Obama: I got to have that mexican vote or I'm toast


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Obama Jobs Program: Help Illegals Compete with Americans for Scarce Jobs

6/15/12 by Mike Flynn

Today, the Obama Administration, in an obvious attempt to boost the President's flailing reelection campaign, announced that it would bypass Congress and rewrite the nation's immigration laws.

The Obama administration will stop deporting and begin granting work permits to younger illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children and have since led law-abiding lives. The election-year initiative addresses a top priority of an influential Latino electorate that has been vocal in its opposition to administration deportation policies.


Obama's entire reelection campaign is based on pandering to specific blocks of voters. Its all he has left. In just three and a half years, he's lost the ability to talk to the rest of us. He's lost the ability to communicate with our collective aspirations.

Obama Jobs Program: Help Illegals Compete with Americans for Scarce Jobs

"Gringos, we take da jobs..."

Obama Jobs Program: Help Illegals Compete with Americans for Scarce Jobs

6/15/12 by Mike Flynn

Today, the Obama Administration, in an obvious attempt to boost the President's flailing reelection campaign, announced that it would bypass Congress and rewrite the nation's immigration laws.

The Obama administration will stop deporting and begin granting work permits to younger illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children and have since led law-abiding lives. The election-year initiative addresses a top priority of an influential Latino electorate that has been vocal in its opposition to administration deportation policies.


Obama's entire reelection campaign is based on pandering to specific blocks of voters. Its all he has left. In just three and a half years, he's lost the ability to talk to the rest of us. He's lost the ability to communicate with our collective aspirations.

Obama Jobs Program: Help Illegals Compete with Americans for Scarce Jobs

"Gringos, we take da jobs..."
And Romney has his son speaking Spanish to his audience, is courting Rubio, but will lose the Hispanic vote, big time.

Obama Jobs Program: Help Illegals Compete with Americans for Scarce Jobs

6/15/12 by Mike Flynn

Today, the Obama Administration, in an obvious attempt to boost the President's flailing reelection campaign, announced that it would bypass Congress and rewrite the nation's immigration laws.

The Obama administration will stop deporting and begin granting work permits to younger illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children and have since led law-abiding lives. The election-year initiative addresses a top priority of an influential Latino electorate that has been vocal in its opposition to administration deportation policies.


Obama's entire reelection campaign is based on pandering to specific blocks of voters. Its all he has left. In just three and a half years, he's lost the ability to talk to the rest of us. He's lost the ability to communicate with our collective aspirations.

Obama Jobs Program: Help Illegals Compete with Americans for Scarce Jobs

"Gringos, we take da jobs..."
And Romney has his son speaking Spanish to his audience, is courting Rubio, but will lose the Hispanic vote, big time.

yep and maybe they'll end up like the other minority grp that the democrats own. Two races of people down the shitter because of liberal one party rule policies, Detroit here we come!

oh and is he getting the white-hispanic vote too? Funny how they dont break it down unless it involves the death of a black man.

and Mexican Mitt was just going to throw his Mexican relatives under the bus?

nope, he was gonna throw Obama's relatives under the bus, except Obama has already done it. His racist white grandma that just gave hime everything he wanted. What a tool!
and Mexican Mitt was just going to throw his Mexican relatives under the bus?

nope, he was gonna throw Obama's relatives under the bus, except Obama has already done it. His racist white grandma that just gave hime everything he wanted. What a tool!

no, Mitt is pretty well turning his back on his polygamy loving mexican relatives.

polygamy is genetic, they cant help that.

And OBAMA HAS thrown his relatives under the bus, I dont remember where Mitt has.
yeah genetics, they make you do stuff like screw dudes or mary 30 women, GOD I hate genetics! And all I got was the message board gene!
Republicans, Democrats spar on allowing illegal immigrants with criminal pasts to avoid deportation

Published June 16, 2012

Democrats and Republicans sparred Saturday over the part of President Obama's executive order on illegal immigration that allows some applicants to avoid deportation despite having committed crimes.

The section at issue states in part that young illegal immigrants eligible for the program must have “not been convicted of a felony offense, a significant misdemeanor offense, multiple misdemeanor offenses, or otherwise pose a threat to national security or public safety.”

The language leaves open the door for some illegal immigrants with misdemeanor records to stay.

The first news reports on the change stated those eligible could have no criminal history, but documents released later in the day showed that to be incorrect.

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, the first administration official to announce the plan, said Friday morning the policy change was an attempt to keep the agency’s enforcement resources focused on removing the most potentially dangerous illegal immigrants, including felons and repeat offenders.

She also attempted to assure Americans by saying those eligible under the program must apply for a two-year suspension of deportation and a work visa, after which they can reapply for renewal. She also said each applicant would be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

“Discretion, which is used in so many other areas, is especially justified here,” she said.


Schweikert called the order backdoor amnesty full of unintended consequences that puts hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants ahead of millions of unemployed Americans in the workforce.

He also said called applicants being eligible despite having a criminal record “the latest facet of the plan, that we are just discovering … seriously dangerous and inexcusable.”

Read more: Republicans, Democrats spar on allowing illegal immigrants with criminal pasts to avoid deportation | Fox News

Obama Jobs Program: Help Illegals Compete with Americans for Scarce Jobs

6/15/12 by Mike Flynn

Today, the Obama Administration, in an obvious attempt to boost the President's flailing reelection campaign, announced that it would bypass Congress and rewrite the nation's immigration laws.

The Obama administration will stop deporting and begin granting work permits to younger illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children and have since led law-abiding lives. The election-year initiative addresses a top priority of an influential Latino electorate that has been vocal in its opposition to administration deportation policies.


Obama's entire reelection campaign is based on pandering to specific blocks of voters. Its all he has left. In just three and a half years, he's lost the ability to talk to the rest of us. He's lost the ability to communicate with our collective aspirations.

Obama Jobs Program: Help Illegals Compete with Americans for Scarce Jobs

"Gringos, we take da jobs..."

You folks just don't get it; you actually believe in your minds that we are going to round up and deport 12 to 20 million illegal Hispanics. I mean you really think this is a possibility. It's just hilarious. Yes we do have a problem with illegals, but we are never going to deport more than a handful of them; those are just simple facts. So while you live in your fantasy land, we continue to pay to support social services for these people while they go without paying their fair share of taxes because they are forced to work under the table an in ways that do not lead to their paying all the taxes they should be.

These people aren't going anywhere, and yes they are going to multiply over the next few generations. We better make sure they are educated, documented, and full members of society who pay taxes just like everyone else. Get them an education, decent employment, and paying taxes, and who knows, they might even become conservative Republicans.
and Mexican Mitt was just going to throw his Mexican relatives under the bus?

nope, he was gonna throw Obama's relatives under the bus, except Obama has already done it. His racist white grandma that just gave hime everything he wanted. What a tool!

no, Mitt is pretty well turning his back on his polygamy loving mexican relatives.

Barack dedicated one of his books to a polygamist.

It should of been called, Dreams of My Polygamist Father.

Obama Jobs Program: Help Illegals Compete with Americans for Scarce Jobs

6/15/12 by Mike Flynn

Today, the Obama Administration, in an obvious attempt to boost the President's flailing reelection campaign, announced that it would bypass Congress and rewrite the nation's immigration laws.

The Obama administration will stop deporting and begin granting work permits to younger illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children and have since led law-abiding lives. The election-year initiative addresses a top priority of an influential Latino electorate that has been vocal in its opposition to administration deportation policies.


Obama's entire reelection campaign is based on pandering to specific blocks of voters. Its all he has left. In just three and a half years, he's lost the ability to talk to the rest of us. He's lost the ability to communicate with our collective aspirations.

Obama Jobs Program: Help Illegals Compete with Americans for Scarce Jobs

"Gringos, we take da jobs..."

You folks just don't get it; you actually believe in your minds that we are going to round up and deport 12 to 20 million illegal Hispanics. I mean you really think this is a possibility. It's just hilarious. Yes we do have a problem with illegals, but we are never going to deport more than a handful of them; those are just simple facts. So while you live in your fantasy land, we continue to pay to support social services for these people while they go without paying their fair share of taxes because they are forced to work under the table an in ways that do not lead to their paying all the taxes they should be.

These people aren't going anywhere, and yes they are going to multiply over the next few generations. We better make sure they are educated, documented, and full members of society who pay taxes just like everyone else. Get them an education, decent employment, and paying taxes, and who knows, they might even become conservative Republicans.

How come obongo and company didn't do or say anything when they were completely in charge. Oh wait, that's right it's 2012 election, time to get on his knees and grovel for votes. Wonder who's next, letting criminals still in prison vote...:D
Letter: President exceeds authority with actions regarding illegals

The Mountain Press
30 mins 14 secs ago

During President Obama’s “dreamers speech” as he spoke of illegal alien students reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, I was so angry. Does he think we are stupid? That part of the Democratic Party is disgusted with my flag, my ode to patriotism, love of country!

All I saw when Obama spoke were gatherings of Hispanics waving the Mexican flag, not my flag. They were proudly waving their flag, Mr. President. They don’t have love of America like I do. They, like you Mr. President, don’t respect my country. They, like you Mr. President, don’t respect the rule of law. If they did, they would file for citizenship like my ancestors did and like millions of other immigrants did and are doing.

Doesn’t anyone think this will upset a lot of immigrant wannabees or will he then have to let everyone in from everywhere? Where will it end?

During the speech I became confused. He spoke of those America-loving young students, then mentioned farmers and ranchers. He was all over the place. Now are we to believe that the illegal alien kids are to work on these farms and ranches? I think he forgot that he just told American farmers that their kids can’t work on their farms and ranches. What are we to infer here?

It’s one of two things. Either illegal alien kids will work American farms or illegal adults will also be included in the “Dream Act.”


Andrea Tomasello

Read more: http://themountainpress.com/bookmar...-authority-with-actions-regarding-illegals-b-

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We know that Willard is fucked without the Hispanic vote. Hell, he's even thinking about Rubio to try and get some votes.

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