Obama in serious trouble--Sestak confirms WH offer to drop out of Senate race


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Rep. Joe Sestak, winner of the Pennsylvania Democratic Senate primary, is refusing to provide more information on what job he was offered by a White House official to drop of that race, although he confirmed again that the incident occurred.

The White House was backing incumbent Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) in the primary. Sestak acknowledged in an interview in February that he was offered a position by an unnamed White House official - a potential violation of federal law - but has not offered any specifics on conversation. Republicans are trying to use the issue against Sestak in the November Senate race.

"It's interesting. I was asked a question about something that happened months earlier, and I felt that I should answer it honestly, and that's all I had to say about it." Sestak said Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press. "Anybody else has to decide on what they will say upon their role. That's their responsibility."

Yet Sestak confirmed to NBC's David Gregory that the incident did take place. "I was offered a job, and I answered that," Sestak said. "Anything that goes beyond that is for others to talk about."

Sestak being a retired admiral--it is believed was offered the secretary of Navy position a high level position that would have had to have been approved by the POTUS. Of course Arlen Spector the long time Republican who switched party to become a Democrat directly after Obama took office and voted for the 787 billion dollar stimulus bill. Thoughts from political talking heads suggest that the administration would have had to promise Spector something big for changing his decades long party status--possibly-that there would be no opposition coming from another democrat in the primary season--guaranteeing Spector's nomination.

Therefore, the administration offered Sestak a position which he turned down. Gates--White House press secretary has refused to answer questions about this political pay-off that went sour for months. Sestak just spilled the beans. If found to be true, this is an impeachable offense on the POTUS.

Sestak confirms WH job offer to get out of Senate race - POLITICO Live - POLITICO.com
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The White House was backing incumbent Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) in the primary. Sestak acknowledged in an interview in February that he was offered a position by an unnamed White House official - a potential violation of federal law - but has not offered any specifics on conversation. Republicans are trying to use the issue against Sestak in the November Senate race.

If Federal law has been violated, then the President has some serious problems.
The White House was backing incumbent Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) in the primary. Sestak acknowledged in an interview in February that he was offered a position by an unnamed White House official - a potential violation of federal law - but has not offered any specifics on conversation. Republicans are trying to use the issue against Sestak in the November Senate race.

If Federal law has been violated, then the President has some serious problems.

A POTUS cannot offer up anything considered of "value"--(not considered bribe for money)--the value is more broad in circumstance--therefore a cabinet position--for a back room political pay-off. That is considered a FEDERAL OFFENSE.

The problem is now--Sestak--since he has admitted it--will eventually have to name the person who offered it, what position was offered--the date it was offered--etc. etc.

The lid on the "can of worms" has just been opened. Now the digging starts.
When did offering someone a job become an impeachable offense?

Title 18, U.S.C. Section 211 says that, “Whoever solicits or receives, either as a political contribution or for personal emolument, any money or thing of value, in consideration of the promise of support or use of influence in obtaining for any person any appointive office or place under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year or both

Title 18, U.S.C. Section 595, which says, “Whoever, being a person employed in any administrative position by the United States … uses his official authority for the purposes of interfering with, or affecting the nomination of, or the election of any candidate for office of President, Vice President, Presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representative…shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.”

CNSNews.com - Justice Dept Should Probe Alleged White House Offer to Rep. Sestak, Legal Experts Say
I can only see two explanations for the way that some Conservatives have been acting towards Obama.

Either they're really naive, and think that every "scandal" they come up with is unique to Obama - that commonplace events are so "outrageous".

Offering the opponent a job is a long-standing political tactic. People have been doing it for hundreds if not thousands of years.

Or they're dishonest.
A POTUS cannot offer up anything considered of "value"--(not considered bribe for money)--the value is more broad in circumstance--therefore a cabinet position--for a back room political pay-off. That is considered a FEDERAL OFFENSE.

The problem is now--Sestak--since he has admitted it--will eventually have to name the person who offered it, what position was offered--the date it was offered--etc. etc.

The lid on the "can of worms" has just been opened. Now the digging starts.

Obama didn't offer anything did he? And what was the quid pro quo supposedly offered by an unnamed person?

sniff, snififf, hunting with a dead dawg.

I smell desperation and mental illness
When did offering someone a job become an impeachable offense?

Title 18, U.S.C. Section 211 says that, “Whoever solicits or receives, either as a political contribution or for personal emolument, any money or thing of value, in consideration of the promise of support or use of influence in obtaining for any person any appointive office or place under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year or both

Title 18, U.S.C. Section 595, which says, “Whoever, being a person employed in any administrative position by the United States … uses his official authority for the purposes of interfering with, or affecting the nomination of, or the election of any candidate for office of President, Vice President, Presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representative…shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.”

CNSNews.com - Justice Dept Should Probe Alleged White House Offer to Rep. Sestak, Legal Experts Say

Thank you for posting this.
The President has an Article II power to offer jobs and Sestak's acceptance would have naturally meant withdrawing from the race.

Did Sestak or anyone else say he was asked to drop out as a quid pro quo?

Hmmm, dead dawg hunting.
When did offering someone a job become an impeachable offense?

Title 18, U.S.C. Section 211 says that, “Whoever solicits or receives, either as a political contribution or for personal emolument, any money or thing of value, in consideration of the promise of support or use of influence in obtaining for any person any appointive office or place under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year or both

Title 18, U.S.C. Section 595, which says, “Whoever, being a person employed in any administrative position by the United States … uses his official authority for the purposes of interfering with, or affecting the nomination of, or the election of any candidate for office of President, Vice President, Presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representative…shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.”

CNSNews.com - Justice Dept Should Probe Alleged White House Offer to Rep. Sestak, Legal Experts Say

Thank you for posting this.

it means absolutely nothing.
I would like to take a moment to thank all of you who had the patience to answer the same question several times. Personally, I would have let them keep wondering........

On a brighter note, seeing as how this is a VERY potentially dangerous place for Obama to find himself, and the fact that there really is not much of an argument here, we probably won't get a lot of response from the Obamabots.
I can only see two explanations for the way that some Conservatives have been acting towards Obama.

Either they're really naive, and think that every "scandal" they come up with is unique to Obama - that commonplace events are so "outrageous".

Offering the opponent a job is a long-standing political tactic. People have been doing it for hundreds if not thousands of years.

Or they're dishonest.

Now read this very SLOWLY--or if you have to have someone read it and then explain it too you.

Whoever, being a person employed in any administrative position by the United States … uses his official authority for the purposes of interfering with, or affecting the nomination of, or the election of any candidate for office of President, Vice President, Presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representative…shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.”

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Let me let you in on a little secret:

This is the way politics work. And it won't cause any trouble for Obama, because all the other politicians want to keep this tactic. It will NEVER gain momentum, except on these messageboards.

Anyone who spends any time working in politics knows this.

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