Obama: "ISIL is not Islam", really? (ISIL SAME AS ISIS)

Obama is either ignorant or lying, and he's already been proven a liar.


If you want an eye-opening experience, go watch one of the many videotaped debates between moderate Muslims and radical Muslims. Notice how many times the radicals are able to cite verses from the Quran and the Hadith to support their position, and notice how many times the moderates have to fall back on the argument that for some reason all those verses are no longer apply. And a few times you'll see some moderates argue that those verses apply to a future date.

On an aside note, it is odd that so many American blacks are embracing Islam, given the fact that Mohammed owned upwards of 40 slaves and introduced slave-trading on a grand scale on the Arabian Peninsula. Do they just not know this?
On an aside note, it is odd that so many American blacks are embracing Islam, given the fact that Mohammed owned upwards of 40 slaves and introduced slave-trading on a grand scale on the Arabian Peninsula. Do they just not know this?
Owning and trading slaves was accepted practice throughout that part of the world centuries before Muhammad was born.

The Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians, built their grand civilizations on the backs of slaves thousands of years before the religion of Islam.

As for Muhammad owning 40 slaves. Please provide a link to back up your bogus claim. ... :cool:

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