Obama Promises fall flat as VA continues to Fail Veterans


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
As a SeaBee veteran, I am not surprised in the continued drum beat of our Failure in Chief to support our VETS and our country on all fronts


On Veterans Day President Obama will lay a wreath at Arlington National Cemetery and talk about his administration’s progress in caring for vets, but critics of the beleaguered Department of Veterans Affairs point to fresh scandals and persistent mismanagement as proof that little has changed.

White House officials said Tuesday that Mr. Obama will highlight progress in five areas for veterans, including cutting the backlog of benefits claims, increasing access to health care services and reducing homelessness among veterans. In conjunction with Mr. Obama’s announcements, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe is set to declare Wednesday that his state is the first one to eliminate veterans’ homelessness statewide.

Obama promises fall flat as VA continues to fail veterans
As a SeaBee veteran, I am not surprised in the continued drum beat of our Failure in Chief to support our VETS and our country on all fronts


On Veterans Day President Obama will lay a wreath at Arlington National Cemetery and talk about his administration’s progress in caring for vets, but critics of the beleaguered Department of Veterans Affairs point to fresh scandals and persistent mismanagement as proof that little has changed.

White House officials said Tuesday that Mr. Obama will highlight progress in five areas for veterans, including cutting the backlog of benefits claims, increasing access to health care services and reducing homelessness among veterans. In conjunction with Mr. Obama’s announcements, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe is set to declare Wednesday that his state is the first one to eliminate veterans’ homelessness statewide.

Obama promises fall flat as VA continues to fail veterans
Barry can't be trusted...
As a SeaBee veteran, I am not surprised in the continued drum beat of our Failure in Chief to support our VETS and our country on all fronts


On Veterans Day President Obama will lay a wreath at Arlington National Cemetery and talk about his administration’s progress in caring for vets, but critics of the beleaguered Department of Veterans Affairs point to fresh scandals and persistent mismanagement as proof that little has changed.

White House officials said Tuesday that Mr. Obama will highlight progress in five areas for veterans, including cutting the backlog of benefits claims, increasing access to health care services and reducing homelessness among veterans. In conjunction with Mr. Obama’s announcements, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe is set to declare Wednesday that his state is the first one to eliminate veterans’ homelessness statewide.

Obama promises fall flat as VA continues to fail veterans

Gulfport 133
so even though progress is being made in fixing the situation you want to blame the president?
so even though progress is being made in fixing the situation you want to blame the president?

Actually, according the RWs, the VA functioned perfectly, right up until Obama was elected.

There was no racism until he was elected.

The Middle East enjoyed thousands of years of peace and prosperity - but then Prez Barry was elected and BAM! got us into half a dozen illegal wars.
Obama lied and is letting more Americans / veterans die.....surprise, surprise.
As a SeaBee veteran, I am not surprised in the continued drum beat of our Failure in Chief to support our VETS and our country on all fronts


On Veterans Day President Obama will lay a wreath at Arlington National Cemetery and talk about his administration’s progress in caring for vets, but critics of the beleaguered Department of Veterans Affairs point to fresh scandals and persistent mismanagement as proof that little has changed.

White House officials said Tuesday that Mr. Obama will highlight progress in five areas for veterans, including cutting the backlog of benefits claims, increasing access to health care services and reducing homelessness among veterans. In conjunction with Mr. Obama’s announcements, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe is set to declare Wednesday that his state is the first one to eliminate veterans’ homelessness statewide.

Obama promises fall flat as VA continues to fail veterans

Gulfport 133

Port Hueneme 5
As a SeaBee veteran, I am not surprised in the continued drum beat of our Failure in Chief to support our VETS and our country on all fronts


On Veterans Day President Obama will lay a wreath at Arlington National Cemetery and talk about his administration’s progress in caring for vets, but critics of the beleaguered Department of Veterans Affairs point to fresh scandals and persistent mismanagement as proof that little has changed.

White House officials said Tuesday that Mr. Obama will highlight progress in five areas for veterans, including cutting the backlog of benefits claims, increasing access to health care services and reducing homelessness among veterans. In conjunction with Mr. Obama’s announcements, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe is set to declare Wednesday that his state is the first one to eliminate veterans’ homelessness statewide.

Obama promises fall flat as VA continues to fail veterans

This is not Obumble's fault.

I am not known as (nor am I) an Obama fan, by any stretch of the imagination, however...

The Obama Administration has done more to help fix the VA than the previous 30 or 40 years' worth of politicians, combined.

And, if his promises are falling short, it isn't from want of trying...

If there is any area in which he-and-his can be faulted more than anywhere else, it is in not kicking executive ass sooner, and more broadly, than they did...

But, that is being turned around, with more low-performing, high-maintenance bureaucrats headed for the chopping block...

Given the multi-decade mess that Obumble inherited, the resistance to change within that domain, and the legal controls in place, all in all, it's been a decent effort, so far...

It's one of the biggest healthcare and benefits agencies on the face of the planet, and getting it off its ass and moving forward has been a herculean task...

But those with some inside perspective, and the end-consumer, our veterans, routinely see big, positive differences, today, vs. even three or four years ago, in most regions...

There are, of course, exceptions, and some of those every bit as backwards and egregious as in former times, but the list of under-performing facilities is dwindling, quickly...

Overdue, of course, and shame-on-us for letting it get that bad in the first place, but, Obumble is doing OK in this regard, given what he's had to work with...

Damned-near killed me to say that, but, what-the-hell... it's The Truth, insofar as I can discern and interpret it.
I think you should be placing blame on the House and Senate as well as Obama. None of them have done enough. Both sides should be able to put aside their differences and come together on Vets. It's a sad reality of politics today that they cannot.

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