Obama: I Cured Cancer


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
This guys ego is as out of control and dangerous as Saddam Hussein's and Adolf Hitler's...

PRESIDENT OBAMA:* Four years ago as I had the privilege to travel all across this country, meet Americans from all walks of life, I decided nobody else should have to endure the heartbreak of a broken healthcare system.*No one in the wealthiest nation on Earth should go broke because they get sick.*Nobody should have to tell their daughters or sons the decisions they can and cannot make for themselves, are constrained because of some politicians in Washington.*Thanks to you*we made a difference in people’s lives.*Thanks to you there are folks that I meet today who have gotten care and their cancer has been caught and they’ve gotten treatment and they are living full lives and it happened because of you.

“Stop,” Glenn shouted after hearing the video.*“ObamaCare doesn’t kick in until next year! Who are you meeting that is now getting care – it must be on the old system because your system doesn’t even start.”

Considering the only part of Obamacare that has really kicked in is the taxes, it is pretty remarkable that people are already being cured of their diseases thanks to the President’s policies.

“So are the taxes curing their cancer,” Stu joked.

Obama: Obamacare cured cancer! – Glenn Beck
But the sea levels are on the retreat because of Obama

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQNkVmdicvA]Obama Claiming He Can Halt the Rise of the Oceans - YouTube[/ame]
Glenn Beck? Dumbest fuck on television.

Well your the DUMBEST FUCK on the planet then, because Glenn Beck isn't even on television. Just shows you have no fucking idea what you're talking about - but you open your mouth anyway. You've clearly never listened to him, but here you sit commenting. Typical idiot liberal Dumbocrat
Glenn Beck? Dumbest fuck on television.

Well your the DUMBEST FUCK on the planet then, because Glenn Beck isn't even on television. Just shows you have no fucking idea what you're talking about - but you open your mouth anyway. You've clearly never listened to him, but here you sit commenting. Typical idiot liberal Dumbocrat
Yep, typical libtard stupidity.
Glenn Beck? Dumbest fuck on television.

Well your the DUMBEST FUCK on the planet then, because Glenn Beck isn't even on television. Just shows you have no fucking idea what you're talking about - but you open your mouth anyway. You've clearly never listened to him, but here you sit commenting. Typical idiot liberal Dumbocrat

You shouldn't be so tough on old rocks, he just likes to comment and uses the democratic talking points, he can't help that the talking points are outdated.
You Beckbots and dupes are so GD dumb it's ridiculous. Many parts of O-care have already started (kids on parents till 26, free screenings for cancer, closing donut hole,Medicare savings, etc etc. GD Morons. And no quote anything like OP. Please die off, a-hole hater dupes. Read something for God's sake, or go to Hell. Literally.
You Beckbots and dupes are so GD dumb it's ridiculous. Many parts of O-care have already started (kids on parents till 26, free screenings for cancer, closing donut hole,Medicare savings, etc etc. GD Morons. And no quote anything like OP. Please die off, a-hole hater dupes. Read something for God's sake, or go to Hell. Literally.

Yea, well my insurance premiums have shown the kick-in. Good job there Obama :clap2:

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