Obama offers unemployment benefits on the job


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
Seriously; I can't make this stuff up. Obama wants to new workers to keep their unemployment benefits! The rationale is that they should be allowed to work and make sure they like their job in case they want to quit and be a leach. Seriously, what happened to the saying, it's called work for a reason. This is so preposterous that it could only come from Obama. I guess as unemployment goes up, Obama is hoping to get votes from the lazy and the apologists. He's banking on America's decline producing enough useful idiots.

States asked to apply for unemployment test plan - Yahoo! News
D@mn sight better than just plain old ordinary "Bread and Circuses". The "Chicago Jesus" guaranteed to one up Nero every time. We shouldn't be so much in awe at Barry's feats and accomplishments. There's been 2,000 years roughly between that Nero and this one. Technology and Society's development have made a lot of moves and feints available to Barry that the first Nero just didn't have and could never have imagined.
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So people who are capable of getting employment and have employment available to them and are employed, should get unemployment?

Government gets crazier everyday.
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here's what will happen...

Person gets 'temporary' job to update skills...
Person gets 'UEI' while working the 'temp' job...
Person figures out they can make more keeping the two...
Person leaves 1st 'temporary' job, for a new 'temporary' job...
Person continues to get UEI...
rinse, repeat.
here's what will happen...

Person gets 'temporary' job to update skills...
Person gets 'UEI' while working the 'temp' job...
Person figures out they can make more keeping the two...
Person leaves 1st 'temporary' job, for a new 'temporary' job...
Person continues to get UEI...
rinse, repeat.

Yes indeed!

How many times have we seen an underground cottage industry spring from the fact that average citizens are smarter than politicians....

Case in point:

"PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) -- A criminal swindle of the nation's $64.7 billion food stamp program is playing out at small neighborhood stores around the country, where thousands of retailers are suspected of trading deals with customers, exchanging lesser amounts of cash for their stamps.

Authorities say the stamps are then redeemed as usual by the unscrupulous merchants at face value, netting them huge profits and diverting as much as $330 million in taxpayer funds annually. But the transactions are electronically recorded and federal investigators, wise to the practice, are closely monitoring thousands of convenience stories and mom-and-pop groceries in a push to halt the fraud."
USDA Cracks Down On Food Stamp Trafficking
Supporters of the programs say it helps workers retain or learn new skills and add new job references to their resumes. The plan passed with support from leading Republicans, including House Speaker John Boehner and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor.

Looks bi-partisan to me.
So people who are capable of getting employment and have emloyment available to them and are employed, should get unemployment?

Government gets crazier everyday.

It's LiberalThink: government's job is to remove all risk, uncertainty, and discomfort from people's lives.

The fact that Republicans so often succumb to it just shows what an infectious disease LiberalThink is.
I think you guys are missing a big piece of the puzzle here.

The people doing these "temporary jobs" and "on-the-job training" aren't being paid for it. They're only receiving UI.

From the "Georgia Works" website:

The Georgia Department of Labor (GDOL) provides a stipend and workers compensation coverage to participating job seekers. Employers pay nothing to these trainees. GW provides employers the opportunity to train and appraise candidates at no cost. There is no obligation to hire any given trainee, but there must be a current vacancy listed with the GDOL.
I think you guys are missing a big piece of the puzzle here.

The people doing these "temporary jobs" and "on-the-job training" aren't being paid for it. They're only receiving UI.

From the "Georgia Works" website:

The Georgia Department of Labor (GDOL) provides a stipend and workers compensation coverage to participating job seekers. Employers pay nothing to these trainees. GW provides employers the opportunity to train and appraise candidates at no cost. There is no obligation to hire any given trainee, but there must be a current vacancy listed with the GDOL.

they are getting paid, just not by the employers themselves. Also, it is 'based' on Georgia Works. You'd have to show me in the Obama plan specifics where it says that, like Georgia Works, the employers would not be paying the people.
I think you guys are missing a big piece of the puzzle here.

The people doing these "temporary jobs" and "on-the-job training" aren't being paid for it. They're only receiving UI.

From the "Georgia Works" website:

The Georgia Department of Labor (GDOL) provides a stipend and workers compensation coverage to participating job seekers. Employers pay nothing to these trainees. GW provides employers the opportunity to train and appraise candidates at no cost. There is no obligation to hire any given trainee, but there must be a current vacancy listed with the GDOL.

they are getting paid, just not by the employers themselves. Also, it is 'based' on Georgia Works. You'd have to show me in the Obama plan specifics where it says that, like Georgia Works, the employers would not be paying the people.

There is no "Obama plan". The link in the OP is about Obama encouraging states to adopt a plan like Georgia's.

And the people in question would be receiving UI anyway - would you rather they get training while receiving it, and possibly a full-time job, or would you rather they sit on the couch all day?
I think you guys are missing a big piece of the puzzle here.

The people doing these "temporary jobs" and "on-the-job training" aren't being paid for it. They're only receiving UI.

From the "Georgia Works" website:

The Georgia Department of Labor (GDOL) provides a stipend and workers compensation coverage to participating job seekers. Employers pay nothing to these trainees. GW provides employers the opportunity to train and appraise candidates at no cost. There is no obligation to hire any given trainee, but there must be a current vacancy listed with the GDOL.

Wow, that's actually worse... Now the Government found a way to employ everyone, through the Government.
I think you guys are missing a big piece of the puzzle here.

The people doing these "temporary jobs" and "on-the-job training" aren't being paid for it. They're only receiving UI.

From the "Georgia Works" website:

The Georgia Department of Labor (GDOL) provides a stipend and workers compensation coverage to participating job seekers. Employers pay nothing to these trainees. GW provides employers the opportunity to train and appraise candidates at no cost. There is no obligation to hire any given trainee, but there must be a current vacancy listed with the GDOL.

Wow, that's actually worse... Now the Government found a way to employ everyone, through the Government.

Once again, this is for people who would already be on UI.

Would you prefer that they get on the job training, and the possibility of a full-time position while receiving UI, or would you prefer them to sit on their couch and do nothing while receiving UI?
I think you guys are missing a big piece of the puzzle here.

The people doing these "temporary jobs" and "on-the-job training" aren't being paid for it. They're only receiving UI.

From the "Georgia Works" website:

they are getting paid, just not by the employers themselves. Also, it is 'based' on Georgia Works. You'd have to show me in the Obama plan specifics where it says that, like Georgia Works, the employers would not be paying the people.

There is no "Obama plan". The link in the OP is about Obama encouraging states to adopt a plan like Georgia's.

And the people in question would be receiving UI anyway - would you rather they get training while receiving it, and possibly a full-time job, or would you rather they sit on the couch all day?
The plan is a key feature of a payroll tax cut package that President Barack Obama negotiated with congressional Republicans in February.

I'd rather them not get a stipend (salary) AND UEI at the same time.


A new “Bridge to Work” program: The plan builds on and improves innovative state programs where those displaced take temporary, voluntary work or pursue on-the-job training.

No Obama Plan? Sounds like the White House disagrees with you.
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To review: A good job program, with bi-partisan support, presented by the Pub Propaganda Machine, in an abolutely FOS mannerfor brainwashed dupes. Change the channel, morons...
It worked in Georgia. The way they did it in Georgia. Someone works temporarily and gets a stipend. Less than minimum wage. At the end of the term they are hired, they can find a new job with the training they got or at least got a certificate that they did a good job.

In California welfare to work did not do any good. I know, I tried. There were reams of paperwork to fill out just to saitisfy the state. Then a social worker intended to come in twice a month and completely go over my books. On top of that, the worker receiving welfare got on-going counseling about her rights and how she could adjust circumstances and sue me. After investigaiton no I didn't hire someone in this program. Too many headaches.
Seriously; I can't make this stuff up. Obama wants to new workers to keep their unemployment benefits! The rationale is that they should be allowed to work and make sure they like their job in case they want to quit and be a leach. Seriously, what happened to the saying, it's called work for a reason. This is so preposterous that it could only come from Obama. I guess as unemployment goes up, Obama is hoping to get votes from the lazy and the apologists. He's banking on America's decline producing enough useful idiots.

States asked to apply for unemployment test plan - Yahoo! News
I have no idea what happened to unemployment rules. I collected when I was a kid after I got laid off...The rules were pretty strict.
First, if a worker was terminated for cause or left the employer on their own, they were ineligible for unemployment benefits.
Second, each two weeks, unemployment recipients MUST have made at least SIX verifiable contacts in the search for work. If those were not made, the recipient would NOT receive any compensation AND their case was reopened.
The bottom line is unemployment benefits were not and never were intended to be a 99 week vacation at taxpayer's expense.
I think unemployment should be made available only to those who are actively looking for work and have lost their job through no fault of their own. The maximum term should be 52 weeks.
I think you guys are missing a big piece of the puzzle here.

The people doing these "temporary jobs" and "on-the-job training" aren't being paid for it. They're only receiving UI.

From the "Georgia Works" website:

Wow, that's actually worse... Now the Government found a way to employ everyone, through the Government.

Once again, this is for people who would already be on UI.

Would you prefer that they get on the job training, and the possibility of a full-time position while receiving UI, or would you prefer them to sit on their couch and do nothing while receiving UI?

In a perfect world, yes. But as we all know, most people who look to government for entitlements would NOT look for work or stay in any job long enough to lose their taxpayer funded vacation.
they are getting paid, just not by the employers themselves. Also, it is 'based' on Georgia Works. You'd have to show me in the Obama plan specifics where it says that, like Georgia Works, the employers would not be paying the people.

There is no "Obama plan". The link in the OP is about Obama encouraging states to adopt a plan like Georgia's.

And the people in question would be receiving UI anyway - would you rather they get training while receiving it, and possibly a full-time job, or would you rather they sit on the couch all day?
The plan is a key feature of a payroll tax cut package that President Barack Obama negotiated with congressional Republicans in February.

I'd rather them not get a stipend (salary) AND UEI at the same time.


A new “Bridge to Work” program: The plan builds on and improves innovative state programs where those displaced take temporary, voluntary work or pursue on-the-job training.

No Obama Plan? Sounds like the White House disagrees with you.

The "stipend" is UI. There's no double payment.
Wow, that's actually worse... Now the Government found a way to employ everyone, through the Government.

Once again, this is for people who would already be on UI.

Would you prefer that they get on the job training, and the possibility of a full-time position while receiving UI, or would you prefer them to sit on their couch and do nothing while receiving UI?

In a perfect world, yes. But as we all know, most people who look to government for entitlements would NOT look for work or stay in any job long enough to lose their taxpayer funded vacation.

You're not understanding this program, I think.

This isn't a new "entitlement" program.

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