Obama is not a communist.

Oddly enough, from what I've seen of this forum, some people actually believe "progressives/liberals/socialists/communists" somehow mean the same thing, and that liberals in america are actually communists. I shit you not. Now, the title is in reference to our current POTUS, a man who is most definitely not a marxist communist. I will now provide reasons why:
Obama the "communist" allowed millions of private sector jobs to be added and has not attempted to nationalize anything I know of, nor has he ever said anything remotely related to communism.
Under President Obama's leadership, the economy has added private sector jobs for 64 straight months. During this span, 12.8 million private sector jobs have been created.
64 Straight Months Of Private Sector Job Growth | Democratic Policy & Communications Center
Further reading below:

Socialism For Dummies or: Why Obama Isn't a Communist
Obama a socialist? Has his administration collectivized the hospitals, turned doctors into a state monopoly, nationalized the insurance companies? Or are we continuing to privatize our security forces, turn school and prisons into for-profit businesses, and let the financial industry self-regulate? President Obama is a market-leaning liberal democrat. Nancy Pelosi is a vigorous advocate of the welfare state and of the social safety net, and she wants to regulate the runaway banks. But that's not communism, folks, that's liberal democracy, and reflects a less egalitarian agenda than the ones pushed by LBJ or FDR.
Bottom line, American politics have played out more or less in the staid middle of the broad political spectrum and for all the noise still do. Yes, an occasional libertarian surge pushes for the revocation of redistribute taxes and an end to government regulation on one side; and an occasional progressivist surge pushes towards New Deal and Great Society interventions in the name of equality and social justice on the other. But when zealots start throwing terms like "socialist" at wan liberal democrats like President Obama, or confusing weak regulation of the health and insurance industries with communist ownership of the means of production, we have not just conceptual confusion and noxious polemics, but abuses of speech pernicious to the very life of democracy.
I mean, look at what obama the "communist" has done for small business owners, y'know, the "capitalists" communists are supposed to hate:
Tax Relief for Middle-Class Families and Small Businesses
Tax Relief for Small Businesses

President Obama firmly believes that entrepreneurs and small businesses are engines of economic growth, and that their investments and innovation have been at the forefront of our economic recovery. That’s why he and his Administration have focused on strengthening small businesses by signing into law 18 tax cuts for small businesses, ranging from 100% expensing to the small business health tax credit, to the temporary tax exclusion of capital gains from key small business investments.
Each of the following pieces of legislation established or extended tax cuts for small businesses:
American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Act

Small Business Jobs Act
Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization and Job Creation Act
Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act
Affordable Care Act
Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act

VOW to Hire Heroes Act

Born to commies, raised and mentored by commies, sought out commie professors and radicals all through college, the dude ain't mashed potatoes. Do you really think he wouldn't do more if he thought he could get away with it, you can bet your ass he would.
Hillbillies kidnapped Obama and threw him in the back of the truck. They then said if the van is a rockin don't come a knockin.
Obama the "communist" allowed millions of private sector jobs to be added and has not attempted to nationalize anything I know of, nor has he ever said anything remotely related to communism.

He has not nationalized anything, but he has heavily regulated the health care industry to what I believe will be its detriment. But no, he has certainly not behaved like a Communist.

Well Taz, you might be correct, but I ask you this question----------->is the rich being singled out "Socialist " or "Marxist" leaning?

I say yes it is, and as proof, I give you this-------->From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now, I challenge all to tell me how Obama and the Democrats own words on social policy does not reflect the words in the article. Are they classic Marxist? No! But classic Socialist? Absolutely, a resounding, yes!

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