million more Illegal Aliens. Obama/Reid promise to get it done in 2013 and it will assure a win for Democrats in 2016. Open border and no deportation in exchange for votes. A bargain with the devil. It did nothing to reform immigration in 1986 and will do nothing to reform it in 2013. Immigration Reform is the biggest democrat lie against Americans since 1986.

Immigration Reform will hurt Afro-American men, women and children even more than illegal immigration already has. Unemployment among Afro-Americans is 14.1% already being displaced by illegal immigration and legalization will hurt them even more. Unemployment among Afro-Americans contribute to crime an incarceration among Afro-Americans is the highest in the nation and contribute to the destruction of the Afro-Americans family.

Dream Act got Obama re-elected and Afro-American’s support for Obama put a nail in their coffin. Knowing this, my vote Tuesday was a vote against Romney, not for Obama.
Not only will legalization of millions of Illegal Aliens displace Afro-Americans in the work force but all low and skilled Americans. It will also affect American children who will have to compete for a college education and jobs.

WTF is Obama/Reid working for? Neither has ever asked me how I feel about legalizing Illegal Aliens. But they do ask Latinos who have a dog in the race. Family members who are illegal.
Immigration Reform will lead to more crime due to gangs
and drugs. In communities where there is a high Hispanic population there is also a high gang and drugs presence.

So your problem really isn't with illegal immigration, it's just that you hate Latinos. Is that it?
No he wasn't.

Uh yeah, he sure was.

{More controversially, Bush for the first time endorsed the idea of allowing some of the more than 11 million illegal immigrants already in the United States to work their way toward citizenship, by paying fines and back taxes, working in a job "for a number of years" and learning English. (TIME: Inside Bush's compromise strategy in the border warexternal link)

Critics of such a legalization process, including many conservatives in Bush's political base, dismiss it as "amnesty" -- a term the president said he rejects because legalization would not be automatic.}

CNN.com - GOP resists Bush's immigration pitch - May 16, 2006

The Tea Party started to Oppose BUSH due to his open border policies.
No he wasn't.

Uh yeah, he sure was...

Ok, link to a clip of him saying he supports open borders. I don't suppose you can, so I expect you will now try to define "open borders" as anything short of 'shoot to kill!' I understand the slippery slope involved in so many of these 'programs' and 'pathways,' but too much hyperbole makes it impossible to even discuss the matter.
Ok, link to a clip of him saying he supports open borders. I don't suppose you can, so I expect you will now try to define "open borders" as anything short of 'shoot to kill!' I understand the slippery slope involved in so many of these 'programs' and 'pathways,' but too much hyperbole makes it impossible to even discuss the matter.

Amnesty coupled with guest worker programs IS an open border, no matter how you spin it. Bush sought to supply cheap labor to his cronies.
Ok, link to a clip of him saying he supports open borders. I don't suppose you can, so I expect you will now try to define "open borders" as anything short of 'shoot to kill!' I understand the slippery slope involved in so many of these 'programs' and 'pathways,' but too much hyperbole makes it impossible to even discuss the matter.

Amnesty coupled with guest worker programs IS an open border, no matter how you spin it.

No, that IS spinning it. Words like "amnesty" and "open borders" have been politicized to the point that it is all but impossible to discuss the issue. That doesn't do the country any good. I'm in favor of very careful control of our borders and very vigorous efforts at getting illegal aliens already here to leave, but it's stupid to try and set the parameters of the discussion so as to guarantee no middle ground can be reached.
You do know that Obama deported more illegals in 4 years than Dubya did in 8, right?

You do know that Dubya was an open borders advocate, right?

Yep. But before he was out of office the fearmongering loonies started screaming to prevent immigration and deport every illegal immediately. Remember McCain's wall-across-the-border campaign commercial?

Obama's thrown a LOT of resources at the border, some people wanting more have absolutely no clue how huge a project enforcement can be.

(For the record, I agree more with Obama than Bush.)
1. We NEED immigration; without it we'd have negative population growth, akin to that of Russia. Our people aren't having enough babies to grow or even sustain our population.

Or we could give tax breaks to couples who have more kids instead of importing our population.

Jesus...why do people think increased immigration is the only solution to problems?
1. We NEED immigration; without it we'd have negative population growth, akin to that of Russia. Our people aren't having enough babies to grow or even sustain our population.

Or we could give tax breaks to couples who have more kids instead of importing our population.

Jesus...why do people think increased immigration is the only solution to problems?

So you want Latino Americans, American Muslims and LDS to get tax breaks, since on average they have more children than the population at large?
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So you want Latino Americans, American Muslims and LDS to get tax breaks, since on average they have more children than the population at large?

Yeah, "fuck Americans" is the democrat motto, we want to favor foreigners! Better to give welfare to Guatemalans than tax breaks to Americans - so say the leftists.

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