Obama had 10 days notice on Benghazi

At the risk of inadvertently supporting Hillary's "what difference does it make" statement...

There were protests at other consulates/embassies over that movie, in the region.

It was the anniversary of 911.

Why should there not have been confusion over what happened? especially in the first 48 hours.

I wonder if the GOP regrets starting all this, and are feeling like they did after they nominated Sarah Palin?...unable to clean up the mess they made, because they'd be forced to acknowledge they made a mistake.

The polls are clear on this...only Fox News viewers care about Benghazi
Yea and Bush knew about 9-11 ten days in advance
Actually 11 days in advance.
Bush could have stopped it but he already had scheduled to read My pet goat and didn't want to disappoint the school children

Where's your link, tool? Let me guess...AGAIN you have failed to deliver :)

Bush was going to stop the attacks....but then someone told him

Don't worry about it.......its Clintons fault

So you think collateral damage to take out a significant target is wrong.....

But Obozo likes to rely almost solely on using drones to take out terrorists, even if it means putting a Hellfire missile up granny's wazoo at a family picnic, and the Democrats support him on that.....

Are you trying to tell us that Obozo and the Democrats are......(gasp)..... actually TERRORISTS?????
i think there's a level of acceptable collateral damage, and it isn't in the hundreds to one range.
Evidently you have no understanding of the capabilities of our missiles.....

If the strike on Bin Laden would have taken out 300 people (like Clinton claims), the strike would have taken out several city blocks (unless all of those people were hanging out at Bin Laden's house).... So if we are to believe that figure, the strikes that Obama is making with the same missiles would have to obliterate entire villages!!!!!

So, you tell me, is Obama committing mass murder, or did Clinton obviously inflate his figures????
Reagan had warnings three days before the Beirut bombing that killed 242 US servicemen. He blew off the warning and the requests to move the troops to a safer location.
Of course, the folks who are continuously wetting their pants over Benghazi, are the same folks who want to put Reagan on Mount Rushmore.

Says the far left drone!
Says the far left drone!

Is that all you know how to post retard
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it was only an assessment of Al Qaeda’s history, not a warning of the impending attack. While some critics considered that claim absurd, a close reading of the brief showed that the argument had some validity.

Stupid, knob-slurping dimocrap scumbag.

What good is a generic 'Warning'? bin floatin had been threatening to hit us since the 1991 Iraq Invasion ten years earlier.

So what, scumbag? Any information on where? When? How? Who?

You really are a stupid human being. Too stupid to breathe free air

Facts have no place in your world does it
Teapers are idiots. Teapers that engagebin identity politics like the Irish OP...they are pathetic.
The report I've seen was dated the 16th not the 1st?

It's old news that a terrorist group claimed responsibility immediately.

Then why the video lie? LOL

You mean the talking points for the Sunday talk show for the 16th?

No, I mean the lie about the video and the "spontaneous" attack.

So you think collateral damage to take out a significant target is wrong.....

But Obozo likes to rely almost solely on using drones to take out terrorists, even if it means putting a Hellfire missile up granny's wazoo at a family picnic, and the Democrats support him on that.....

Are you trying to tell us that Obozo and the Democrats are......(gasp)..... actually TERRORISTS?????
i think there's a level of acceptable collateral damage, and it isn't in the hundreds to one range.
Evidently you have no understanding of the capabilities of our missiles.....

If the strike on Bin Laden would have taken out 300 people (like Clinton claims), the strike would have taken out several city blocks (unless all of those people were hanging out at Bin Laden's house).... So if we are to believe that figure, the strikes that Obama is making with the same missiles would have to obliterate entire villages!!!!!

So, you tell me, is Obama committing mass murder, or did Clinton obviously inflate his figures????
i'm going to assume that 20 years later those 'same missiles' and the drones we use to deliver them are somewhat improved.

i'm also going to assume that not all intelligence is the same, and without knowing what clinton knew, i choose not to second guess the decision or his lack of prescience.
The report I've seen was dated the 16th not the 1st?

It's old news that a terrorist group claimed responsibility immediately.

Then why the video lie? LOL

You mean the talking points for the Sunday talk show for the 16th?

No, I mean the lie about the video and the "spontaneous" attack.
You have a lot of nerve complaining about lies when you, and every other 'conservative' that has visited this thread, continue to ignore that you very clearly lied in your OP.
The report I've seen was dated the 16th not the 1st?

It's old news that a terrorist group claimed responsibility immediately.

Then why the video lie? LOL

You mean the talking points for the Sunday talk show for the 16th?

No, I mean the lie about the video and the "spontaneous" attack.

So you think collateral damage to take out a significant target is wrong.....

But Obozo likes to rely almost solely on using drones to take out terrorists, even if it means putting a Hellfire missile up granny's wazoo at a family picnic, and the Democrats support him on that.....

Are you trying to tell us that Obozo and the Democrats are......(gasp)..... actually TERRORISTS?????
i think there's a level of acceptable collateral damage, and it isn't in the hundreds to one range.
Evidently you have no understanding of the capabilities of our missiles.....

If the strike on Bin Laden would have taken out 300 people (like Clinton claims), the strike would have taken out several city blocks (unless all of those people were hanging out at Bin Laden's house).... So if we are to believe that figure, the strikes that Obama is making with the same missiles would have to obliterate entire villages!!!!!

So, you tell me, is Obama committing mass murder, or did Clinton obviously inflate his figures????
i'm going to assume that 20 years later those 'same missiles' and the drones we use to deliver them are somewhat improved.

i'm also going to assume that not all intelligence is the same, and without knowing what clinton knew, i choose not to second guess the decision or his lack of prescience.
About the only part of your statement that I can agree with is "not all intelligence is the same".... Obama is living proof of that.

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