Obama on Leno NOW...

So did he explain why he lied about Benghazi, or any other of his corrupt administration's fuckups?
So did he explain why he lied about Benghazi, or any other of his corrupt administration's fuckups?

I'm sure he won't answer any questions. You know questions about what a jackass he is.

He's on Leno because he likes being in the limelight. Just the kinda guy the jackass is.
No, I think the Dems keep YOU informed, hater dupe. lol. Actually the independants that are open-minded- and the good rats leaving your bs sinking ship.

Economics- what this is about. So what does the GOP have against infrastructure/jobs/recovery?

Dems keep you exploited and segregated and you love it.
Jeebus GOP voters are brainwashed functional morons, and psychotic at this point. Change the channel- hoping for your recovery.Those "scandals" don't exist for 60-80% of the population.

So, why is the GOP against infrastructure, jobs, and recovery? You hadn't heard? Again, the 20-40% on another planet- perfect chumps of the greedy idiot rich GOP...
No, I think the Dems keep YOU informed, hater dupe. lol. Actually the independants that are open-minded- and the good rats leaving your bs sinking ship.

Economics- what this is about. So what does the GOP have against infrastructure/jobs/recovery?

Who and wtf are you talking to? Dems lost 7 million voters, I'm a Libertarian, fastest growing party in the country... Or does my giant fucking LIBERTARIAN Avatar scream Republican or Democrat durp to you?>

You'll have to forgive him. He's very slow.
And infrastucture is everything that Reaganism has let go to hell- bridges, roads, RRs, seaports, airports, and training and education to WIN in the global economy and rebuild the nonrich and the country. The New BS GOP is a disgrace and catastrophe.
And no, I don't watch Leno normally. Not going to because a fool some people worship is a guest. See, there is no reason to stay up that late when I am working and when Im not dealing with Insomnia. I have more important things to do.

If you think watching the President on Leno makes you informed, I suggest try reading a book.
Avatar- So libertarian is another word for Pub dupe? You are so New BS GOP it's ridiculous. Like the Tea Party is its own party...SO duped. They drive you crazy with hate and reel you in every 2 years, chump of the greedy idiot rich.
So did he explain why he lied about Benghazi, or any other of his corrupt administration's fuckups?

No... and did you know that "we don't have a domestic spying program" either.

This lying fucking TURD makes me have to VOMIT.

Watch him? Not a fucking chance. I like to keep my lunch down.

Then I guess Snowden didn't commit a crime by exposing something that doesn't exist. I take it that means the government is no longer going to seek to press charges against him?

Or is the President suggesting that his administration wants to prosecute someone for leaking information about a program that doesn't exist? Because that seems pretty damn corrupt to me.
We have a foreign spying program, and when terrorists communicate with domestic people, they get a warrant from FISA (since Obama) and go after them. So he's correct, and Snowden is a fool and a traitor.
I never watch Leno.

I'm an early to bed early to rise kind of guy.

But I don't think the president should be doing the late night talk show circuit anyway.
Pres. Obama said something very strange to Jay Leno. He said " The odds of dying in a terrorist attack is alot lower than dying in a car accident, unfortunately."
Jay Leno also got in a good zinger in his monologue while Pres. Obama was waiting in the wings. He said ""President Obama has sent John McCain to Cairo to help solve the political problems that brought the Egyptian government to a halt. I got an idea. How about solving the problems that brought our government to a halt."
"No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME) doesn't allow that. But the GOP is imploding.

Egypt's coming along. They made a mistake with Morsi- didn't secularists boycott? Another mistake.

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