Obama had 48 hr. notice on the Cairo/Libya threat according to London


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
It appears that the American population has been lied to again. The White House is finally admitting that these were orchestrated--planned terrorist attacks made for the anniversary of 9/11.

Even worse news is that London is now reporting that the Obama administration had a 48 hour warning prior to these attacks.

While we were being told by Obama--Clinton and the Obama media coalition group that a video was responsible for this--and that our ambassador was being protected by the Libyan government--we now have Frank Luntz a very credible national pollster who on FOX news tonight--stated that there are video's on the internet that he has seen showing our ambassador being dragged through the streets and that YES he was tortured and sodomized prior to being killed. Luntz says do not watch this video around children as it is very disturbing.

Here is the time line video.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WgBWE04A-Y]Middle East : Planned Riots Burnings and Murder to bring forth the New World Order (Sept 14, 2012) - YouTube[/ame]
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Debunked, by a REPUBLICAN...


Mike Rogers - Michigan Republican and chairman of the House intelligence committee

No ‘Chatter’

Security at the Libyan facilities was considered adequate, the official said.

Representative Mike Rogers, a Michigan Republican and chairman of the House intelligence committee, told CNN there was no sign of intelligence “chatter” leading up to the Benghazi consulate attack that would have warned U.S. officials to take extra precautions.
Debunked, by a REPUBLICAN...


Mike Rogers - Michigan Republican and chairman of the House intelligence committee

No ‘Chatter’

Security at the Libyan facilities was considered adequate, the official said.

Representative Mike Rogers, a Michigan Republican and chairman of the House intelligence committee, told CNN there was no sign of intelligence “chatter” leading up to the Benghazi consulate attack that would have warned U.S. officials to take extra precautions.

They were attacked in Bengazi by 100 Islamic extremists. 2 Navy Seals could not hold these terrorists off. G.W. Bush never missed a year where he did not order heightened security around the globe on the anniversary of 9/11.


"Barack Obama is the greatest HOAX ever perpetrated on the American population"--Clint Eastwood
Bush had many warnings before 9/11

So did Clinton..

Clinton was offered up Bin Laden on a silver platter 3 different times and he refused to take him. If he would have maybe 9/11 would have never happened. If Clinton would have insisted that Sadam Husien kept WMD inspectors in Iraq--when Husien kicked them out in 1997--we would have never had to invade Iraq to see if they had any.


"Barack Obama the greatest HOAX ever perpetrated on the American population"--Clint Eastwood
So did Clinton..

The warnings for Bush were during the Spring of 2001

Clinton had opportunity to kill Bin Laden in 1999.

Clinton had several shots at Bin Laden as he was hiding in "Plain site." Then of all the dumb things that happened when Clinton sent missles over to get him in Afganistan--Madelyn Albright insisted that they warn the Pakistani's that we would be flying missles over their air space. Of course they warned Bin Laden and we missed him by 1/2 hour.
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The FBI didn't believe they had enough evidence to indict him. And therefore didn't bring bin laden at the time
No man. I'm discussing. Just dont spam us with foolish pictures portraying Obama as having really really big ears. Lol :)

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