obama Locks Out Priests


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Anybody tired of this cocksucker yet?

Obama Defense Department Bars 50 Catholic Priests From Conducting Mass, Locks Up Eucharist…


This is what happens when a liberal president packs the Pentagon with his ideological allies.

Via CNS News:

After the Obama administration locked approximately 50 Catholic priests out of saying Mass at U.S. military facilities around the world for the second Sunday in a row, Father Ray Leonard, who serves as the Catholic chaplain at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay in Georgia, has filed suit against the Department of Defense, Defense Secretary Charles Hagel, the Department of the Navy, and Navy Secretary Ray Mabus.

DOD locked out Father Leonard and the other priests even though two weeks ago Congress passed, and President Barack Obama signed, a law that instructed DOD to maintain on the job and keep paying contract employees who were supporting the troops.

DOD took this action because Hagel determined that the Catholic priests did not, among other things, “contribute to the morale” and “well-being” of service personnel.

“Father Leonard was told that if he practiced his Catholic faith on the Naval Base, even on a volunteer basis, he would be subject to arrest says the lawsuit. [...]

However, according to the Roman Catholic Archdiocese for the Military Services, Father Leonard and about 50 other Catholic priests serving on contract at military facilities were not allowed to return to serving military personnel.

At Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay, the DOD went so far as to lock up the chapel and sequester the Holy Eucharist inside it. Catholics believe the Holy Eucharist is literally the body and blood of Jesus Christ.

“The doors to the Kings Bay Chapel were locked on October 4, 2013, with the Holy Eucharist, Holy water, Catholic hymn books, and vessels all locked inside,” said Father Leonard’s lawsuit. “Father Leonard and his parishioners, including Fred Naylor, were prohibited from entering.”

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I think it's a sad day when our soldiers can't be ministered to by ministers. But the Catholic church has more money than God. They can get Obama out if they want Obama out.
It is a law that was passed in 1870 which bars govt. employees from doing any work, even voluntary. When there is no funds to compensate.

To bad right wingers. It was passed by a GOP Congress and a GOP president.
Anybody tired of this cocksucker yet?

Obama Defense Department Bars 50 Catholic Priests From Conducting Mass, Locks Up Eucharist…


This is what happens when a liberal president packs the Pentagon with his ideological allies.

Via CNS News:

After the Obama administration locked approximately 50 Catholic priests out of saying Mass at U.S. military facilities around the world for the second Sunday in a row, Father Ray Leonard, who serves as the Catholic chaplain at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay in Georgia, has filed suit against the Department of Defense, Defense Secretary Charles Hagel, the Department of the Navy, and Navy Secretary Ray Mabus.

DOD locked out Father Leonard and the other priests even though two weeks ago Congress passed, and President Barack Obama signed, a law that instructed DOD to maintain on the job and keep paying contract employees who were supporting the troops.

DOD took this action because Hagel determined that the Catholic priests did not, among other things, “contribute to the morale” and “well-being” of service personnel.

“Father Leonard was told that if he practiced his Catholic faith on the Naval Base, even on a volunteer basis, he would be subject to arrest says the lawsuit. [...]

However, according to the Roman Catholic Archdiocese for the Military Services, Father Leonard and about 50 other Catholic priests serving on contract at military facilities were not allowed to return to serving military personnel.

At Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay, the DOD went so far as to lock up the chapel and sequester the Holy Eucharist inside it. Catholics believe the Holy Eucharist is literally the body and blood of Jesus Christ.

“The doors to the Kings Bay Chapel were locked on October 4, 2013, with the Holy Eucharist, Holy water, Catholic hymn books, and vessels all locked inside,” said Father Leonard’s lawsuit. “Father Leonard and his parishioners, including Fred Naylor, were prohibited from entering.”

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what took him so long ???
It's a sad day when Obama closes the churches and subjects priests to arrest if they volunteer to give sermons and conduct mass.

Tell me again how Obama is not evil. :evil:
I think it's a sad day when our soldiers can't be ministered to by ministers. But the Catholic church has more money than God. They can get Obama out if they want Obama out.

can't agree more - where was the Catholic Church of the US last year? why weren't they vocal the whole year about elections? oh, they were scared about the lawsuits.

The decades-long allegiance of Catholics to the dimocrap party is having it's rape fruits.

For the life of me I won't understand how can the Church support this leftards murderous dimocrap scum.
It's a sad day when Obama closes the churches and subjects priests to arrest if they volunteer to give sermons and conduct mass.

Tell me again how Obama is not evil. :evil:

this IS a standard - left is against all the religion - has been, is and always will - they can't allow the mind of the masses to be free and fly away from the leftard brainwashing.

The history is repeating itself yet again - as it was in USSR, in Nazi Germany and ill other socialist "heavens" which failed - that is a STANDARD scenario.

You have to brainwash the military into turning against their fellow Americans to defend this scum of the earth - and that can be done only under intense brainwash. Which has started long time ago.
You can bet your sweet ass that any activity whatsoever at Muslim Mosques on base will be permitted. We mustn't "offend" or Muslims brethren!
It is a law that was passed in 1870 which bars govt. employees from doing any work, even voluntary. When there is no funds to compensate.

To bad right wingers. It was passed by a GOP Congress and a GOP president.

Are they paid by the government for this? Because, unless they are actually in the military, most ministers are paid by their church for work they do on military bases. Something about the separation of church and state thing that you all keep harping about.
The Catholic Priests in question are stopped from "volunteering" by a law passed back in 1821.

But it is fun to watch you try to blame Obama.

They were volunteering before the shutdown, how does a law prevent them from volunteering after it?

They were NOT "volunteering" before the shutdown.

They were employed by the DOD as contract workers.
The Catholic Priests in question are stopped from "volunteering" by a law passed back in 1821.

But it is fun to watch you try to blame Obama.

They were volunteering before the shutdown, how does a law prevent them from volunteering after it?

They were NOT "volunteering" before the shutdown.

They were employed by the DOD as contract workers.

In that case, Obama already signed a law that requires the DOD to pay contract employees, and eliminates your defense that the law prevents them from volunteering.

In other words, either way, your defense of Obama is wrong.
This OP is typical of the rampant misinformation spoon-fed to the rabid right wingers. They fucking wanted a shutdown and cheered the Tea Baggers on and now they are mad because the gov't is shut down.


Just one of you wingnut idiots answer the question.

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