Obama Refuses To Answer Benghazi Committee Questions As Investigation Wraps Up


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
In the months prior to 9/11/12 the WH was made aware of a call for terrorist attacks on US facilities throughout the Middle East as well as the call for the assassination by an Al Qaeida leader of Ambassador Stephens, in retaliation for the death of a Benghazi-born Al Qaeida leader by drone strike.

President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Took NO ACTION.

Several terrorist attacks were perpetrated against other nation's personnel there in Benghazi in the weeks that followed. The situation became so unstable and the threat of terrorist attack in Benghazi for 9/11/12 - the anniversary of 9/11/01, that EVERY nation who had diplomats in Benghazi pulled their people out....EXCEPT THE UNITED STATES.

During this time, all the way up to several days prior to the terrorist attack on 9/11/12, Ambassador Stephens submitted SEVERAL HUNDRED requests for additional security. ALL WERE DENIED.

For some unknown reason the State Department had originally hired an Al Qaeida-associated local (an hour away) militia to help 'protect' Ambassador Stephens, but after several attacks on the compound - to which they responded and got there after the attacks were over, they quit.

In the weeks leading up to 9/11/12 the US compound in Benghazi was attacked by terrorists twice, the last attack leaving a 4-foot hold in the compound wall. Ambassador Stephens AGAIN requested additional security, adding that if there was a 3rd, more coordinated attack on his compound and he did not have additional security HE WOULD DIE.

Not only did Obama and Hillary NOT provide him with additional security - THEY STRIPPED HIM OF 14 MEMBERS OF HIS SECURITY DETAIL - despite the 2 previous attacks, despite the deteriorating conditions in Benghazi and the threat of terrorist attack on 9/11/12 that caused every other nation to pull their people out, and despite supposedly KNOWING that a military response team (Quick Reaction Force - 'QRF') would be unable to reach them if an attack did occur on 9/11/12.
- WHAT SENSE DOES THAT MAKE? If Obama / Hillary wanted Stephens dead they could not have set the conditions for him to be assassinated up any better!

DURING the attack both Hillary and Obama 'disappeared', the CIA's report - filed with9n an hour of the attack beginning calling it a terrorist attack - was modified 13 times by the State Dept and the WH before it was released, eliminating all references to terrorism. (Interestingly enough Obama was running for re-election at the time, and one of his promises / vows was that 'Al Qaeida Is on the run' and 'The War on Terror is over'.) For the approx. 13-hor attack on and murder of 4 Americans the nation had no idea where Obama or Hillary were...and still don't. (Funny - during the UBL 'take-down' they released pictures of themselves all gathered in the WH War Room smiling - except Hillary - as the mission unfolded.)

Both Hillary and Obama LIED their a$$e$ off about the attack being a protest over a video, and having NOTHOING to do with the Promised terrorist attacks throughout the Middle East - 22 of which happened n 9/11/12 - 2 Embassies over-run - or the call for Stephens to be assassinated.

After claiming to have admitted it was a terrorist attack, Obama gave a speech to the world before the U.N. In that speech Barry did not talk about a terrorist attack or how we would avenge the murder of 4 Americans. Barry again falsely blamed a video...and America...and apologetically declared, "The future must NOT be left to those who slander the prophet of Islam."

Being the President, the Commander and Chief, and 1/2 of the duo who argued they were most suited to be the person to handle an emergency '2am phone call' in the WH, President Obama should be one of the TOP 2 people that needed to answer questions in a LEGITIMATE Benghazi investigation, NOT knowing what he knew, when he knew it, why he made decisions he did, why he did NOT make other decisions - all of that is critical in this investigation and in figuring out what happened so we can make sure it never happens again!

His refusal to answer any questions 'stinks to high heaven'. If it were possible, which it is not because the DOJ / Lynch would never allow it, they need to subpoena is ass.

Without the complete, open, and honest cooperation and testimony from Obama and Hillary (which they did not get from Hillary and would certainly not get from Barry) this investigation is pretty much useless because the 2 biggest role players in this whole thing, the 2 biggest decision-makers in the whole debacle has either been deceitful (putting it nicely) and the other refuses to answer questions or give any testimony about it. Without their testimony the investigation is 'incomplete'.

White House refuses Benghazi questions for Obama
I don't blame him, unless forced to testify he has nothing to gain.

Besides Brexit is keeping him from answering.
For an investigation that some think is controlled by Obama, they are pretty bold in wanting him to answer questions.

I guess I listen to too many rw conspiracy theories.
Presidents don't answer questions from another branch of government. There is a separation of power issue, if he did answer questions he would make the Executive branch weaker and subservient to congress for questioning.
Presidents don't answer questions from another branch of government. There is a separation of power issue, if he did answer questions he would make the Executive branch weaker and subservient to congress for questioning.

Is that a quote from Nixon?
Presidents don't answer questions from another branch of government. There is a separation of power issue, if he did answer questions he would make the Executive branch weaker and subservient to congress for questioning.

Try reading the Constitution. The Executive Branch's duty is to carry out (aka execute) the laws (aka legislation) passed by the Legislative Branch.
Presidents don't answer questions from another branch of government. There is a separation of power issue, if he did answer questions he would make the Executive branch weaker and subservient to congress for questioning.

Try reading the Constitution. The Executive Branch's duty is to carry out (aka execute) the laws (aka legislation) passed by the Legislative Branch.
Presidents don't answer questions from another branch of government. There is a separation of power issue, if he did answer questions he would make the Executive branch weaker and subservient to congress for questioning.

Try reading the Constitution. The Executive Branch's duty is to carry out (aka execute) the laws (aka legislation) passed by the Legislative Branch.
Are you in third grade and does your mommy know you're playing with her computer?

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