Obama looks so small compared to this great man

I have head Obama speak without the aid of a teleprompter. I am convinced beyond any doubt that he is small compared to most of the posters on this forum.

Those who think Obama is smarter then they are have serious self-esteem issues.

I admit that Obama has great speech writers, but I cannot understand why Obama gets credit for reading THEIR words.

Obama's great intelligence is nothing more than a media myth, and anyone who is truly honest will readily admit that.

Seriously, folks, do you really think Obama is smarter than you are?

I freely admit that there are many posters on this forum who are smarter than I am, but my intelligence dwarfs that of the enigma called Obama.

WOW, did you happen to catch the President at the Republican House of Representatives retreat in 2010? Oh that's right...So effective was the president that Fox News cut away from the broadcast 20 minutes before it ended.

Obama Goes To GOP Lions' Den -- And Mauls The Lions

President Obama traveled to a House Republican retreat in Baltimore on Friday and delivered a performance that was at once defiant, substantive and engaging. For roughly an hour and a half, Obama lectured GOP leaders and, in a protracted, nationally-televised question-and-answer session, deflected their policy critiques, corrected their misstatements and scolded them for playing petty politics. (Full video and transcript available HERE.)

White House officials told the Huffington Post they were absolutely ecstatic. MSNBC's Luke Russert, who was on the scene in Baltimore, relayed that a Republican official and other GOP aides had confided to him that allowing the "cameras to roll like that" was a "mistake."

Standing on a stage, looking down at his Republican questioners, Obama assumed the role of responsible adult to the GOP children, or, at the very least, of a college professor teaching and lecturing a room full of students.
I have head Obama speak without the aid of a teleprompter. I am convinced beyond any doubt that he is small compared to most of the posters on this forum.

Those who think Obama is smarter then they are have serious self-esteem issues.

I admit that Obama has great speech writers, but I cannot understand why Obama gets credit for reading THEIR words.

Obama's great intelligence is nothing more than a media myth, and anyone who is truly honest will readily admit that.

Seriously, folks, do you really think Obama is smarter than you are?

I freely admit that there are many posters on this forum who are smarter than I am, but my intelligence dwarfs that of the enigma called Obama.

WOW, did you happen to catch the President at the Republican House of Representatives retreat in 2010? Oh that's right...So effective was the president that Fox News cut away from the broadcast 20 minutes before it ended.

Obama Goes To GOP Lions' Den -- And Mauls The Lions

President Obama traveled to a House Republican retreat in Baltimore on Friday and delivered a performance that was at once defiant, substantive and engaging. For roughly an hour and a half, Obama lectured GOP leaders and, in a protracted, nationally-televised question-and-answer session, deflected their policy critiques, corrected their misstatements and scolded them for playing petty politics. (Full video and transcript available HERE.)

White House officials told the Huffington Post they were absolutely ecstatic. MSNBC's Luke Russert, who was on the scene in Baltimore, relayed that a Republican official and other GOP aides had confided to him that allowing the "cameras to roll like that" was a "mistake."

Standing on a stage, looking down at his Republican questioners, Obama assumed the role of responsible adult to the GOP children, or, at the very least, of a college professor teaching and lecturing a room full of students.

I attended the University of Minnesota. The U of M has a football program that, according to a coach of the past, makes the upper division possible.

Every coach of this hapless program comes to power with a flourish and the promise that he will right this sinking ship.

Their last National Championship was won before the Vikings started up as a Franchise.

Obama can talk. I'll give you that. If he could lead, unite or govern, that would be even better.

How big will the Landslide reelection margin be in November?

Reagan wasn't that great of a President. He didn't really do anything great.

Are you kidding? The Republicans LOVE how he pulled out of Lebanon after the Marine Barracks bombing. The Republicans LOVE how he raised taxes. The Republicans LOVE how he gave illegals amnesty. Republicans LOVE HIM>
I have head Obama speak without the aid of a teleprompter. I am convinced beyond any doubt that he is small compared to most of the posters on this forum.

Those who think Obama is smarter then they are have serious self-esteem issues.

I admit that Obama has great speech writers, but I cannot understand why Obama gets credit for reading THEIR words.

Obama's great intelligence is nothing more than a media myth, and anyone who is truly honest will readily admit that.

Seriously, folks, do you really think Obama is smarter than you are?

I freely admit that there are many posters on this forum who are smarter than I am, but my intelligence dwarfs that of the enigma called Obama.

WOW, did you happen to catch the President at the Republican House of Representatives retreat in 2010? Oh that's right...So effective was the president that Fox News cut away from the broadcast 20 minutes before it ended.

Obama Goes To GOP Lions' Den -- And Mauls The Lions

President Obama traveled to a House Republican retreat in Baltimore on Friday and delivered a performance that was at once defiant, substantive and engaging. For roughly an hour and a half, Obama lectured GOP leaders and, in a protracted, nationally-televised question-and-answer session, deflected their policy critiques, corrected their misstatements and scolded them for playing petty politics. (Full video and transcript available HERE.)

White House officials told the Huffington Post they were absolutely ecstatic. MSNBC's Luke Russert, who was on the scene in Baltimore, relayed that a Republican official and other GOP aides had confided to him that allowing the "cameras to roll like that" was a "mistake."

Standing on a stage, looking down at his Republican questioners, Obama assumed the role of responsible adult to the GOP children, or, at the very least, of a college professor teaching and lecturing a room full of students.

I attended the University of Minnesota. The U of M has a football program that, according to a coach of the past, makes the upper division possible.

Every coach of this hapless program comes to power with a flourish and the promise that he will right this sinking ship.

Their last National Championship was won before the Vikings started up as a Franchise.

Obama can talk. I'll give you that. If he could lead, unite or govern, that would be even better.

How big will the Landslide reelection margin be in November?

President Obama has tried to work with the other side from the beginning. He is faced with the most obstructionist GOP in history. Maybe you are just unaware of what Republicans have been doing? Are you aware that Republicans made a collective decision at the beginning of the health care debate?

"At the beginning of this process we made a strategic decision: unlike, say, Democrats in 2001 when President Bush proposed his first tax cut, we would make no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. We were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo – just as healthcare was Clinton’s in 1994."

David Frum - former speechwriter for George W. Bush

GOP Senate leader McConnell conceded on the record that defeating the president in 2012 is his “top priority”

Then there is the GOP's tactics...

What Republicans have been doing since Obama took office is not 'politics', it is domestic terrorism.


Friday, February 6, 2009

Texas Republican Congressman Pete Sessions compares GOP strategy to Taliban insurgency


"Insurgency, we understand perhaps a little bit more because of the Taliban, and that is that they went about systematically understanding how to disrupt and change a person's entire processes. And these Taliban -- I'm not trying to say the Republican Party is the Taliban. No, that's not what we're saying. I'm saying an example of how you go about [sic] is to change a person from their messaging to their operations to their frontline message. And we need to understand that insurgency may be required when the other side, the House leadership, does not follow the same commands, which we entered the game with."

Congressman Pete Sessions Compares House Republicans To Taliban | Capitol Annex
To be honest, I don't see anybody of Reagan-calibre in either party right now.

Reagan wasn't that great of a President. He didn't really do anything great.

The job of a President is more like the job of a parent. It's not what he does. It's what the citizenry does while he's in power.

Reagan allowed the US population to regain greatness.

Could you possibly be more vague?

A President is judged not by the great things that he does, but by the great things the we do while he's in office.

Obama's like a golfer who has a beautiful swing and puts every ball in the pond.

He is a complete and utter failure, but he looks great while he's bringing us all down. I'll give you that.

Oh, well the golf analogy cleared it all up, thanks. Its obvious you're a moron.
He halved black unemployment, and presided over a 12 percent increase in family earning.

No, actually, both of your claims are factually untrue.

He didn't halve black unemployment. Black unemployment was 14.3 in 1980 and 11.7 in 1988. That's a 22% decline, not a 50% decline. So you're wrong.
Unemployment rates by race and ethnicity, 2010

Also, median household income only rose about 8% over his term. You can see in this table:
Median Household Income History in the United States
that it was, in inflation adjusted dollars, $48126 in 1988 and $44616 in 1980 for an improvement of 8%. And in fact, during his first term, the real value of the median income rose less than $200.

Reagan's modest 8% improvement over 8 years is better than any Republican President in recent history, but as you can see, it went from $46,616 in 1992 to $53,164, for a 14% increase over 8 years under President Clinton. So Reagan isn't particularly noteworthy for his 8% improvement, except that its the best for a recent Republican.

Where the fuck did you get your numbers, BTW. Did you just make them up or are you parroting something you heard somewhere that you obviously never bothered to check out yourself? That's the trouble with debating things with people like you. You only know what others have told you, you seldom decide to check out the facts for yourself. God forbid you have to read past a headline and do your own homework to make sure you aren't being lied to. Obviously - whoever told you Reagan reduced black unemployment by halve was full of shit. Obviously - whoever told you Reagan increased household incomes by 12% was also wrong. You probably couldn't even say where you first heard it - I'm sure that there are millions of sheep like you out their parroting the same false statistics. Its obvious you didn't come up with those figures on your own, because I presume you have basic arithmetic skills. But you'll continue to believe whatever FOX News or Rush Limbaugh or your ignorant conservative friends who get their knowledge from Hannity or Ann Coulter have to tell you because its easier than doing your own damn homework and thinking.

How's Black unemployment doing under the Big 0?

In May 2012, black unemployment is at 13.6%. So in terms of unemployment, blacks are doing better right now than they did for the first 6 years of Reagan's Presidency.

Table A-2. Employment status of the civilian population by race, sex, and age

Unemployment rates by race and ethnicity, 2010

Does that answer your question?
Meanwhile... Mr. Soetoro is spending America's birthday (July 4th) in France... How decidedly fitting for the Commander in Choom.

Very fitting considering that without help from France we would likely have lost the Revolutionary War.

But hey - don't let history get in your way.

France was getting even with Britain. It was no favor ,you can rest assured.

Yeah! Fuck those Frenchie losers! We didn't need their 8000 troops!

Yes, no one can act with a monkey quite like he can. Perhaps the republicans should drop the Romloser and see if Clint Eastwood wants to run for them. He can act with monkeys too, and that seem to be the epitome of what the republican party sees as a good president. So what if Reagan caused a recession, funded and trained Bin Laden, and took the US drug war to new and economy crippling levels. Oh, and let us not forget the great leaps backwards tricle down economics has done for us. Reagan was clearly was made to lead the nation of monkeys....I mean republicans.

Yeah Reagan was so great.

The administration in 1984 secretly sold arms to Iran -- which the United States considered a supporter of terrorism -- to raise cash for Nicaraguan contra rebels, despite a congressional ban on support for the Latin American insurgency. An independent investigation concluded that the arms sales to Iran operations "were carried out with the knowledge of, among others, President Ronald Reagan [and] Vice President George Bush," and that "large volumes of highly relevant, contemporaneously created documents were systematically and willfully withheld from investigators by several Reagan Administration officials."

The combination of a huge "supply-side" tax cut, a historic military buildup and a painful two-year recession produced huge budget deficits and a near tripling of the national debt that haunted the country and policymakers for years and drained resources from social programs. And the administration showed indifference to an emerging AIDS crisis in the early 1980s. By the time Reagan delivered his first speech on the epidemic in May 1988 -- about eight months before he left office -- the disease had been diagnosed in more than 36,000 Americans, and 20,849 had died.

Until a public protest forced Reagan to back away, his Agriculture Department sought to cut the school lunch program and redefine ketchup and relish as vegetables.
Schisms From Administration Lingered for Years

I'm not impressed.
Now that you have listed a very few of the low lights, focus on the rest of his 8 years....BTW...the supply-side (as you call it) tax cuts are NOT a bad thing. They are ONE of hundreds of good things that helped to change this country for the better.

It was Reagan's policies and his altering of our economy from one of massive theft of the producers, to one in which business could thrive, was the direct cause of more than 12 years of prosperity, those same years that everyone likes to give Clinton credit for.

His policies reunited Germany, started th downfall of one of the worst tyrannical governments in our histoy (Soviet Russia) and put communism back on its heals for decades.

Yeah.....But you go ahead and focus on JUST the bad stuff and then define Reagan by that alone.

The supply-side as I call it?

How about the supply-side as the Washington Post calls it. They're the ones who wrote the article.

And if you think the Iran-Contra affair was just a "low light", guess again. It practically defines Reagan's term in office.

Aside from Reagan ordering Gorbachev to "Tear Down This Wall" (I'll be Gorbachev quaked with fear when Reagan said it) exactly what policies of Reagan's reunited Germany? It was Germany's policies which reunited Germany I would think.
The Iron Curtain was ready to fall long before Reagan made his speech. He's about as responsible for the German Reunification as David Hasselhof is.

And why shouldn't we only focus on the bad stuff Reagan did? Isn't that what you all are doing with Obama?
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Lol Good one. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Taking the Day off from Serious Debate, but lets just say a I can think of a few great things he did.

Hell I think Obama is an Utter Failure and can Admit he has dome a few great things as well.

You can think of them - but not write them down on a message for all of us to read?


Well its a shame how you lefties need everything done for you. Its seems you don't even know how to use google on your computer. You just want everything handed to you because you can't do it yourself.

I'm having trouble figuring out how you have done anything here. Is there any evidence that you know how to use google? I'm not seeing it.
Reagan was rated sixth best president by the Wall Street Journal, while historians only rated Reagan as wee bit above average. 16th. to 18th.
OK, my question is answered. Be all you can be goes for stupid people too.

Well good for you then.

You can't even name a single concrete action by Reagan that was great.

I guess you had to be there...or pick up a history book.

He brought the Soviets to their knees. If a President's first job is security of the Nation, he accomplished that.

Really? How did he bring them to their knees? By calling them bad names and looking good? Anything in in particular he did to "bring them to their knees", or is that just something someone told you once?

Moreover, He made the country remember what experience we have, what our past was, and recognized that the Country was unique, special.
How did he do that? Anything in particular? He made a bunch of nice speeches and made people feel good? Wow, good for him.

Some call it "exceptionalism"....I'm not sure about that but as far as civilizations go adjusted for the times when they came about, he reminded us that we were great.

Mad props to Ronald Reagan.

For what? Making you feel good? Great. Good job Ronald! You made people feel good!
Yeah Reagan was so great.

The administration in 1984 secretly sold arms to Iran -- which the United States considered a supporter of terrorism -- to raise cash for Nicaraguan contra rebels, despite a congressional ban on support for the Latin American insurgency. An independent investigation concluded that the arms sales to Iran operations "were carried out with the knowledge of, among others, President Ronald Reagan [and] Vice President George Bush," and that "large volumes of highly relevant, contemporaneously created documents were systematically and willfully withheld from investigators by several Reagan Administration officials."

The combination of a huge "supply-side" tax cut, a historic military buildup and a painful two-year recession produced huge budget deficits and a near tripling of the national debt that haunted the country and policymakers for years and drained resources from social programs. And the administration showed indifference to an emerging AIDS crisis in the early 1980s. By the time Reagan delivered his first speech on the epidemic in May 1988 -- about eight months before he left office -- the disease had been diagnosed in more than 36,000 Americans, and 20,849 had died.

Until a public protest forced Reagan to back away, his Agriculture Department sought to cut the school lunch program and redefine ketchup and relish as vegetables.
Schisms From Administration Lingered for Years

I'm not impressed.
Now that you have listed a very few of the low lights, focus on the rest of his 8 years....BTW...the supply-side (as you call it) tax cuts are NOT a bad thing. They are ONE of hundreds of good things that helped to change this country for the better.

It was Reagan's policies and his altering of our economy from one of massive theft of the producers, to one in which business could thrive, was the direct cause of more than 12 years of prosperity, those same years that everyone likes to give Clinton credit for.

His policies reunited Germany, started th downfall of one of the worst tyrannical governments in our histoy (Soviet Russia) and put communism back on its heals for decades.

Yeah.....But you go ahead and focus on JUST the bad stuff and then define Reagan by that alone.

The supply-side as I call it?

How about the supply-side as the Washington Post calls it. They're the ones who wrote the article.

And if you think the Iran-Contra affair was just a "low light", guess again. It practically defines Reagan's term in office.

Aside from Reagan ordering Gorbachev to "Tear Down This Wall" (I'll be Gorbachev quaked with fear when Reagan said it) exactly what policies of Reagan's reunited Germany? It was Germany's policies which reunited Germany I would think.
The Iron Curtain was ready to fall long before Reagan made his speech. He's about as responsible for the German Reunification as David Hasselhof is.

And why shouldn't we only focus on the bad stuff Reagan did? Isn't that what you all are doing with Obama?

there was still good acid during Reagan, but Madonna didn't shave her pits.
It was really his wife running the office of president, on hand as an aide was an astrologer or a 1-900 phsycic

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