Obama Joined Al Qaeida in Libya To SILENCE Gaddafi's Warning Of Islamic Extremism Up-Rising / Threat


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Colonel Gaddafi warned Tony Blair of Islamist attacks on Europe, phone conversations reveal

Colonel Gaddafi warned Tony Blair of Islamist attacks on Europe, phone conversations reveal

Transcripts of two telephone conversations between the two leaders which took place on February 25, 2011, are made public:

"In the first call at 11.15am, Gaddafi said: "They [jihadists] want to control the Mediterranean and then they will attack Europe."


Excerpt from Col Gaddafi's 2011 phone conversations with Tony Blair"

WHY would President Obama, the Nobel Peace Prize Winner and President of the nation who was attacked back in 9/11/01, arm and join forces with the very terrorist perpetrators of that attack, by-passing Congress to drag this country to war and use our military to HELP Al Qaeida take over Libya?

We also knew at the time that Al Qaeida was making every effort to outright kill Gaddafi. Why didn't Obama intervene and offer to help spare Gaddafi's life?

It seems now that Obama joined forces with Al Qaeida - perpetrators of 9/11/01 and 9/11/12 - to SILENCE Gaddafi, from preventing his warning to Europe ... and perhaps the rest of the world... of the coming 'Islamic Extremist storm'.

Gaddafi wrote to Blair: "Need to explain to the international community. Reporters can make sure this is the truth. They are welcome."
....except he never got a chance to tell the international community. With the help of the Obama administration his warning to the world was silenced by his death...and Al Qaeida - perpetrators of the 9/11/01 and 9/11/12 attacks on the US and murders of US Citizens - now controls Libya.

'Buuuusssssshhhhh' declared after 9/11/01 that terrorists around the world would not have a safe haven in the world. Today - Under OBAMA - Al Qaeida controls Libya; The Taliban are coming back in Afghanistan; ISIS is in Syria, Iraq (because Iraq, which was entrusted to Obama to protect after our military liberated it at great cost, was invaded with out opposition from Obama), Belgium, Africa, Paris, Germany, and even the United States.

Under 'Buuuuuussssssh', there were no successful terrorist attacks on US soil after 9/11/01. Today - Under OBAMA, there have been at least 4 - one because he gave a Visa to a terrorist who passed right through his 'thorough background check which was supposed to leave nothing for Americans to fear except 'widows and orphans'.

Obama helped the terrorist group the Muslim Brotherhood take over the govt of our ally Egypt, gave weapons to Egypt, turned his back on Egyptians as the new Muslim Brotherhood govt allowed the slaughter of Christians, allowed Muslim Brotherhood members on the terrorist No Fly list to come to Washington to attend cabinet meetings, and even had associated members in his Cabinet as advisors.

Obama supplied, armed and finally joined Al Qaeida in Libya overthrow and murder Gaddafi and take over Libya; his administration HIRED an Al Qaeida-associated militia to 'guard' the now-dead US Ambassador, and declared afterwards "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam!"

He turned his back on the Iranian people during the 'Muslim Spring' (or whatever) when they rose up against the Shah; he bypassed the Congress to agree to a 'non-binding' (according to Kerry)deal with Iran that they have already violated twice with no response from Obama yet...

Obama has supplied armed, and protected, and even trained ISIS, allowed them to flow un-opposed into Iraq after our military had liberated the country at great cost; he would not let 'allies' strike certain ISIS HQs, oil facilities, and oil tankers - which funded 50% of their terrorist operations...like the attack in France; he dropped leaflets prior to Paris' attacks on their oil facilities and tankers to let the enemy know 'we' were coming....

So what is the answer to the question of WHY would Obama bypass Congress and on his own traitorously join the terrorists responsible for the 9/11/01 attack that killed thousands of Americans BEFORE he took us to war to help Al Qaeida and who were responsible for killing the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years AFTER he helped them kill Gadaffi and take over their own country ("In thanks for your help we just killed your Ambassador)?!

Perhaps because Obama wanted to ensure Gaddafi never got to tell the international community about the coming 'Islamic Extremist storm', that included / includes ISIS, the infiltration of other nations by Islamic Extremist / terrorist 'refugees'?!
you mean, why did Tony Blair attack Gadaffi after his conversation with him, right?

On 19 March 2011, a multi-state coalition began a military intervention in Libya, ostensibly to implement United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973. The United Nations Intent and Voting was to have "an immediate ceasefire in Libya, including an end to the current attacks against civilians, which it said might constitute crimes against humanity" ... "imposing a ban on all flights in the country's airspace – a no-fly zone – and tightened sanctions on the Qadhafi regime and its supporters." The resolution was taken in response to events during the Libyan Civil War,[18] and military operations began, with American and British naval forces firing over 110 Tomahawk cruise missiles,[19] the French Air Force, British Royal Air Force, and Royal Canadian Air Force[20] undertaking sorties across Libya and a naval blockade by Coalition forces.[21] French jets launched air strikes against Libyan Army tanks and vehicles.

2011 military intervention in Libya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No, I mean WHY did OBAMA by-pass Congress and drag the US into war on his own to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 AND 9/11/12 take over their own country. I made myself perfectly clear in the 1st post, providing you can read.
ISIS expanding into Libya...

Islamic State threat expanding to Libya
Wednesday 3rd February, 2016 - The Islamic State militant group is trying to expand in Libya after territorial and military losses in its Syrian and Iraqi strongholds, Secretary of State John Kerry warned Tuesday.
Addressing a conference in the Italian capital of 23 foreign ministers from the countries that form the core of a coalition fighting the Islamic State, Kerry said that the Sunni Islamist group is to seize Libya's oil wealth, which should be a concern. The North African country has two rival governments battling for supremacy amid deepening the conflict. "As everybody here knows, that country (Libya) has resources The last thing in the world you'd want is a false caliphate with access to billions of dollars in oil revenue," he said. Libya is currently battling a power vacuum and the Islamic State is trying to exploit that by attacking Libya's oil infrastructure and establish a foothold in the city of Sirte.

Islamic State fighters, according to US State Department, are trying to expand into Ras Lanuf and Brega, large refinery and export facilities east of Sirte. Ras Lanuf came under attack by militants last month in fighting that touched off a large fire. The ports are no longer used to export oil, but the refineries there can process domestic supplies and store oil. The United Nations brokered a power plan for a possible political transition in Libya under which the two warring government were expected to form a unity government. However, a month after the deal was agreed in Morocco, its implementation has been dogged by in-fighting. Kerry however still sounded optimistic about the plan and said the two sides were "on the brink of getting a government of national unity".

Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni said once the plan is put in place, many countries would be prepared to respond to any request for help with security. But Kerry said the United States was opposed to deploying any of its ground forces into Libya and French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius dismissed media speculation that Paris was poised to intervene in the oil-rich country. "That is totally inexact," Fabius told reporters in Rome. Kerry mentioned about victories made against the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq even as he underscored that much was to be done to defeat the group completely.

The United States is leading two different coalitions carrying out airstrikes in Iraq and Syria to target the Islamic State. However, the group has been left largely left untouched in Libya. "We are still not at the victory that we want to achieve, and will achieve, in either Syria or Iraq and we have seen (the Islamic State) playing a game of metastasizing out to other countries, particularly Libya," Kerry said. The US has been countering the Islamic State in Libya with drone attacks and special operations teams inside the country. "There have been some US forces in Libya trying to establish contact with forces on the ground so that we get a clear picture of what's happening there," Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook said.

John Kerry says Islamic State threat expanding to Libya
A whole lot of loving for Qaddafi- the dictator who ordered the murder of American servicemen and airline passengers.
So someone points out the fact that Qaddafi was warning of Islamic Extremist expansion, as opposed to Obama who joined forces with Al Qaeida to murder / oust Qaddafi and then hand ownership of Libya to Al Qaeida, and you call that 'a whole lot of loving for Qaddafi?


I call it 'telling it like it was'.

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